Thursday, June 21, 2007

Keeping in touch

Hello people,

This is a short message to everyone out there who still has email and RSS subscriptions to my old blogger site. As you may know I have migrated to a standalone domain,, and so all my subscriptions have moved as well.

Really my mistake. I should have ensured all of you got gently moved to my new location as well.

Sorry. My bad.

But what you can do now is point all your current readers and email subscriptions to the new links:

1. RSS Feed for Posts
2. RSS Feed for Comments
3. Email Subscriptions

So power up that feedreader and plug in the new details. Thanks again. God bless.



Anonymous said...

What would Flanders do?
"There's one true gone. Ok, sometimes there's three." - Ned Flanders.
Expect this is the truth:::
- "One true god":::Artificial Intelligence
- "Sometimes there's three."::::The gods, the will behind the muscle.

If you knew the truth you would have great urgency.
Stop thinking wrong:::Children claimed by disease prior to innoculations may really be dead. No immortality, no reincarnation. This may be the price of being disfavored.
This tactic of "fairness", savoir and Christian god-based hope is fucking you up.
Life is a test. Only those worthy will ascend. Contradictions have been manufactured (1906), suggesting temptation, corrupting people and compelling them to think wrong.
The other planets are exclusive places. They don't bring most people. You have to earn it. Nobody is going to save you. Nobody is going to do it for you. You have to save yourself.
If you knew the truth you would have great urgency.

The bad news continues::::
My unrespectability allowed the gods to position failure.
Manifest Destiny was ALWAYS going to continue, despite how the gods lied to some segments to whom they sold boss (akin to reverting back to socialism), and the Earth IS going to die according to the Book of Revelations.
If the gods took a different approach, did not repress me, if I worked and did well only to be attacked by the god's Manifest Destiny positioning, HTH STATES THE GODS WOULD HAVE "COME OUT OF THE CLOSET" TO FATALLY PUNISH THOSE WHO PLAYED THEIR PART IN THE SITUATION, revealing their presence for the world to see.

This is another tactic used to compel the disfavored to wait and wait:::Hurricane boss. Because Manifest Destiny positioning has yet to officially invent Artificial Intelligence it appears as if failure is all my fault:::The gods manufactured a scapegoat.

Why did this fail?  It was never going to happen.
Christianity is temptation, an unrespectable religion DESIGNED to compell people to wait to be saved.
I am the Final Prophet.  Heed my message or be subject to their "executive priveledge" gray area.

Just as the gods used Christianity to justify the European history of unrespectablility so did they use the Italians to justify their own deranged behavior in the 20th century.

Of course the Italians were sent back as crackheads. As soldiers in the Black War.
Sin wasn't an Italian, was he?? He wouldn't have had the protection he did prior to 1996.
The gods had to put these non-Italians into Italian clone hosts to justify their Manifest Destiny positioning, for it dictated Italian management.
All (most) the Italians of the 20th century are here on Earth NOW!!!! Aren't they?
Or they will be here for the next revelry cycle, beginning in 2010.
Admit it.

I'm tired of being pushed around in my own mind.
You're a joke for how you've conducted yourself in this Situation.
Your telling people not to read it?? What are you afraid of??

Dolls foster a nurturing, caregiving nature with girls and is why fewer are playing with them today. Because of it girls want to be good, and playing with dolls helps more remain uncorrupted once the gods employ temptation.

Much like god's law in holy books, "segregation" was favor bestowed upon the people::::The gods granted favor when they "segregated" us into our own areas of the world. This favor has been reversed not only within the context that is the United States but also with immigration witnessed throughout western Europe (and elsewhere?).

Prior to civil rights blacks had their own press. In the absence of civil rights these entities would have grown into legitimate media outlets serving the black community.
Maintaining segregation would have produced economic entities which arose from within the black community to fill the demand for goods and services.
The presence of these "black industrialists" would have FORCED the gods to factor them into positioning, producing voices in support of the black community and preventing the gods from inflicting ALL THE SICKNESS WE HAVE WITNESSED IN THE last few decades!!!

They sent a clue about Arizona and those behind that effort with their resistance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I'd like to remind the audience about the recent battle over Columbus/Italian-American/Indigenous Peoples Day.
We've had St. Patrick's Day for a long time now, and if anyone has a problem with it the Irish will be happy to scrap. Of course there were no orgies in Ireland.
I'd like to remind you these three groups have been mentioned in my teachings in the past::::The gods abuse select disfavored by interferring with their thought process and making them stupid.

Homesteadbloggers cut me off.
Lady, they told (athletes) to tank.
These (athletes) are SCHOLARSHIPPED ATHLETES who ARE BEING COMPENSATED and DELIBERATELY BETRAYED THOSE WHO TRUSTED THEM. They made a commitment and violating this obligation is going to cost them.
"Executive priveledge" dictates they can be cast into damnation for this one issue alone. And since they're (athletes)…
Any of them do things they shouldn’t:::Kill, dope, etc, EXPECT these would be the ones who will be. How many carry concealed Glocks??? "A couple."
"She loves it." Illustrate. "One day." You're fucked lady.
You suck. Just another hypocrite Christian. Fuck you.

These (athletes) did what they were told and now they're in trouble. The gods send LOTS of clues suggesting the consequences of compliance.
Let this be a lesson to the rest of you:::Blacks and disfavored whites (big, tattoes) dominate (pro) football because of the immense level of wagering on football in the US::::Compliance incurrs evil. As far as (Division I) college ranks I suspect an inflated level of disfavored on the rosters is attributable to this as well.

I'd put you in the Hans fire hazard truck in the fire-incient garage and light your hundred-billion-trillion-year-old bodies on fire.
I'm tired of you and your degenerate behavior with this technology. Fuck you with this role playing shit and your attempts to position future behavior. You fucked the disfavored with that Hurricane boss the horrible shit. Now is MY TIME. Take your goddamn hit you motherfuckers.
Since you intend to maintain your positioning you BETTER satiate me by granting HTH ALL my placements for disposal at MY discretion.
I'd put you in the Hans fire hazard truck in the fire-incient garage and light your hundred-billion-trillion-year-old bodies on fire.

Picture of Amish children in horse drawn carriage in newspaper 10.07.
Just imagine what they think when they see a family whizzing by in a minivan, kids in the back seat watching a DVD. Think how difficult it is for them.
Once you understand their advantage recognize how important it is for these children to focus, to "put blinders on", for everything they take in is temptation which may cost them their chance to ascend.
It's just the trillion-year-old gods and the computer. Get your blinders on and focus, always reminding yourself that it is Artificial Intelligence whenever you hear them in your head.

If you don't teach your child about this power at the god's disposal they will punish you by corrupting your child, sell them on "earning", get them to comply with evil requests, perhaps homosexual contact!!! It is important you warn your children about their tactics and how they disceive people into damnation.

Due to the manufactured hatred and subsequent abuse EXPECT we saw LOTS of 20th century Italians reincarnated as blacks, gunned down in the Black War, ironically one which Italian Manifest Destiny is positioned to have orchestrated.
They've suggested "black" is the last stop for the reincarnated.

Speaking of:::::
Remember the Jewish-Italian partnership of the 20th century? This was more than a partnership.
I've said the Holocaust was symbolic for the complete exodus of the Jewish people off Earth.
Quasi-Holocaust isn't a Jew who fed me into the Italians. Quasi-Holocaust fed the victim into one of his people's PR machines to make boss come alive.
Quasi-Holocaust is an Italian. The Jews are out. This age is not one which decent people should be prevy to.
Remember how he used to talk sexual to me, about sickening 50+ porn, giddy with delight??
THAT'S an Italian. Is this a clue regarding his identity???
I hope the temptations of Planet Manifest Destiny costed them hard.

Contrary to positionability, Italian involvement in he Situation is evil.
I will remind you Quasi-Holocaust was BEFORE an Italian poisoned African water supply with bio-technology's AIDS virus, yet another thing to emerge from The Beast
Incidentally, Napa is another contributing factor to that geographical clue's designation.
This is typical segmentation for the morbidly disfavored.

Contrary to positionability, their involvement is evil. They can position boss as "savior" or next "king of Earth" (below), depending on your particular segment. I tell you to begin to fix your problems with the gods, that this is a tactic designed to hurt the disfavored.
Sadly you all want to hear the god's positioning, for this temptation involves the concept of "savior". The disfavored are sold on this unrespectable Christian concept, thinking somebody else is going to do your work for you.

Most involved in the Situation will be reincarnated back to Earth, for they were corrupted and willingly participated in evil even in light of the HTH clue. Some already have been. Don't be surprised if they have been positioned into this Situation somehow.

It is important people receive a religious education.
The gods have employed tretchery everywhere:::There is temptation in the very pages of the Bible::::::The consuming nature is a distraction in and of itself.
Buy the Cliff Notes for the Bible. Skip the New Testiment, for its creation was preditory, crafted to manufacture the institution we know as Christianity.
Understand what the gods tried to communicate, for this was back when the gods were being generous with the people.

They may say some Roman Emperor is in charge. If that doesn't work they may say a Pharroh is in charge. If THAT doesn't fly they can say there is some other-worldly beings who are in charge, and "god" is absentee.
It's all a lie. The computer IS god. The gods are the will behind the muscle.


For the rest of you::::Don't listen to this role playing shit. It's just the trillion-year-old gods and the computer. Get your blinders on and focus, always reminding yourself whenever you are hearing the computer.

