Friday, March 24, 2006

I Pink therefore I am...

As I do every few months I was cleaning out my music CDs and DVDs today. They have a habit of getting into the wrong cases and then finally disappear without a trace especially if they are very expensive or rare. While doing this I noticed something peculiar. Peculiar because I am an engineer MBA and, as everyone knows, engineer MBAs like the sort of music they can listen to while lounging on grass and breathing in fresh clean air and, especially, vice versa. But wait. I actually have albums by people like:

Bryan Adams
Dire Straits
Bon Jovi
The Bee Gees
Hootie and the Blowfish
Boney M etc. etc.

While I completely detest Metallica, Iron Maiden and all of those types and have nothing by them. Even when it comes to Pink Floyd I can hardly stand just a couple of tracks (Gasp! You say?). I find most of the songs just too weird. To me it all sounds like:

(Deep booming sound)

Completely wasted guy: Coming intooh the dahrkness…

(Twang… boom)

Anywhere-ere-ere but where you are… are…are (echo echo)

(Crash… shuffle shuffle… pouring water…)

Light is where the truth begins to gargle

(Crash… tinkle tinkle… bang…)

The smoke is green… or blue... even (very grave vocals…) magentaaaaaahhhhhh (climax then fade)


You get the picture right. But I also find Raveena Tandon very hot, Celina Jaitley an eyesore and I positively adore Amisha Patel. Nothing makes my heebie-jeebies go hubba-hubba like Kareena Kapoor. Is this a problem? Will I become socially outcast? Am I abnormal?

I am scared… scared… scared… scared… (Twang!… CRASH)


ashwin sundar said...

First comment me..well everyone r entitled to opinions but for me floyd will always remain in the top draw..and hope your book releases soon

T E Zacharias said...

*GASP!* I can understand if people have different tastes in music... but "adore " Amisha Patel..."hubba-hubba" for Karena Kapoor ... WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO??? DIE! DIE! DIE!

T E Zacharias said...
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Ali Thanikkal said...
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Anonymous said...

yes you are.
accept it sidin vadukut u are abnormal.
Remember u quit your job and is currently exploring craters in aurangabad.


Anonymous said...

You don't like Pink Floyd??? Damn!!
I had "High Hopes" after the grass bit but now I am "Lost for Words"


Vamsi said...

Nope...I'm not lying but i can relate to your choices very much. The Music & The Ladies you talk about.
Amisha is a hottie.
I drool over Kareena.
As a kid i used to do (like) Raveena Tandon.

Three posts in 2 days..!! Man..sure a treat for ur starved readers.

Daysleeper said...

yup. it's abnormal. but have no fears about being a social outcast. ppl will be laughing so hard, they won't notice. :)

Scoot said...

first time in here.interesting posts:)

Falstaff said...

Forget the women, you're telling me (us) that you'd pick the Bee Gees over Metallica? The Bee Gees?!! And here I was thinking that mile wide depression on the horizon was a meteor crater. Turns out it's just your absence of musical taste.

Aparna S Mallya said...

Amisha Patel? Kareena Kapoor? Raveen Tandon?
uh... no comments ...

Sankalp said...

How can an engineer not like pf/metallica etc.?

Okay, that is forgivable, but Raveena Tandon hot? Hubba for Kareena? Come on!

Dev said...

I can dig where u're comin from dude!!!
Never understood the hoopla over all these in college.. and probably never will.... :)
Btw, linked ya... :)

Anonymous said...

Brilliant Brilliant stuff...introduced to this blog only recently..hooked already..
tell you what , thought you could have been more imaginative with the title than " I PINK therefore i am.."
Any oblique references there to the punk female who goes by the same name and hence a reflection of your tastes ?

ilavanji said...

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Anonymous said...

guys! variety is the spice of life-tastes differ. but whats this thing abt musick all of a sudden?ur taste almost matches mine..except certain replacements-amisha with abishek bacchan and raveena with hrithik

Anonymous said...

amisha patel?raveena tandon?kareena kapoor?
you disaapoint me sidin!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you're losing it sidin dude...dont try too hard...

