Thursday, June 03, 2004

Dear Shortstory fans...

People want to read them, but be warned, both of them are not funny. Pleasant maybe but not funny at all. Trying to learn how to create a scene, make characters, build a story and end gracefully. Heavily influenced by Mumbai too.

Will mail them tonight I guess. Got a few more things in Mumbai to wrap up before I hit the skies. But rest assured that the posts will flow in incessantly.

Most of the next few posts will be traveloguish. And have lots of food in them. Gourmands of the world unite!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sidhin,
Am a friend of sushma....been reading ur stuff for a while...loved ur style of writing....u should probably start writing humor books.....keep up the good work...

Anonymous said...

Read two of your posts as forwards from friends in the space of a week. You do have a funny bone. There was an offer to mail two of your short stories to people who would leave their mail ids as a comment. If that still holds, my id is

Anonymous said...

Dear Shortstory writer ( or is it wud be),

U r a gifted dude
What u write is thumping good

I believe ur stories too will be fun
Let me read them when ur done

Hope they will leave all begging for more
Mail me fast what u have in ur store

u can reach me at