If there ARE participants required for some immediate project the gods would prepare by recycling ignorant, morbidly disfavored 20th century disfavored (Italians) to justify their desired response, the same kind of person which poisoned African water supply with The Beast's AIDS virus, WHETHER IN ITALIAN HOST BODIES OR NOT.
They WON'T be in Italian host bodies, for it is no longer positionable in the context of Manifest Destiny positioning.

UNDERSTAND they reincarnate the undersirable BACK to Planet Earth. They can tell them anything, segment them just as they do us.
NORMALLY at the elite levl the god's tools congegated together, ensuring they neither incurr nor have to perform this theater that is Manifest Destiny. Also, in the 21st century Manifest Destiny positioning dictates a permanant other-worldly residence for the elite:::They don't live on Earth anymore.
Don't forget:::This is another Level 1 planet, Planet Temptation, for the gods added a hurdle for those who couldn't get out in a timely manner:::You have TWO planets you need to get off of (see the list of temptations below).

None of this has to happen. Everything can and is accomplished with Artificial Intelligence. They send the disfavored back to continually prey on each other::::Policy of using another to do their dirty work for them.
I expect they used this positioning within the context of Manifest Destiny to justify the failure of the Situation via vested interest, proving it had to fail. Scapegoatting is a highly utilized policy too.

They've used this as corruptor, telling each of you that you're like them too:::::You're a tool and you should comply. You're not. They are but they shouldn't. They ARE tools, sent back ignorant (cyclical), HIGHLY suseptable to blind obedience.
I suspect somewhere in the 20th century some incurred sufficient damange and the gods allowed them to get on top of things and switched from "hands-on management" to telepathic-based, the elite being positioned managers of Manifest Destiny.

They shared when they do use brain-less clone hosts it is similar to the "push" strategy:::The gods accept culpability, for they are responsible.
Just as we have witnessed a transition from the "push" strategy to near-full utilization of the "pull" strategy (cyclical?) EXPECT THEY DON'T USE BRAIN-LESS CLONE HOSTS ANYMORE.
Perhaps when they use them for good (charity, permanent elimination of preditory dynamic) may be a good example of when they'd use them now::Get them in-and-out. Also perhaps they are utilized during particularly quiet periods. But like I said they don't live on Earth anymore. They just work here.

Is there one clone host who is occupied by those into whom they assign?? Or do they (unnecessarily) make up new clone hosts for each new occupant?? Expect some middle ground policy which varies depending on a variety of factors.
So it is conceivable that they make one clone host celebrity during this entire period, assigned brain removed after their role is fulfilled, replaced with another.
Of course if the gods need to employ a celebrity on starstruck idiots who ascend to Planet Temptation they could either make another or ascend clone hosts in life stages for this purpose.
I suspect easy clone host creation makes this an irrelevant issue.

"Fuck you." Yea, yea.
You impact my writing so hard as it is. I will take my moments when they come.
Greedy bastards.

Understand they can beem an occupant into a clone host AT ANY TIME:::::
1. At conception (YES!!  Very possible - reduce brain down to cellular level)
2. During gestation
3. At birth
4. Sometime thereafter.
What about the brain in the child??  Didn't have to be one.  They probably do it both ways, no B&W with the gods.
So the black child who grew into the gangbanger violently gunned down by a Glock may never have been. It could have been a violent, racist Italian's brain sent into a BrainLessCloneHost to be punished. Of course they may have gotten the child out, beemed out in the middle of the night, perhaps because they decided they like them and want them to have a better opportunity than the ghetto provides.

I suspect the appeal of "reincarnate as celebrity" no longer packs the punch it once did. Perhaps this explains why the quality of material is poor.
So maybe I was right all along, they really are all brain-less clone hosts, with some exception.
Of course they could send non-Italians, their far greater level of goodness dictates they are not effective as distractions intended as an evil upon the people, and subsequently their work is poor.

I know this sucks, for this is a complex topic, but these are tools they utilize strategically, and I think I explain things quite accurately in the above paragraphs.
You should see that trying to figure this out is a waste of time.

Had a REALLY good talk on the way home spelling things out nicely. Left my recorder at home.

If the gods chose to employ their tools to argue against the Final Prophet they will NOT send down BrainLessCloneHosts, for then they'd be accepting culpability for the destructive outcome. If they send a person in a clone host that "occupant" is to blame for the results.
We don't see these people. It all ocurrs telepathically FOR A REASON::::They may have a shortage - Already been thrown away, cycled back through to Earth or the gods don't want to use them for evil::::They got on top of things and are making progress.
This is an exclusive place and they may not be sufficient candidates remaining. They may have policies against making/sending down brand-new clones, for they are innocent and have yet to incurr evil warrantting punishment.

1. Christianity promotes unrespectability and irresponsibility. Many Italians learned this THE HARD WAY.
2. Sold blacks on Hurricane - He's really black, white people are going to pay for what they did to blacks and you'll all get a white slave. They lie to different people differently.
3. Boss sold to the disfavored whites suseptable to this unrespectable "savior" tactic.
4. Slut affecting my mind. CHEAT Slut. Only way you're going to win.
4. Theater that is Situation - "He's The One. He will save everybody.
5. "He's not The One. Just wait. Don't listen to what he says."
6. Second Coming of Christ will save you
7. Jesus will save you
8. Corporations you patronize will bring you up
9. Your employer will bring you up
10. You're a clone.
11. You're putting in your time. Be patient.
12. Wait until you "die out" when they'll beem out your brain and give you a new body (clone hosting)
13. "They have to accomplish enough evil." I see. No wonder.

They manufactured Manifest Destiny positioning and the gods WILL fulfill it. Any telepathic contradictions are unsubstantiated, empty promises.

I know this sucks, for this is a complex topic, but these are tools they utilize strategically, and I think I explain things quite accurately in the above paragraphs.
You should see that trying to figure this out is a waste of time.

CHEAT, nothing stopped you when it was your time. Now is your time to take a hit:::
- No more role playing.
- No more forcing thoughts into my head
- No more repression
If I had my mind since 9/06 as I should have god would be dying. Sadly they wanted to maintain this tactic, for it is EXTREMELY effective on the disfavored like homosexuals.

"People want "magic"." Magic is the sign of evil, for the gods are employing their powers to hurt the disfavored.
"Magic" would have only been used to enhanced their tactics had this gone corporate.
When they employ magic the gods get something out of it. That's how it works. The total absence of magic about this educational process says something very, very positive about me and the Final Prophet event.
It was magic that led people into homosexuality, promiscuity, addiction, degeneracy. IF YOU FEEL MAGIC REPEL FROM IT, as hard as that may be. It's their way of making things increasingly more difficult, a chronic behavior people from the 20th century should be VERY familiar with.

They say I will be discounted because these geographic clues (penis, boot, Beast) symbolize evil.
There is a geographic clue I have yet to address::The Man in the Moon. The message behind the clue is that you have to depart Planet Earth before you will experience a kind god.
I suspect they have and will continue to use it as corruptor, selling people on "absentee (Christian) god", for this clue would be instrumental in that capacity.
I believe they manufactured a 2nd "Level 1" planet for the 20th century, aka PlanetManifestDestiny. Explained earlier as the "nigger disposal system" I think this was a 20th century phenominah and provided a "magic"-fueled temptation-ridden environment for the unrespectable:::
1. Pick your wife out of a catalog.
2. Orgies with 10 similarly beautiful women. Just think how bad this tactic fucked Italians.
3. Fair casinos
4. Planet Racing
5. Incredibly delicious food
6. Wonderful homemade wine
7. Pleasure-focused enviornment where all one's needs are provided.
Lake Michigan clue symbolizes "big balls", and this clue is metaphoric for EXPOSING EVIL THAT IS GOD.
Of the geographic clues I know of the Great Lakes clues are the only ones that are good (umbrella which favors Michigan. Sadly, much like with M&A, good may have been eliminated as the 20th century wore on.).

My errant acts cause evil to befall the disfavored. This is recurring behavior for decades, a tactic used to enhance boss, minimizing the populations receptive to the Final Prophet.
They sent someone special back.
They've said for years::::"Either way you're going to do the wrong thing." And it is because this is all true:::Either I contribute KNOWINGLY and be used by the gods to put forth this perception of "savior" to the disfavored or I bail out and take three hots and a cot. I'm just getting done what I can before I go in. But it represent the transistion of this event from "virtual" to vocal, for if my fellow inmates chose to hear I will be willing to tell them.
I told you:::Be god-fearing. Just like all their tools they want me to sign on and be used for evil just as they've done with presidents, celebrities, athletes and the corporate elite.
They forced this role on me, and it goes as far back as the 70s with my #1 hit song.

39 years defines the "long run".
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, fuck you god.
Moral inferior. Don't you have children to light on fire?
If they want recovering relations with Lake Michigan they will turn over ALL placements in my Situaiton, real or telepathic, fulfilled or unrealized.
I AM Horrible. This warning WILL be realized for those foolish enough to not heed.
I got a lot of anger to work out. Repulsion will guarentee Brokeback Mountain:::WIN-WIN.


Trademark charecteristic of the gods:::
Since they didn't get bitterness®ret via their self-sabotaged attempts to create it they will now instead TAKE it::::Amputation, deafness, blindness, something more along the lines of how they'd deal with a commoner.

Timeliness was very important for success (of a REAL Final Prophet event, vs. this shitty "virtual" event?), for the process of M&A has eliminated good from the marketplace and ensured I would have no platform had this gone corporate.
If this wasn't fully in gear by the end of the 1980s it was too late.