J. Alfred Prufrock said...

(slow blink as I see the feet of clay ... disintegrating)

Well ... I thought Raveena Tandon was fairly attractive in tight clothes (or, presumably, altogether out of them). But Ameesha? Kareena?!!

I shall not even discuss your taste in music. You HAVE no taste in music. (Knopfler with Yanni and Timberlake? DIE, you alien!)

(stalks off in high dudgeon, ignoring Sidin's broken sobs and pleas for "jaast kaa-eendly conseedaar, saar")

(wisely refrains from editing the Bloglines subscription)

(watch this space ...)


Anonymous said...

My first time here, came in from a link at dev's place...

I personally can't stand Kareena Kapoor - she iritates the crap out of me. On the other hand, I also can't listen to heavy metal & the likes of Metallica-ish bands...

So my diagnosis of you is that you're not abnormal, you're just honest enough to admit your true tastes.

Then again in today's herd mentality world, that does make you abnormal.


PS: Liked the blog, am blogrolling you!

If I tell ya, I'll have to kill ya said...

walk towards the light sidin. walk towards the light....

I always knew the perfect man didn't exist.

dazedandconfused said...

"...lounging on grass and breathing in fresh air or vice versa...", loved that part.
As for the women, Raveena Tandon was the object of my wet dreams when I was 14. Remember "Tipp Tipp Barsa Paani...??!" :)

Unknown said...

Zingaro beer...

did`nt know it had after effects... :)

Indianpeppone said...

Love Amisha, kareena??
Hate Metallica, Pink Floyd??
Hope u dont put that in ur book!

Anonymous said...

concur with your taste in music. IMHO, it is just a heard mentality which makes people *think* they like PF.

shub said...

uhhh am I the only one on whom the sarcasm here isn't lost?!
but you mentioned Kareena Kapoor and DIRE STRAITS in the same breath!

venus said...

amisha, kareena or the hot hot girl? Well, I can understand why you don't like pinl floyd or dire straits now ;)

Anonymous said...

Kareena Kapoor?

Gosh Sidin.. I was about to leave my groom search and come propose to you. Now re-thinking.

ok. Am not.

Chitra said...

Tee are not. You just belong to the rare(r) species

PuneetM said...

Your blog displays google ads for Pink Floyd dvds and just below that you say the band is so so typse...
How will it make ppl do more clicks?
Think in $ economics and change the post... :)

Ekta said...

Hey sidin,
First time on ur blog and enjoyed reading it..
U can let everything else pas...but floyd..!:-))...Cmon..maybe u havent tried hard enugh to listen to floyd!..Give it another shot...and am sure u'll own one CD in your collection!

Anonymous said...

You make even the mundane interesting. Wish people would read and enjoy the humor or thought instead of arguing over Pink Floyd and Ravina Tandon.

the Monk said...

dude, I totally understand..i think i've even done a post about musical preferences too were a little offbeat, to say the least...

Karthik said...

freak ;)

Anonymous said...

And I thought (endangered) species like you (and me) are almost on the verge of extinction!!!

Anonymous said...

It's 4 days and no new posts. Waiting for more. Dont make us to wait for long.


Anonymous said...

You have an utterly despicable taste (if there is one! :)) ) in music...Floyd =
Are u freakin nuts? ;)

Anonymous said...

congrats on that piece on business line. keep up d good work.
bold decision to give up tht cusion job.
take care

Ramaa Iyer said...

You & abnormal..Kabhi nahin

cloud9ine said...

okay now, what's so special about pink floyd, guys...?

just kidding, don't flood my blog pls..

Sidin, take it slow and don't shock ur readers pls...

BTW > blogrolling you

Myndfcukd said...

People with deviant behaviour are needed in society to show the sheep where to flock.

Ramaa Iyer said...

You & abnormal..Kabhi nahin

Anonymous said...