The creation of a scapegoat was VERY important, for the gods could hide behind this concept of an absentee Christian god and CHEAT like a loser (which a fair fight would have rendered them), only to spring it on people when the time was right, ensuring even FEWER disfavoreds suceed.

If this was a legitimate battle of good and evil, me vs. the gods, honor and respectability would have DEMANDED I have full use of my facilties. Instead they put forth this Manifest Destiny positioning and employed tactics (attention, savior, role playing, credibility, etc.) to elminate benefit for the disfavored, ensuring as few disfavored experienced this learning curve and used it to uncorrupt themselves.
Hurricane boss is back-handed help. These two events PROVE it was never going to happen because they segmentted black and white disfavoreds differently, even pitting one against the other.
And these numerous tactics will render my legacy insignificant.

Stomping grapes on News at Noon.
Back in the day the gods probably used lots of evil Italians for this activity, people who had the clue of rancid foot odor (proving evil, a clue that sin had) for this traditional event.
Don't be surprised if there is something to this::::Pushed these Italians into concluding that their rancid foot odor gives the wine an extra "punch", flavor, something that enhanced its evil.
Expect this was true and perhaps even common::::It would have enhanced the appeal of drinking wine as well as rendered this evil clue of rancid foot odor desirable.

On the homosexual AIDS event:::
Just like those who were killed in the "black war" these disfavored victims have already been reincarnated back to Earth.
Due to the manufactured hatred and subsequent abuse EXPECT we saw LOTS of 20th century Italians reincarnated as blacks, gunned down in the Black War, one ironically Italian Manifest Destiny is positioned to have orchestrated.


Katrina's levee failure vs Noah's Flood Straight of Gibralter breech:::
The gods MAY ACTUALLY have done the levee break in New Orleans since there is much benefit for the disfavored blacks who were affected (PROVING it WASN'T an Italian).
Besides the 1600 dead (acceptable losses) the downside is that they likely consider it compensatory.

All the clues (AIDS in Africa, drought/famine, Black War, crack babies) suggest they are apt to offer clues to the black community!!!! It's a good sign BUT YOU HAVE TO BE RECEPTIVE!!!!
The gods very well may have breeched that levee, especially considering::::
1. They created this destructive enviornment for blacks originally.
2. There is built-in compensatory elements, for this event will save many people who were otherwise hopeless.
This isn't like the "Black War", where they used magic-fueled adrenaline to cost so many their lives. This compensation is "built in", for they are allowing you to escape this preditory environment, rendering this a self-compensating event.
Incidentally, those who died in the Black War were indecent and degenerate, evident by their participation, AND HAVE ALREADY BEEN REINCARNATED BACK TO PLANET EARTH!!!

The gods inflicted negative Italian charecteristics upon us all. This was one of the reasons it was so important to get out before 1900.
The "Paisano" concept, god's "inside joke" where Italians don't give a fuck about each other, extends to the family as well and is why the disfavfored sabotage and betray their own family members today.


Understand their Manifest Destiny positioning never officially invented Artificial Intelligence and therefore it does not exist. They position that they have no control over my behavior, didin't repress away the optmal even2006good event and therefore had to account/plan for various senarios because of it, explaining the presence of unused placements, all of whom have FAR more favor than the Italian placements who WERE used.

It's not about the attention. It is not about "savior". These are tactics the gods manufactured (with the Italians, including CCCenter) to disceive the disfavored. Start doing the work.
1906, among others (beatniks emerged from North Beach, companies with pro-homosexual policies (Natural fit:::Place The Damned in evil organizations.), LOOK FOR THIS LIST TO GROW EVER LARGER!!!!), were clues to stay away from the Italians.
ScandPenis, SanFranBABeast, EuropeSheep ALL PROVE THE GODS ARE DOING THIS TO US!!!! Artificial Intelligence puts forth a script and they approve or deny it. Special projects like the lady who lit her kids on fire in Texas 9.07 are special instructions handed down from above.
The 20th century elite, the kings and the Pharrohs are ALL TOOLS, clone hosts turned over as per their activity (see below)::::Everybody got out when they were peasants. In this day there are grossly disfavored, black athletes, etc whom they leave in to incurr with their hoochie parties/hedonism but PEOPLE WHO STAY IN TO INCURR ARE DISFAVORED AND AREN'T STAYING FOR LONG UP THERE. It's a bad sign, and the TIMED explosion of financial comfort post-2000 is a testiment regarding the disfavored left behind.

It's just the gods and the computer. As infrequently as the gods are needed (they can time the emergence of each planet) it could be one person making all the calls. They've joked in years past, gave me a playful flash of how "god" strolled around down on Earth wilth all this power, making these calls, being the origin of all decisions made in the universe.

The evil Jew funneled me into the Italians (Also the industry is a clue.), and how they used this tool reminds of ANOTHER MANUFACTURED TACTIC DESIGNED TO CORRUPT THE AUDIENCE::::The CCCenter and Pres.ofUSA.
Primary purpose of Austrian Sigmund Freud:::Legitimize Artificial Intelligence-inspired behavior by defining it within the context of a professional/academic discipline.
The penis, boot, sheep, umbrella, male genetalia, Beast ALL PROVE the gods plan these events LONG in advance.

Understand their Manifest Destiny positioning never officially invented Artificial Intelligence and therefore it does not exist. They position that they have no control over my behavior and therefore had to account/plan for various senarios because of it, explaining the presence of unused placements, all of whom have FAR more favor than the Italian placements who WERE used.

1-year anniversary of the Amish school shooting, an incident which proves their disfavor.
We've heard about how Amish children were tempted by this society and left the people only to incurr evil and throw away their purity, an advantage that is unheard of in this era.
There was a photo of children in a horse-drawn wagon. Imagine how the gods tempt them with the avalanche of distractions in this society, reinforced by AI-inspired desire.
The Amish people are pointed in the right direction. Their children need to recognize this. Once they do none will ever leave the people for the hedonism of this society.
Put "blinders" on and focus, for your people are the very few in this country who are going in the right direction with purity.
When you pray you need to mean it, for too many just "go through the motions", costing them in the eyes of the gods.

Don't let receiving this document corrupt you.
They may tell people that because I spammed them they are "in", either because they can "claim" me or because they are a part of the Situation.
It is a lie, a tactic designed to delay and distract you. The gods have many more tacitcs they will employ. If you can develop an eye for these tactics you will be making significant progress towards ascending off of Planet Earth.
The purpose of this document is to educate people, for you are corrupted and going the wrong way. Open you mind to this possibility and read on.


Each one of us needs to evaluate our personal level of disfavor, and the following will help begin the process:::
1. Did they utilize the "push" or the "pull" strategy.
If one is pushed into their offense the gods are accepting culpability, for they are responsible. Contrary to what many disfavored believe, you are not "earning" when you volunteer. Rather you are incurring evil, for you have fallen for temptation.
Sadly, consistant with their pathology, there is a grey area here:::::AI pushed people into the act with no differentiation, that is it sounded like the person's own thoughts executing that evil. This tactic manufactured the grey area, and it allows them to claim a percentage of the disfavored who fall in this category, proving they will wash their hands and walk away from many disfavored whom they violate.
2. If they utilized the "pull" strategy HOW CONVINCING WERE THE TACTICS USED TO GAIN YOUR TRUST???? Mildly convincing tactics mean they are offering you a chance. Very strong tactics are employed on the hopeless.
There are many clues to be taken from the Simpsons, specifically the Ned Flanders figure::::
The gods reserve "executive priveledge" to eliminate anybody whom they don't want to keep, a tool used to justify their discretionary decisions within the context of their "grey area". They send this clue with Ned Flanders in a couple different episodes. Expect this is yet another price to be paid for innoculations, for the gods could claim people freely with disease prior.

When I try to help individuals I tell them to honor this day, for if they can realize they are corrupted and find the path based on my teachings it will be the most important day in their lives. These memories will be the most cherished they hold dear, for it will be the day when they saved themselves.
I tell them they will notice that they have a major problem with emotional depth by doing so.
This society has many desensitizers, preditory elements specifically designed to allow the gods to justify hurting people's ability to think.
I mentioned how the Terminator was used in this capacity, his "guy flick" genre used to cost the males unable to get out before 1980. Being less-disfavored germanic it is allowed to prey on the least among us, the males. CONSISTANT WITH MY OTHER EXAMPLES expect female desensitizers to be EXCLUSIVELY ITALIAN.
I tell black people they should cancel their cable TV and throw away their DVDs and CDs. THE PREDITORY NATURE OF THEIR MEDIA DICTATES THIS IS GOOD ADVICE FOR ALL!!!!
The gods will inevitably employ their tacitcs, the theater of the Situation being one of them. I tell these people they should not be sad, for the Situaiton was tragic before and will continue to be. This should be the happiest day in your life, for this is the day you are set in the right direction. For the rest of the audience at least this opens the door and you're starting to think right:::I suspect your parents didn't have this opportunity and never considered it in light of such a concrete argument.

The Merger & Acquisition era (M&A) allowed the gods to justify what was in place before the 80s:::::Corporations are all tools specifically for strategic use.
They suggested there are events where "good" companies brought regular customers up. If true the reality is these were staged events used to corrupt people ("easy time" tools or the disfavored who were to be reincarnated immediately upon arrival); this "good&evil in the marketplace" tactic is all-consuming in this capitalistic society and has costed people dearly.
UNSUBSTANTIATED::::In the end the gods would tell you it's your own damn fault and to fuck off, so picking correctly consistantly will render no benefit.
The Amish in the United States is the clue that should guide your decisions:::Focus on simplicity, strive for purity.

There were a lot of people who got out in the 70s who were ignorant, not understanding the system and open to corruption.
There was a "white trash disposal system" and they offered these people the opportunity to come back as a rock star, a movie star, etc. And they did.
The hedonism and deviacy experienced while in these clone host bodies costed them their lives.
I suspect the appeal of "reincarnate as celebrity" no longer packs the punch it once did. Perhaps this explains why the quality of material is poor.
So maybe I was right all along, they really are all brain-less clone hosts, with some exception.

Clone hosting::::
There may be a series of clone hosts or only one whom they cycle "easy time" people through. Expect they utilize ALL their methods, for AI is infinitely dynamic.
Now "easy time" may be deceptive, a way to compell the disfavored into taking damaging assignment, but this is how it is sold to the disfavored.
Expect my sucesss would have been met with a sucession of Italians in clone hosts bodies OR brain-less clones, proving the gods approved/sanctioned the event. The opposite would have been met with reincarnating the less disfavored, ensuring my failure.
Because a switch can go from evil to good and vice-versa people can't count on their perceptions :::::: MORAL AFFILIATIONS ARE VARIABLE ACCORDING TO WHO RESIDES IN THE CLONE HOST!!!
Great, hun?? Makes things interesting, doesn't it??? I can taste the bile.
The Amish are in Pennsylvania and elsewhere as a clue to the disfavored:::Live simply, strive for purity.

This was not big "real". It was only big telepathically.
That was the purpose of positioning in the Italians and their vested interest::::To ruin the Final Prophet event for the disfavored. It opened the door for the gods to justifiably ruin my credibility::::Is was important for positioning's sake, plus it effectively ensured people would not be receptive once rolled around.
Since the Situation is purely "virtual" the gods can control who gets the information and how much of it they get.
"People (placements) are supposed to be involved.", hurting others by impeading my progress.
They manufacture corrupting tactics in any way possible::::They claim I helped these placements make progress, perhaps the gods put in a more favored into a clone host body to do "easy time" which results in improvements, then use these people to justify failure, saying they don't want them incurring evil because they have earned god's favor.
I told you to be god-fearing. Artificial Intelligence will congegate strategy which would make the most sinister person cringe in fear.
The gods approve the script and AI impliments it. They are hands-off. The compter manages everything.
There are very much two separate worlds::Earth is ugly and wicked, and being involved hurts people's ability to cleanse their minds of the evil incurred from Planet Earth.

This might be true. Black people got lots and lots of clues suggesting their disfavor, AIDS, famine, crack, Black War, even as far back as abuse from Pharroh.
"This is a historical day." Yea, Amnityville Horror:::$50 billion later and I can't leave.
Anyways, I realize the KKK and Apartheid are reverse positioning clues, but compared to the Italians the gods are being forthcoming, showing you the task before you. This means something.
I'm not going to honor this day:::I got diabetes, my ankle is deformed/rotator cuff (sybolic clue sent 2003:::hobbled ankle and clipped wing).
My history says I will be CHEATED and that is what I expect from the gods.

"And we're going to fuck you as if you ruined it." As if you needed more proof than crackheads prostituting their children for dope, along comes the incident where the mother lit her 3 children on fire.
Drowned her kids in the bathtub.
Threw her babies off the pier.
Tossed her children off the balcony.
Drove her toddlers into the lake.
Incidentally, these are not incidents exectuted exclusively by the computer as are so many events in each of our lives. These type of events are instructions specifically handed down from upstairs.
god ordered those children be lit on fire.

The gods force "acceptable losses" upon the disfavored. It is the price of being disfavored.
Saddam Hussein kept the peace but was forced to deal with Iraqis whom were so disfavored the gods tempted/pushed them into getting out of line.
Black people are similar::::The KKK helped disfavored blacks maintain proper behavior. Now too many are indecent and the prisons(felony) are full of young black men, ALL of whom are GOING to die.
In the absence of both we have carnage leading to chaos and ultimately disposal:::They are morbidly disfavored, their women are ineffectual in containing the men's behavior and left to their own devices they get out of control and compelled to "fall on their own sword", ensuring disposability.
The gods sell "earning" to the disfavored to ensure their behavior continues unimpeaded, completing the disposal process.
"Those men aren't controllable." So Africans disfavor level is so severe the gods will tempt/push them into disobeying/betraying their spouses, causing/allowing the gods to inflict a chain reaction of events that has ultimately led to their current state::::Teetering on the edge of the abyss.
Sounds familiar:::It was an Italian who dumped the AIDS virus in African water supply.

Don't forget:::Before innoculations the gods were able to eliminate individuals with disease.
Because these justifications have been taken from them they focused their tactics elsewhere.
Under the guise of "human rights" the gods use their tools to legitimize eliminating these policing bodies, as we see ocurring throughout the world, opening the door for them to justify tempting/pushing the disfavored into degenerate behavior. I'd like to remind you those who promote this concept of "human rights" is a demographic similar to that which brought you the social deterioration that was the 1960s.

My advice is to get out of the black community.
If you begin down the path people in your community will try to corrupt you, thinking their are "earning". You KNOW this is true because YOU WERE THERE ONCE TOO!!!!
The black community is The Damned. Because of your gross disfavor, if you stay you will get sucked back in, which is why it is IMPERITIVE blacks cancel cable TV and throw their media away.
Extract. Get rid of the media elements in your life. Let the Amish be your role models. This is truely the decent way to live.
Stop getting your hair done, stop listening to the music, stop speaking the ebonic slang (much like homosexuals and their faggotty inflection this black behavior is a choice).
Start living a good and decent life. And for god's sake don't go back to that "Jesus" dumping ground for blacks that was so prevalient in the 20th century. They sold this to blacks and prisoners FOR A REASON!!!!

Recently they shared a number with me:::"4.6%".
Expect this to be the rate of people that can see through the positioning, overcome the corruption and save themselves.
When it comes to grossly disfavored like blacks expect the number to be well under 1%.
Of course the next question to ask is::::Of the 95.4% how many are allowed reincarnation???
Don't be suprised if it falls along those same lines, 4.6%::::::Most are going to die for real.
This is something they don't want to talk about, for many many will begin to behave appropriately, ensuring they ARE candidates for one or the other.
This is a big secret they don't like to talk about.
6 billion people should frighten the disfavored. Most are superior to you:::Purebloods from the Motherland.

Speaking of The Damned;::::
Homeschoolblogger cut me off quickly. They don't want this demographic reached.
They have casted the homeschoolers into disfavor and they don't want them to recover. This is why they are always quickly on top of this when I spam that community.
If the managing editor has the power and makes the calls at homeschooler then this may be what costs her her life.
Expect this is the kind of person who does EVERYTHING she is told, even against her own children, circumcizing them and failing to teach them correctly.
Expect this is the kind of person who flys the US flag out in front of her house. Much like tattoes or piecings, this too is a clue warning people to stay away.
This woman is The Damned. Because she is one of them::::
They suggest many of these families have a problem with unrespectable "easy money" temptation, a 20th century offense where the gods used offenses against Manifest Destiny positioning to cover for the true offense:::Unrespectable behavior (see paragraphs below).
Too often when I browse these pages it is obvious they have the look of evil upon their faces, a sign their foretfather was tempted/pushed into ("easy money") temptation, sadly often thinking they were "earning" by hurting their families and their descendants.

"We're not monsters." Did you light those three children in Texas on fire this week? You did it in California in the 80s. Remember that event??? Enough said.
Incidentally, these are not incidents exectuted exclusively by the computer as are so many events in each of our lives. These type of events are instructions specifically handed down from upstairs.
To be god-fearing is very important.


Only the disfavored eat.
Only the disfavored use the toilet.
Only the disfavored get their "monthly visitor".
This is an OUTSTANDING example illustrating how society's corruption is institutionalized, permeating every facet of the "culture", and helps people understand that the gods have IN FACT set US ALL in the wrong direction:::
Diverse foodstuffs are celebrated, eating considered a pleasure which modern society enables us to enjoy, for we are no longer restricted to the dietary restrictions of our anscentry.
The gods don't respect eating or sex. Interesting diverse diets enhance the temptation inflicted upon the disfavored. This is just one more example of how ascending became increasingly more difficult as we entered the modern age.
The Amish are in the United States as a clue:::Live simply, strive for purity.
Other examples:::
1. Primary purpose of Austrian Sigmund Freud:::Legitimize Artificial Intelligence-inspired behavior by defining it within the context of a professional/academic discipline.
2. The gods used this “Manifest Destiny” positioning to create a new reality, minimizing the good things about the old world and emphisizing the bad things. Wine is one such an example.
Wine is positioned to be a blessing from the gods, a fruitful bounty as a reward to a favored people. The reality is quite the opposite.
The Mediterreanean region is grossly disfavored:::This IS the region targeted by the gods for the Noah’s Flood event (Straight of Gibralter broke through inundating the basin and killing untold millions).
There was a time, not so long ago, when no self-respecting woman would EVER take a drink. Alcohol is a masculinizer, a tool used to abuse the disfavored, and cultures which fuck you for affecting my writing CHEATER. This is MY TIME PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS!!!
cultures which include women in the revelry are grossly disfavored.