Whatever, But Linkin Park is probably the best that's happened to Heavy Metal

jk said...

son, you are entering a world of pain!

this won't stand man, this aggression won't stand!

Dhanya said...

I loved you for hating all those jazzy ear barring stuff, although some seemed to disagree. u r the first one from REC trichy who seems to be out of it ALL...

But I hated you for loving raveena, kareena and the like...that makes things a little weird. don't u think?

Sankalp said...

@ ks: man, lp isnt heavy metal. and much better things have happened to rock music than lp.

Sujeet Kuchibhotla said...

well i read the whole bevy of comments on ur bevy of babes.. and got reminded of a particular quote ...Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder ...wonder how people could forget that...regarding music...i feel even music is the same case...although i listen to all that u do and also pink floyd and dint really understand the whole hullabaloo over your choice...perfectly normal mate...and rush in the book!!!!


Sujeet Kuchibhotla

Virdi said...

KAEENA KAPOOR???? well she has a good skin... thats it nothing else... and u cant love the whole of kareena kapoor just because her skin is good... or can you???


dreamer said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Kusum Rohra said...

Raveena tandon! Thats the lowest low one can fall :) oops i am wrong u hve mentioned kareena too right *yikes*

Aslan said...

Haha. Hoho. I know (hope) you're just being sarcastic :)

Neo said...

i sure do hope, this is ur new style of being sarcastic - esp the bollywood heroines part!!:P

IdeaSmith said...

Hee hee...self-deprecating and funny? Makes for a good post, though.

Rubic_Cube said...

Sidin - I know this is going to sound like a typical Indian match matching style, but can't help it - I am blogrolling you because I like your blog and you happen to be my jigri friend's friend's schooltime buddy boy. :-)

And as far as PF is concerned, bro. Take it easy. Dwell in on the album "Division Bell". Let it sink into you. And then make a decision. :-)

PF is the God! I dont know if it has anything to do with Engineering grads. But PF would have been a natural choice for me.

And those gals dont even deserve a mention. puh-leaaaaaaaaase!!

Kusum Rohra said...

*dramatically* Oh my god! you blogrolled me!! *muahh* i hope you didn't do this in the hopes of being seduced. I will forever be loyal to obelix :)

How about putting my name instead of my blog title :)...

Anonymous said...

Gosh, cut the guy some slack people! Man, they all seem so disappointed in you! People are so weird.

Anonymous said...

Dude, while I cannot quite fathom Boyzone etc, I totally support you on Pink Floyd. So many Eng types just profess to like PF because it is perceived as cool. Frankly, they are very overrated and I have heard better local bands at Mood -I than Floyd.
To all those who like Floyd : try listening to some of the bands currently playing or at least those who produced their music AFTER you were born. Stop being pretentious pseuds and admit to what you like, not stuff that you think is cool.Metallica is utter bull crap too as is Iron Maiden.
Get a life posers and kudos to Sidin for telling it like it is.

stan_da_man said...

dudeeeee........... someone else said.. evryone has his/her own weird taste in music...

for me..PF n DS n Met rule!

manji said...

the music is fine dude...

i agree with dhanya when she wrote "But I hated you for loving raveena, kareena and the like..." ...

quills said...

Hmm..perhaps on the fence..could go both ways. But I do like your taste in music although I like a few Pink Floyd tracks as well.

Bunky Jumping Pundit said...

hey no worries!! i am an MBA too...i also dont like the hard rock... be proud that u are one among the normal human beings...this is my forst visit....enjoyed reading ur blog...cheers

Anonymous said...

Why not listen to Just good old Kihore Kumar. Kay ko faltu lfade main padne ka?

Anonymous said...

totally understand why people who smoke up love Floyd but all these other lesser beings who can't even roll a J, let alone know what it's to be stoned,what on earth do you find in Pink Floyd??? :-D

neo said...

loL!! interestin way to end it!

but not all metal music bands are like tat.. maybe a lil patience wit it.. u'll start to like the beat..

twang ... boom .. chrrasshh!

Sayesha said...