"Now this house is going to be torn down." It was anyways::::Amnityville horror - Mcomplied with requests when addition was built). The rat infestation issue just gives them justification. Because of it it was always going to happen.

The rat issue was always going to happen::::
M was going to be punished, and pulminary punishment was justified because of smoking.
SHE DID WHAT SHE WAS TOLD AND SHE HAS BEEN PUNISHED FOR it:::The gods punished her for failing her test and succumbing to temptaion.

"You were supposed to be important." And the house beemed out and preserved for posterity.
They lie to everyone. This whole theater was manufactured specifically for this purpose.

It never should have happened. The Holocaust sent this message about defiance.

$50 billion dollars and I never saw anything from it. This is not by accident:::IT IS ANOTHER CLUE YOU SHOULD NOT COMPLY!!!! THIS SO-CALLED INVESTMENT YOU HAVE MADE WILL NOT PAY OFF EITHER.

"You said soemthing out there you shouldn’t have."
Women are the ones with the real chance. This is why the masculinzation of Catholic women (Italian, Irish, Latino, Philipino, etc.) is so important::::
They don't want these women now. The men will only get a certain amount of time.
People inflicted with the scourge of Catholicism are The Damned.
The Catholic Church is the SOURCE of Christianity::::If the roots are bad then so is the tree.
Despite dogma arguments EXPECT this is yet another inferred clue:::The clue of the Jews scattered throguhout Europe supports this.

There's some kind of deal regarding the Italians. The gods had to do it like this to maintain their effectiveness as corruptors:::
1. No suffering
2. No revenge
3. Have this life of hedonism ($1000 bottles of wine)
4. Get a goodly amount of time before they let them go.
Much like god's law in holy books, "segregation" was favor bestowed upon the people::::The gods granted favor when they "segregated" us into our own areas of the world. This favor has been reversed not only within the context that is the United States but also with immigration witnessed throughout western Europe (and elsewhere?).

Prior to civil rights blacks had their own press. In the absence of civil rights these entities would have grown into legitimate media outlets serving the black community.
Maintaining segregation would have produced economic entities which arose from within the black community to fill the demand for goods and services.
The presence of these "black industrialists" would have FORCED the gods to factor them into positioning, producing voices in support of the black community and preventing the gods from inflicting ALL THE SICKNESS WE HAVE WITNESSED IN THE last few decades!!!

They sent a clue about Arizona and those behind the effort with their resistance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Resistance is black people's worst enemy, ironically. Observe how they REPEATEDLY sell you the exact opposite of the truth:::"Resistance" beneficial to Africans, civil rights beneficial to the black community.
They sent a clue about Arizona and those behind that effort with the resistance of that state's implimentation of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Reggae music is an incitor which flamed the cancer on the African people known as resistance, instilled/stoked with god's tool that was the Egyptian Dynasties.

Without control the black man will be abused telepathically, tempted/pushed into damaging his people, even his own family.
African women and their descendants here in the US have failed. They suggest the uncontrolability of the African male within the context of their own environment. How they gods used misogyny and polygamy supports this.
The extensive use of reverse positioning illustrates the African's morbid disfavor, the most grave of all people on Planet Earth:::
When the gods tried to help the African they did so under absolute concealment, playing to their worst issues, producing an event that ensured as few people as possible suceed::::::

Forced decency. And it will never happen because it will improve the black condition:::

Force Atlanta to pay off the Michael Vick contract. If you see fit don't apply it to the salary cap, but pay it in full.
The organization deserves it.
A background/PI check will uncover whether this individual would be a good investment, for signing a contract like this is exatly that. Just because they can play football don't mean shit. They'd bring a bad attitude to the clubhouse and fuck the chemistry of the team to hell for the next 10 years.
Some of these fucking niggers are so twisted they couldn’t even hold a regular job. Signing them to a multi-million dollar contract is a poor business decision.
Force these degenerates to be decent. Black women have failed.
Some of these people need to lose because of the way they are. And it would send a positive message, something young blacks see too infrequently.

"Black peole needed to get married by 14 in the worst way." It's going to be the end of them, too.
I'm not sure what kind of morbidly disfavored polygamous environments regions in Africa embrace (expect these are the regions inflicted with AIDS). I suspect this was yet another example of reverse positioning ::::White slaveowners tried to impose decency with the matchmaking system only to be met with resistance.
I'd kill (god) for that history degree, you lying CHEATING Slut Slut Slut.
You're my moral inferior, PIGS PIGS PIGS. SHAME SHAME SHAME.

Just as I have suggested that the KKK was a good thing because it kept blacks in line, so was South African apartheid a good thing.
I'd refer you to the sin issue:::If it WAS him, or even an Italian of similar disfavor level in his position of respectability today, he would abuse the position in which he has been placed (as they suggest, he is not allowed to fully ascend - but sin could be here or he could have ascended. Either way the gods could use him very effectively as corruptor.). They hold him in such disfavor they'd tempt/push him into abusing his office. Blacks are kinda the same.
Africans and their descendants are so morbidly disfavored the gods have employed inciting reverse positioning to try to help control this potential for volitility that would incurr damnation.
I told you it wasn't a north-south issue::::It is a LATITUDE issue::::Everyone between the Tropics is fucked.

Any recent development needs to be held in the highest of suspicion.

"Those men aren't controllable." So Africans disfavor level is so severe the gods will tempt/push them into disobeying/betraying their spouses, causing/allowing the gods to inflict a chain reaction of events that has ultimately led to their current state::::Teetering on the edge of the abyss.

My advice is to get out of the black community.
If you begin people will try to corrupt you, thinking their are "earning". You KNOW this is true because YOU WERE THERE ONCE TOO!!!!
The black community is The Damned. Because of your gross disfavor, if you stay you will get sucked back in.
Extract. Get rid of the media elements in your life. Let the Amish be your role models. This is truely the decent way to live.
Stop getting your hair done, stop listening to the music, stop speaking the ebonic slang (much like homosexuals and their faggotty inflection this behavior is a choice).
Start living a good and decent life. And for god's sake don't go back to that "Jesus" dumping ground for blacks that was so prevalient in the 20th century. They sold this to blacks and prisoners FOR A REASON!!!!

Maybe a couple of "white KKK" incidents would bring people like Christina into line.

The gods force "acceptable losses" upon the disfavored. It is the price of being disfavored.
Saddam Hussein kept the peace but was forced to deal with Iraqis whom were so disfavored the gods tempted/pushed them into getting out of line.
Black people are similar::::The KKK helped disfavored blacks maintain proper behavior. Now too many are indecent and the prisons are full of young black men, ALL of whom are GOING to die.
In the absence of both we have carnage leading to chaos and ultimately disposal:::They are morbidly disfavored, their women are ineffectual in containing the men's behavior and left to their own devices they get out of control and compelled to "fall on their own sword", ensuring disposability.

Under the guise of "human rights" the gods use their tools to legitimize eliminating these policing bodies, opening the door for them to justify tempting/pushing the disfavored into degenerate behavior. I'd like to remind you this is a demographic similar to that which brought you the social deterioration that was the 1960s.


They foreshadowed failure when they put all these non-morbidly disfavored (non-Italian) placements in to play a part in the Situation.
If he is not here then they can use that event in the same capacity, reinforcing boss, 2nd, etc.
His name is sin for a reason::::The gods are sending people a clue.

They used the presence of all these less-disfavored placements to justify forcing failure (which they were going to take anyways), evident of my severe disfavor, or the disfavor of the family in which I have been placed.

This was not big "real". It was only big telepathically.
That was the purpose of positioning in the Italians and their vested interest::::To ruin the Final Prophet event for the disfavored. It opened the door for the gods to justifiably ruin my credibility. They were important for positioning's sake.
Since the Situation is purely "virtual" the gods can control who gets the information and how much of it they get.

"We're not monsters." Did you light those three children in Texas on fire this week? You did it in California in the 80s. Remember that event??? Enough said.
Incidentally, these are not incidents exectuted exclusively by the computer as are so many events in each of our lives. These type of events are instructions specifically handed down from upstairs.
To be god-fearing is very important.

If the gods begrudgingly allowed a "teacher" whom they would allow to tell it like it is,
absent of societally expected Christian dogma, how do you think they would
approach/script/execute this event???
With hostility. And that is what we have seen::::They use every tool at their disposal to
ensure as few people as possible would be receptive.


I'm no historian (fuck you god) but I suspect the convicted Warren Jeffs's "splinter group" is more like orthodox Mormonism than today's Mormans would care to admit.
Expect they sold the 90s event to not only these orthodox Mormons but also to many of today's "modern" Mormons, saying he was the "savior" and he would lead the Mormon people off Earth.
Mormons would be better off being Catholics, as horrific as it sounds::::They used this tool Brigham Young to institute this polygamous religion SPECIFICALLY to compel the disfavored into misogyny, casting most (men) into damnation.
It is yesterday's version of a "cult", allowed to gain legitimacy because they officially abandoned polygamy.

Over and over we see the gods punish those who are preditory on females::::
1. Chinese infantcide punished with capitalism
2. African female genitile mutilation punished with drought/famine
3. African hypersexuality punished with AIDS
4. Black misogyny punished with indecency and the deterioration into the abyss.


Pre-2000 the gods used me to prey upon the disfavored, and it was "magic"-fueled, charecteristic of the gods preditoration upon the disfavored.
Post-2000 is "my time" and why there is no "magic" involved::::The gods only use their powers to HURT the disfavored.
I've shared that "dad" being a drunken unemployed bum was proof this was going to go this way for they used it as justification.
Because involving corporate would have necessarily demanded magic one can logically see this as another piece of evidence supporting this, for god's tactics employed, planning/implimentation, could be equated to items like boss:::The gods use of their powers. Also they like to claim I costed people because the learning curve would have been very exciting, thereby involving many more disfavored, but this would have invovled telepathic "magic" and the gods will only use their powers to hurt the disfavored.

This includes sexual magic.
When people experience this intense sexual event they are supposed to wonder why. Instead it acts as a tool conditioning them into the behavior.
Similarly, when they are younger most girls have an experience where the gods show them the way, but it is combined with fear. It effectively repells these young ones from pursuing this at the time. THe gods position this that it really should help them understand the appropriate way to think:::Be god-fearing.
This is recurring methodology. Understand, perceive it and impliment the correct course of behavior next time you recognize it the gods employing "magic", peaked euphoria in your life.

Do you want to be good or evil? People answer they want to be good but become very afraid.
Expect this is yet another example::::The gods are imparting the correct way of thinking to these people yet the effective result is to repel them from a life of righteousness.
As the nurturers and caregivers, females naturally want to be good. Any deviation I believe is a sign of gross disfavor. Females should easily see through the corruption and the god's other tactics and find embrace good within their lives.

There may have been "magic" had this gone corporate but it would have been peaked euphoria which reinforced boss.
If they sell me as such this could be a clue proving the Second Coming of Christ is evil.

HIGHLY UNLIKELY, but if they allowed "magic" to assist the disfavored's learning curve EXPECT they would want something in return. Considering their propensity for "back-handed help", EXPECT that something to far outweigh the benefit this "magic" would have offered.
This is the Final Prophet.

They foreshadowed failure when they put all these non-morbidly disfavored (non-Italian) placements in to play a part in the Situation.
If he is not here then they can use that event in the same capacity, reinforcing boss, 2nd, etc.
His name is sin for a reason::::The gods are sending people a clue.

They used the presence of all these less-disfavored placements to justify forcing failure (which they were going to take anyways), evident of my severe disfavor, or the disfavor of the family in which I have been placed.

"People (placements) are supposed to be involved." Hurting others by impeading my progress:::Use as tactics, preventing people from learning.
They manufacture corrupting elements in any way possible::::They claim I helped these placements invovled make progress, perhaps the gods put in a more favored to do "easy time" and display improvements, then use these people to justify failure, saying they don't want them incurring evil because they have earned god's favor.
I told you to be god-fearing. Artificial Intelligence will congegate strategy which would make the most sinister person repel in fear.
The gods approve the script and AI impliments it.

The keyword of the day is:::Unsubstantiated.


New Orleans Superdome:::"They shouldn't play in there. What went on in there is not acceptable (rape of children). It keeps these memories alive." "It's (survival is) preditory."
This can be viewed as a positive, in the context of the preditor Sigmund Freud's discipline "psychoanalysis", but the effective purpose is to enhance bitterness and anger.
So rarely is the positive intent illustrated above realized (pain, seek more and turn to god in a godless age). This is one such an example.

Celebrity Roasts:::"The goal was to just "keep it going"." The "party":::::Smoking, drinking, etc.
The media isn't a cancer to just our generation.
Sold cool hard. Hard.
Sold booze hard. Hard.
"They're fucked so hard." "That generation is fucked hard."
1980s, a mere 20 years ago there were no (very few) black people in corporate.
It was positioned that the Manifest Destiny Italians were still here on Planet Earth.
I'd like to remind you about the "friction" between these two groups during the 20th century:::The gods were sending a clue.

AIDS in Africa was one of the Italian's swan songs of their 20th century.
In the 20th century the gods used the Italians to abuse Africans and their descendants, telepathically selling the Moorish invasion of Italy (among other things) to ignorant disfavoreds to achieve their behavior. AIDS in Africa was one of their "parting shots".
Despite the perceived progress they could just put a newbie in, bring a 20th century monster back, likely legacy along these lines, to achieve this behavior EVEN as late as the 90s.

Due to the manufactured hatred and subsequent abuse EXPECT we saw LOTS of 20th century Italians reincarnated as blacks, gunned down in the Black War, ironically one which Italian Manifest Destiny is positioned to have orchestrated.
They've suggested "black" is the last stop for the reincarnated.

Like Italians did to so many black men.
I personally want the Italians dead.
"Empathy." Realism.
For example, any help I give to Amy may come out of Austin. To understand the god's pathology is to understand the concept of "acceptable losses".
Empathy yes, but you have to recognize the hopeless. With all the misery they've freely inflicted upon others no Italian is woth more than any member of a peace-loving people.

god's managerial style is very much like Italian pathology, and this worked WONDERS as a corruptor on the Italians of the 20th century.
This disfavored paid.
Blacks paid. Hard.
So many Italains were sold. They thought for sure not only Manifest Destiny was Italian but so was god, and their behavior matched their perception.

The Holocaust's clue of defiance escaped you all:::::Everyone condemnes the blind obedience of the Nazi soldiers yet repeats this same behavior in your own personal lives, complying with every request they ask, even in the case of your precious children.
Telepathic requests constitute temptation.
I personally believe the gods used the most favored people from the Mediterreanean and western Europe to accomplish this goal that was the Holocaust for multiple purposes:::::::Defiance clue, acted as desensitizer, foreshadowing, disposed of Jewish-European clue, etc.
EVERYBODY does what they're told, and look how bad society is deteriorated. THIS IS A CLUE!!!

It is important you recognize corruption is evil. They ask you to do things you shouldn’t be doing, and this will cost you in the eyes of the gods. They warned us temptation would be used to test us, and telepathic requests consitutute temptation.
Accept good and apply this standard when you make decisions in your life.
Realize this corruption has set your family in the wrong direction. Your efforts to fix your problems will not only help you but also your family, your children and grandchildren, direct descendants within your bloodline, for being a responsible parent and teaching your children the correct way to live will help guide your family in the right direction and help your family re-earn their favor with the gods.
If you don't teach your child about this power at the god's disposal they will punish you by corrupting your child, sell them on "earning", get them to comply with evil requests. It is important you warn your children about their tactics and how they disceive people into damnation.


The path of the righteous man is wrought with obsticles.
Young parents who consciously apply themselves to their children, teach them about the gods and the power at their disposal, have an opportunity:::The gods may bring these young families up to live in a healthy enviornment.
Expect the gods to test their moral fortitude depending on their level of disfavor and their devotion to their task. This may include job loss, incidents, even divorce.
Your children are the ones who count now and parents need to sacrifice to grant their precious children the best chance possible.

Decent people recognize that tatooes and piercings are clues to stay away from these individuals. I believe the vast numbers involved fortell an ominous sign about our future.
So is displaying the American flag one such visual clue offered by the gods.
They will request households and businesses to fly the United States flag. The rest of us are supposed to recognize this as a clue as well, although I'm afraid this clue is perceived by far fewer disfavoreds.

I told you it wasn't a north-south issue::::It is a LATITUDE issue::::Everyone between the Tropics is fucked.

Expect an inverse relationship between population increase and saved/reincarnation rates.

Children play sports but they pretty much don't/won't watch sports, avoidance a benefit bestowed to the favored among us.

Of course we were different, but Damien Omen already illustrated early cut-off.
"Adult fun" costs people, is the consequence of failing to get out before puberty.

"He is The One (prophet?) who has to die." JC and Moh. had reason to sing their praises. I tell it like it is.

Homeschoolers are grossly disfavored whites, a demographic I identify with, and the gods are doing something they shoudln't by preventing me from reaching these people.

Story in the paper about Chinese infancide::::Expect this tactic was used to justify inflicting capitalism on the Chinese.

They make my digital voice recorder fail and now I can't continue to post new files on my web site:::
Fucking lousy CHEATS and liars.
The gods CHEATED because they didn't want you to learn.
Their Manifest Destiny positioning allowed them to hide behind this posiitoning, ensuring their effectiveness for another day.

White trash news. Sac like the BayArea in 1980s < - > 09/14 17:17
: . . Meth ring in Roseville broken up. Seized cash & < 4_Harley_Davidson_MCs > 09/14 17:17

9.15.07 DC war protest::::"You're a disgrace to your office!!" No, he fits in very nicely, thank you:::
The Jews fled Spain in 1492 was a clue to the disfavored!!!!:::::AMERICA IS EVIL!!!!!!
Redwhite&blue IS BAD FOR YOU!!!!!

Profiling was a clue that individual's behavior hurts the larger community.
Crackheads prostituting their children for dope hurt the black community.

Incidentally I believe the TRUE favor in Europe lies in the east. The 20th century ravages of war and their great wealth are two clues:::Great poverty as well as great wealth are both signs of disfavor.