Haha! I'm one of the few who likes Raveena Tandon too! :)

SOPETI said...

And I like Karrreeeiiinnnnaaa very much....

Gaurav said...


First person I know of you can write about MetallicA and Amisha Patel in the same post.

And I think a second shall take a loooong time to come

63n1 said...

*gasp* *choke* *stifle* how could someone NOT like Pink Floyd!!

Their music transcends time and genre. Maybe you've never been melancholic. The next time your girl ditches you, slide that Pink Floyd CD in, and just feel the music.

63n1 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Domain Guru said...

I notice that the young crowd who frequent your blog are frowning over your choice of BeeGees...

Anyone who has heard the song 'Guilty' by Barry Gibb and Barbara Streisand and still prefers Metallica deserves to have his eardrums punctured..

Domain Guru said...

oh, I forgot to mention...
philistines who aren't exposed to good music can download the song 'Guilty' by Barry Gibb and Barbara Streisand from this place:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sid... long time since one commented... excellent posts - as usual.

There is hope if you're not into that noise that is Metallica, Iron Maiden...etc.

But Kareena? Ahem... much as I love you... Kareena?!!

Anyway, to each his own.

Any excerpts of the book on your blog? And where all are your columns cming out? Tell us...


Rahul said...

You've got delicate eardrums. And give Kareena some credit please :(

Anonymous said...

Hey, anybody knows any way other than P2P(the place that I am in, they have firewalls), any site where I can download free Western music?

jak said...

Listen to Billy Joel's "We didn't start the fire". It'll cure you of all the worldly doubts.

Kanishka said...

checked your blog after a while and it was worth the wait! great pieces all 3 of them.

What was really interesting was the reaction to the I Pink post by most people. Funny how people with thump their chests with laughter when you make fun of Venkatesh Prasad but come out with their claws sharpened if Pink Floyd is ridiculed!

Loved the Pink Floyd musical recreation though!

Domain Guru said...

During the late 80's there was a leader called Mahendra Singh Tikait.(He's still there in the scene but terribly low-key.) He had some pretensions of being leader of farmers and he wanted to usurp the political space of Devi Lal, Balram Jakhar etc. He really had a nuisance value in those days.

On one of those of protests of his, he thought of an idea of marching to New Delhi with all his farmers and lay seige to India Gate. He thought he would stay put in India Gate lawns along with his jat friends from Haryana, and flex his muscle.

Now, anyone who's visited India Gate lawns in the evenings during winter would recall the soft, melodius Shiv-Hari's music (has any one here heard of 'Call of the valley') played over the speakers kept in the sideways of lawn.

The night Tikait swamped the India Gate and threatened a massive show of farmer-power with a sit-in, Rajiv Gandhi decided to hit back with his own Doon brand of humor.

Throughout the night, when the tired farmers were trying to snatch some sleep in the mosquito-filled air, the santoor-flute music was replaced and all of a sudden, loud music, real 'head bangers ball' started blaring over the speakers and continued till late in the early morn.

Unable to sleep, and robbed of the will to fight, the farmers' stir soon dissipated into thin air.

What did Rajiv Gandhi and his buddies do? They played Deep Purple,Jethro Tull and Pink Floyd throughout the night!

mukku said...

wonderful humour sidin....wish ppl would just appreciate the humour, instead of making it a forum of musical and bollywood tastes !!

Anonymous said...

well written but your choice of music is pathetic. I feel like spitting
sorry for being harsh at that, but i really cant believe THIS!! Aweful!! Have you heard songs from the dark side of the moon? If no, please go hear it. Remember, you are belittling the legends. Metallica and Floyd, they rock!

Anonymous said...

hey, just off topic, as a suggestion, why don't you write something on the recent 50% reservations debate!
I feel you have got the audience which very few bloggers enjoy and so can make an impact if you try to put up a discussion here....

i am not an active participant in your blog though i check it out once in a while... but then i thought suggestions will always be welcome :)

Anonymous said...

didnt expect this out of you. Are you sardar? Floyd is the best!