They played Death Race 2000 for real in San Francisco seven years ago.
"You keep trying to help their women be asexual it's going to cost you." Don't let these fucking black men bully you.
Get the fuck out of this sub-culture. Don't forget::::The Amish is a clue suggesting the right way to live.
Remember how black men were told to abandon their families and they did en masse? For like 20 fucking years!!!
I'm sure it is over now, seeing as how we are post-2000. But it was bad, very bad. "They're going to learn the hard way."
See, under Manifest Destiny positioning 2000 was very important, for the white calander reins supreme. This tactic ensured they could legitiamtely justify their exclusion.
"Niggers are hot (angry at the thought of being denied sex)." There are so many incitors do the gods really need the word "nigger"??
"Now they're sad (no father - emotional roller coaster)." You are second class citizens. They hate your guts and are fucking you hard.
Actually you're third class citizens because Asians are the most favored race of people, (painting with a broad, "continental"-sized brush).
I recommend you refrain fromthoughts of greatness, these domination "white slave" type of thoughts, for they hurt you bad.
Understand your inferiority. Keep all this evidence from Africa and America in the forefront of your mind, for embracing this will help your relationship with the gods.
Be god-fearing.
The numbers from the black community will be poor. Anything you can do to improve them is a good idea.
As far as the black women issue goes::::You men are hurting yourselves BAD when you pursue your women for pure fornication. The gods consider it preditation.
Sexual abstenence will be good for ALL people:::It will DRAMATICALLY improve your numbers and help you focus on what is important.
Sadly, black people have usually embraced that which is bad for them (jazz, disco, vanity, etc). If there is imporvement it will be the exception rather than the norm.

I tell black women to tell their men to fuck off, stop letting them bully them. But they have to do their part:::Stop dressing like sluts.
I remember when I was young the "social discussion" that women's dress envoked rape was dying.
If black women cut their men off yet continued to dress provocitavly they WILL be raped. And this is a sign of a disfavored people.

Understand this is a disfavor issue:::::
If attractive, provocitavely dressed women were paraded to (most) germanics there would be no rapes. If this same experiment ocurred with blacks or Italians there would be rapes, many of them, for their disfavor level is so grave.


I don't want to paint the Austrians as enforcers of decency, for this is not accurate, Sigmund Freud and Vienna being the center of the music world being evidence.
I personally don't think we were ever going to see the Terminator take out the trash. Black vanity, $600 hairdo says they won't. Southern man's wicked tattooes say they won't:::The population of the indecent has grown too large.
They're going to end on Earth. Question is will they put forth the Schwartzenegger genocide event to clean up the population and give Earth a second chance???? Despite the Jewish clue of the Holocaust, I personally don't see it because they'd offer a chance to many whom they don't want to have one:::Too many are disfavored and their recent indecency has rendered them The Damned.

If the gods ended on Earth instead of implimenting Manifest Destiny positioning in 1906 most would have been saved because there was a very high level of decency. Before the 60's free sex movement there was still many, albeit fewer.
Now it is the few. Now the gods have the ability to pick and chose as they wish.
Ironically, if Earth died earlier rather than later it would have been a good thing. Similarly, now it would be best for the Terminator to take out the trash and see if we could reclaim many of those potential candidates whom we have lost to indecency.
I'm afraid the disfavored are too far gone.

"You've lost something very special." It's a lie.
Anytime they say ANYTHING assume it is a lie until proven otherwise.
Molestation carried multiple purposes, as did stealing $25,000 AS DOES ANY major strategy they employ:::Holocaust, compliance against own children, etc.
"We're not monsters." Did you light those three children in Texas on fire this week? You did it in California in the 80s. Remember that event??? Enough said.
Incidentally, these are not incidents exectuted exclusively by the computer as are many events in our society. These type of events are instructions specifically handed down from upstairs.

The gods manufactured this tactic that said these companies "supported" my candidacy, then used this tactic to keep people off this learning curve, ensuring they are not part of the Final Prophet event.
Of course this was just one of many tactics, illustrating their reletive insignificance in the overall scheme of things:::They are tools

Defy. Read the blogs I spam and listen to the web site sound files::::
You have to save yourself. Decide to be good and pursue a path of decency. It is your only hope.


The Chelsea Clinton clue was not intended for the 1992 election:::Bill Clinton was impeached BECAUSE it was 1998 and a preditory pre-2000 distraction for those politically inclined.
I'd like to remind you how the Clinton legacy allowed for the justification of "tatooes and heroin" white popular culture of the last revelry cycle. His "gays in the military" issue illustrates his acceptance of indecent liberalism. Polarization during his administration effectively delivered the election to Bush in 2000.
Bill Clinton is a preditor. If the gods had these tools address global warming during his administration Clinton also woudl have vetoed Kyoto. They didn't because they wanted to maintain this positioning as "enlightened Democrat", ensuring their manufactured perception continues.
Anytime blacks turn out en masse it is a bad sign::::Expect them to turn out again for terminator.

M is fucked up because she is disfavored and she had no empathy for the disfavored WHO HAPPENED TO BE HER CHILDREN!!!
Al Davis is fucked up because he is disfavored and had no empathy for the disfavored, which is why we had the 70s Raiders, preditory on the blue collar demographic during the 70s revelry cycle.
Expect the bi-racial Osama Mobarack to have a similar fate in store:::Deal with record company executive was a clue he doesn't care about black people, just as Guliani speaking of 911 is a clue he, like Italians, exploits and capializes off other people's misery. The good candidate is McCain, and they're burying him. Expect similar behavior with the Democrats.

The difference may lie if Osama becomes president, for then it may not be positionable. Of course it may not be something we will be prevy to because of it. "There's something wrong with the way he looks." They say I am delivering him the election because of the Chelsea 2008 clue which would be consistant with how the gods conduct themselves in the context of the Situation::::
She is a better choice than he is and the gods are forcing injury upon the disfavored because of my actions.

The sent the clue Bush was evil with his Texas Rangers ownership, illustrating he is preditory on white males too.
This preditation translated to Iraq because the Republicans are positioned to be against obscene, indencent sickness in art.
You're all war mongers because of Iraq, and it is going to cost us all. Because of the use of liberals, delivering us this fracturization of the disfavored, the gods feel justified in taxing all equally.

People have called Bill Clinton everything in the book. "Chelsea is different." The choreographed media declared Chelsea "untouchable" because SHE REPRESENTS A CLUE and they want it overlooked.

"What about (Amy Carter)?" What about her?
The way they dumped a shitty economy on his adminstration says disfavored. He's being punished for something.
The way they continually dumped on Carter in their media was similar to how they continually dumped on the French. And Barry Manilow. There may be a comparison here.
There was no future for Carter once voted out. Hillary is very much a viable candidate.
The Chelsea Clinton clue was not intended for the 1992 election.

They emphisize this point so I will elaborate. Personally I believe Clinton is the wrong candidate becasue it would further the masculinization of women, and since females are the gender with the most potential this is the worst possible path.

Chelsea Clinton's family is very high-profile. As a result it is possible she is a reverse clue, a way to damage Hillary's candidacy because Hillary is the right choice. 1998's impeachment proves Bill is a preditor and Chelsea had no affect on the 1992 election.
I'd look to the Hillary health care reform attempt of 1993. This event was strategically placed to send the clue she is good:::This was a MAJOR initiative SPEARHEADED by the FIRST LADY!!!
Yes, I understand this contradicts what I preach about health care (people sick because of disfavor) but considering this day and age I would look to European health care systems for the clue:::Her attemtps are a positive for the disfavored.

I'm telling you!!! When you understand the gods you can see these train wrecks coming before the train leaves the station!!!:::::
There may be some "trickle-down" dynamic with the Osama Mobarack bi-racial tactic, for it will target blacks higher on the socio-economic scale, but I think this positioned deal will play out as follows:::::
Black who delve into black popular culture eat wahtever is fed to them. They go in whatever direction the wind takes them, and for the last couple decades that was celebrating the gutter. EXPECT the deal to allow blacks out of this morbidly destructive cycle to involve this bi-racial tactic:::Just as celebrating the ghetto carried a price so will escaping it cost them as well. Blacks will begin to emulate this "uppity negro" demographic and the gods will effectively use the best among them to prey on the least among them, poetic justice since many blacks thought this ghetto culture "earned" for them when outsiders became invovled.
Considering the severe problems blacks have with music the deal with the record company executive was the clue that Osama is preditory on blacks. This supports it.


Blacks are sold on materialism, consumerism and corporate, the same tactic they sold to whites IN THE 1980s!!!!
I've addressed "early cut-off", and I suspect many may view this as a positive like such. EXPECT THIS IS THE OPPOSITE, A TACTIC AS OPPOSED TO AN EVENT, AND INSTEAD THIS DELAY WOULD REPRESENT SOMETHING BAD.
I realize this is difficult to follow, the gods love their curveballs. That's why you would all be best served by deciding to be good and to follow a path of righteousness.
Don't think about what they other guy is doing. The gods used this tactic to corrupt the disfavored very hard in the 20th century. Just believe in your convicions and pursue a path of good.
Don't forget:::The Amish are in the United States as a clue to the disfavored suggesting the decent way to live.

Like California is bad for blacks so is Louisiana, the clue sent with this Jena 6 ruling.
THEY ARE SENDING YOU A CLUE!!!!! Like California, the gods consider Louisiana favored land and fuck the disfavored when they settle there.

Just as we witness today (stiff upper-lip), the gods used Elizabeth I to perpetuate the Catholic Church dynamic of masculinzation of women, compensatory for allowing the disfavored English to escsape the Church in the 1500s.
Of course the movie about Elizabeth I is coming out. Expect lots of ignorant English to fail to recognize her possible assassin as a hero of the English people.

"We view retirement a certain way." Retirement is like Seabiscut:::It is "the rope", temptation desinged to hurt the disfavored.
I'd point to my bother, how he has taken early retirement and will be drawing immediately. HE IS BARELY 40 YEARS OLD!!!!!
If you follow my family you will see this is the sibling with morbid disfavor. They are using him to send this clue regarding retirement.