Anonymous said...

Do you play the guitar? Am sure you dont. thats why you dont recognize Floyd's talent. I pity you, music-illiterate!!

Anonymous said...

Am not an engineering student and I love Floyd and Metallica, not because they sound 'cool' but because they possess true talent. Mood-I??? So, are you this loser from IIT Mumbai?? You are comparing legends to locals?? Somebody, please get a psychiatrist for Mr.X. He deserves to be treated for his deteriorating mental health.

Anonymous said...

Any person with even meagre knowledge of playing the electric guitar will not say whatever you have said of Floyd, Sidin. That just proves you need some guitar lessons. Come to me for those lessons or please DIE!!

Mind Curry said...

Floyd! Gasp!! what are you saying!! They are the Gods ;)

Pantha said...

Boyzone? Bee Gees? Boney M? I am not sure what you were thinking (or smoking) when you wrote this blog. Do you know that most of Boyzone's songs are copied from other artists? You put these boys in the same column as Mark Knopfler? Your blogs has been a fascinating read - I often recommended links to your blogs to my friends. After this blog, you have started losing my respect ...

Anonymous said...

Is this Sidin or is this some jerk posting on Sidin's blog?? Was not expected of the great Sidin. Floyd is THE BEST!!
Did u hear me?

styleguy said...

99th I am....1 more....and you'll complete a century of comments...whoaaaa...that's some feat !!

Nonetheless....I agree with the two statements abt Ameesha and true ;-)

Abhi said...

Don't have to say anything about the music.But a lamppost would have jumped at the chance to be the 100th guy to comment.

Anonymous said...

more than the post it is the comments section that is illuminative..

Sad to see IIT guys too exhibiting herd traits ..they're getting too cliched in their tastes.....
Pink Floyd
J D Salinger
Douglas Adams
Q Tarantino
Pls add to the list...

Scribbler said...

Dang! There goes my liking of Floyd. All those CDs... anyone want 'em?

Anonymous said...

it looks more like greatness being thurst upon you. This post of yours did not deserve even a single comment.

Anonymous said...

I link therefore i am

Anonymous said...

I blink therefore I am

Anonymous said...

Comfortably dumb!!

Anonymous said...



Domain Guru said...

Rock music is now a fave weapon of mental destruction for FBI guys too...

They have used it extensively in Guantanamo Bay and in Iraq..if it was good, they would'nt have played it, would they?
" In Afghanistan, Zakim Shah, a 20-year-old Afghan farmer, was forced to stay awake while in American custody by soldiers blasting music and shouting at him. Shah told the New York Times that after enduring the pain of music, "he grew so exhausted...that he vomited." In Guantánamo Bay, Eminem, Britney Spears, Limp Bizkit, Rage Against the Machine, Metallica (again) and Bruce Springsteen ("Born in the USA") have been played at mind-numbing volumes, sometimes for stretches of up to fourteen hours, at detainees. And at Abu Ghraib, Saddam Salah al-Rawi, a 29-year-old Iraqi, told a similar story."
- from

It is illuminating to know that rock music, which we seem to worship blindly - because not liking it would be so un-cool and so un-herd - is considered a form of fact, it is even said to be an assault on human rights..

If you've any doubt, do a google search for 'torture music'..

Anonymous said...

You are the most over-rated blogger around---I sometimes wonder whether all these fans of yours are none other than you in disguise. Infantile attempts at humor only induce encomiums from alter-egos.

Anonymous said...

Sidin might be the top of the mountain for now... but wait till his brother starts to roll his fancy pair of dice!


In The Shadows said...

I havent read all comments. Just wanted to say that PinkFloyd actually grows on you. You wont like it at first. Listen to the few radio-friendly ones couple of times and move to the wierder ones.

BTW, even I find the earlier albums of PF a bit strange. Those were the days when they were high on drugs. Which album did you listen to. I recommend that you start listening to Pink Floyd with "Division Bell" and then the Wall. The wall is bit like what you described, but follow the lyrics. One of the best lyrics I have ever heard. Not for nothing was the PF leadman Roger Waters considered the best lyricist.

On Raveena, I too found her hot. Curves at the right places and the right amount of chubbiness. ;-) Same for Amisha. Dont agree on Kareena though. Maybe beautiful, but I dont find her so , plus too much attitude.

In The Shadows said...

I havent read all comments. Just wanted to say that PinkFloyd actually grows on you. You wont like it at first. Listen to the few radio-friendly ones couple of times and move to the wierder ones.

BTW, even I find the earlier albums of PF a bit strange. Those were the days when they were high on drugs. Which album did you listen to. I recommend that you start listening to Pink Floyd with "Division Bell" and then the Wall. The wall is bit like what you described, but follow the lyrics. One of the best lyrics I have ever heard. Not for nothing was the PF leadman Roger Waters considered the best lyricist.

On Raveena, I too found her hot. Curves at the right places and the right amount of chubbiness. ;-) Same for Amisha. Dont agree on Kareena though. Maybe beautiful, but I dont find her so , plus too much attitude.

R Girls said...

For sure if u r positive about Amisha Patel as an actress then abnormal.But it shouldnt bother you. Seeing the number of commentators in your blog it doesnt seem so that u r or may be outcasted..

Anonymous said...

Gosh! You are actually sharing your "possible outcast" status with me for the same particular reasons... though I guess it took me a few years to "graduate" to folk country and celtic.. and sometime before I start finding Pink Floyd too methodical and mechanical musically. Metallica, Iron Maiden, Dream theater.. sometimes I wodner why I try to push myself to listen to them.

And Kareena and Amisha are reall Hubba-Hubba (amazing that you use this word!)

Blues have their own cliche which make them vulnerable..
"a big mama has been shot in Memphis"
"Sheriff got Billy the hired hand on the tipsy ranch, by which the river flows.."

and so on... but they are much more soulful, and far from jarring..

A musing commoner.. Engineer-MBA!

Anonymous said...

It's quite amusing to see people get so harried about Pink Floyd and Metallica being called trash. While I love most of the songs of the two bands, I believe that quite simply everyone's got a right to an opinion.

It's also a basic reason why there's place in the world for a lot of people to succeed. If everyone's supposed to like only one thing, then there's no place for anything else to become a hit!

Think about it...

Anonymous said...

I think you achieved your goal...wanted to stir things up a bit, and you did, n how!

Because personally, I don't think there could be people that went 'hot' about the women you mentioned.

And music, well, there are dudes that faint on hearing Himmesh Reshammiya (I hope I din't spoil his numerological niceties with the spelling), so youo could co-exist with them.

All I can say is that Bon Jovi was probably wiping his snot on his elder sister's frock when Iron Maiden were rocking away...

Floyd said...

All kinds of opinions!

Floyd rules is an eternal fact.

And as they say, it takes all sorts to make the world

Anonymous said...

You are really good!!!(the posts) n thats all I wanna say.

Somdeb Sengupta said...

Dude .. i happen to see your blog after being refered by a frnd .. i liked a few .. but with this one u disappointed me ... ur comments about Pink Floyd really hurt .. yes ... see .. no1 is perfect ..and so u r ... u ve a good grip over language but i must say .. ur music taste .. well nothing .. u lack taste in this field ..

Anonymous said...

Great writing Sidin. But pls do check out the meaning of 'heebie jeebies" at

Pantha said...

I think Sidin learnt not to comment about music - there was kind of an unanimity against his taste. Well it's good for the readers (and himself)! Goodluck with the new book by the way. Can I get hold of a copy in London?
PS: Metallica Rocks - you need to play the guitar to understand them!! In India, you might not get music which are a bit alternative like Goo Goo Dolls or Jack Johnson - try those if you can. They are good *but* should be about your taste. A last word of caution: stop listening to Boyzone otherwise I (and I am sure a few more) will stop reading your posts ;).

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