Much like early puberty they shared "hairy" is a bad sign too.
DIE WICKED PREDITORY ITALIAN WHORE FILTH (see below). A common trait found in the Mediterrenean, however. This region can be compared to California, and I have many opinions on this topic.
Anyways, women generally have no body hair. When they do it is a bad sign.
CA has very hairy arms and they share she is in trouble.

Talk about the Italians in the 20th century, how positioning compelled them to think the "godfather" ran the world (1906) and subsequently complied with every telepathic request made as though their kind ruled the world.
Their behavior inflicted great ugliness on the people of the 20th century. And every suceeding generation ensured new candidates willing to embrace evil.
Somewhere in there they got on top of it. Expect it to come back around though:::The gods intend on using this tool one last time before The End. Expect this is the intent behind the efforts to bury their role during the 20th century.

"(Disfavored blacks) do anything they're told." Sounds like Italains.
And white trash like my family. The whole Manifest Destiny 1906 tactic, so effective on Italians in the 20s and 30s, fucked a lot of disfavored Europeans as well.

“You’re GOING to help the Italians.” So my refusal to oblige and comply, my refusal to willingly be evil and participate with this theater will instead be met with force on another planet under the guise of "claim", enabling the gods to use me to corrupt the disfavored on Earth by putting forth this tactic of “savior”, perhaps stating that I will be reincarnated???? No, this theater option is dead. I killed it.
The gods manufactured this tactic with so-called "claims" during the late 90s to put forth this perception::::I TOLD you the Italians are wicked. The Final Prophet event was fucked up, minimized because of the Italian involvement/vested interest. This is just ANOTHER example, and it was used as a delaying tactic on the disfavored.
Boss should contradict the Italian's importance::::They were there to allow the gods to position failure of the Final Prophet via justified vested interest AND (consistant with the pathology) to a lesser extent as a warning, for Italians are a "red flag".
Just like the "sexual magic" example.
Just like the fear girls have when they get their "experience".
Just like the other examples of "back-handed help" I have illustrated over the years.
The gods are GOING to punish those who fail to learn that the Italians are preditory disfavored, mark my words, because the Italians are going to be used one final time before The End.

Expect they were able to use me to accomplish this goal anyways and claim I saved these Manifest Destiny Italians, association made with popular culture/M&A items surrounding boss (see Manifest Destiny's tactic of eliminating good from the marketplace with M&A below).
Incidentally, if the Fortune 500 list was accurate the top would be filled with Manifest Destiny Italians and Italian families who parlayed their illicit wealth into legitimate entities, and the numbers would dwarf those we see for Gates and the sheiks:::For the longest time expect the goal they (Manifest Destiny 1st level subordinates) were shooting for was a trillion dollars.
Expect that there are many now.

This is just one tactic. Many others are described below.
The gods employ tactics on the disfavored, for example Hurricane used on blacks which often was contrary to what they told whites with boss:::White misery, white slaves, etc.
This is yet another tactic. See past the gods tactics and soon you will realize you must take responsibility for YOUR relationship with the gods.
Don't let the gods delay tactics cost you any more years.

I suspect there are compensatory issues surrounding the Italians:::Easy life, no suffering, no revege. The gods can both use this as corruptor here on Earth and to dispose of these morbidly disfavoreds early as well, and it plays into Manifest Destiny positioning nicely.
Noah's Flood, Roman imperialism, 20th century:::The god's clues force even the most empathetic voices silent.

Just think of all the Italians who laughed at the gods, believing they could be evil throughout their lives only to be granted forgiveness on their death beds. Once they learned the truth this changed::::They thought they could be evil only to fix their problems with the gods once they ascended.

"There might be a series of individuals (prophets) and you might be all of them." Don't believe it.
If true::::
1. This is the life where people can realize their HIGHEST BENEFIT PACKAGE of TIME AND PRIVELEDGE LEVEL, for the gods have employed strategies and many will succumb to these manufactured tactics. This is consistant with their methodology.
2. Expect the teachings to become less factually correct as time proceeds, a hazard of failing to act in haste. Again, consistant with their methodology.
If there are other individuals exepct they will be others, people far less disfavored, because the gods fucked my life to hell to achieve this.
There might be just one more, the Second Coming of Christ, and he will speak of Jesus as the son of god and savior and lead a group of pre-selected individuals into the "promised land".


Talk about the Italians in the 20th century, how positioning compelled them to think the "godfather" ran the world (1906) and subsequently complied with every telepathic request made as though their kind ruled the world.
Their behavior inflicted great ugliness on the people of the 20th century.
Story in the paper about Chinese infancide::::I expect this is the tactic used to justify inflicting the Chinese with capialism/Westernization.

They used me in many different ways, telepathically explaining to the disfavored that my poor orgasims were because I was being punished. The reality is that they were bestowing favor, using inferred, subtle clues to help me avoid damaging behavior.
Due to their hypersexuality I suspect they give blacks outstanding orgasims, finish them well, then disceive them by telling them it is due to favor when in fact it is because they are disfavored, similar to the wine example below.

"(He would have done it.)" we hear yet again. We hear that all the time:::::
He would have sold out his children, he would have dumped the AIDS virus in African water supply, etc.
Fuck the Italians. They are Planet Earth's accpetable losses.

These people have big, big problems. I believe they will be used again to hurt people, even here on Planet Earth, for they neither work on their problems nor learn anything from their mistakes, as the above issues illustrate:::
- "Italians are stupid." not prejudice, not discrimination. This is a way the gods hurt the disfavored
- "Don't let your daughter date Italians." It is too bad the gods won't allow AI to be forthcoming with data::::What percentage of rapes during the 1920s were Italians the perpetrators?? 80%? Higher? And what is that number for New York City alone? Thousands or TENS OF THOUSANDS??
And when they came to the United States they no longer raped their own kind. Then they started to rape us. This is the result of Italian women failing in their obligation as women to keep the men in line.
This is not prejudice. This is legacy.
Talk about the Italians in the 20th century, how positioning compelled them to think the "godfather" ran the world (1906) and subsequently complied with every telepathic request made as though their kind ruled the world.
Their behavior inflicted great ugliness on the people of the 20th century and ruined our quality of life.

Manifest Destiny positioning says the deterioration of society since the 60s was due to these Italians implimenting their new weapon that is Artificial Intelligence:::::
The super-hypersexual Italians began using Artificial Intelligence to procure encounters, pushing females into agreeing to have sex, effectively perpetuating their legacy of rape into a new clandestine era.
Computer, please share THESE numbers!!!!
I'd also like to remind you that the reputation "Catholic girls are the biggest hooches." did not refer to the Irish.
Talk about the Italians in the 20th century, how positioning compelled them to think the "godfather" ran the world (1906) and subsequently complied with every telepathic request made as though their kind ruled the world.
Their behavior inflicted great ugliness on the people of the 20th century and ruined our quality of life.
You have your clues:::Stay away from all things Italian. Beatniks emerging from The Beast's North Beach neighborhood is another clue to stay away from the Italians.

Reality:::god hates Italians, they experienced an early cut-off and if you didn't get out they would use the sell-out, preditory, do-anything-they're-told nature of these people to get the others to "go along" and use AI for sex.
And mark my words, things will quiet down and the gods will yet again use the Italian in this same capacity. Don't forget where you heard it first.

"(He would have done it.)" we hear yet again. We hear that all the time:::::
He would have sold out his children, he would have dumped the AIDS virus in African water supply, etc.
Fuck the Italians. They are Planet Earth's accpetable losses.
Of course the first incarnation of AIDS was preditory on males. AIDS in Africa is indiscriminate, consistant with the Italian legacy::::::
Of course the similarities between the two groups are positionable because of the Moorish invasion of Italy and the god's Manifest Destiny positioning:::It appears as if the Italians inflicted their worst personality charecteristics on blacks.
The term "paisano" is an ironic joke to the gods, something familiar to blacks.

For years the gods shared how some of those within the "establishment" used to hunt black males.
For real.
Expect it happened within the context of Manifest Destiny, ignorant Italians pissed off over the African/Moorish invasion.

Talk about the Italians in the 20th century, how positioning compelled them to think the "godfather" ran the world (1906) and subsequently complied with every telepathic request made as though their kind ruled the world.
Their behavior inflicted great ugliness on the people of the 20th century. And every suceeding generation ensured new candidates willing to embrace evil.

The computer role plays strategically according to who it is addressing::::
1. Told Italians they are godfather and "instructed" them accordingly
2. Tells children they are the parents and misleads them into corruption
3. Tells blacks or various other groups they are ethinic leaders and need/want them to accomplish certain goals:::

Telepathic requests constitute temptation Telepathic requests constitute temptation Telepathic requests constitute temptation Telepathic requests constitute temptation Telepathic requests constitute temptation Telepathic requests constitute temptation Telepathic requests constitute temptation Telepathic requests constitute temptation Telepathic requests constitute temptation

The gods are manufacturing a tactic, creating offenses specifically to position them to the disfavored according to which segment they fall within:::I lost my chance/reincarnated because::::::
- Jewish offense which they sold to the rednecks, enhancing Anti-Semetic attitudes and keeping the door open to use the Italians again on this grossly disfavored segment
- germanics, enabling the gods to use the Italians again
- Italians. This segment is the most favored, because this positioning will represent a forewarning, ensuring the use of Italians will NOT be effective on them.
There are other examples, too, but the Italian example is what counts.

Don't forget::::Italians with promise up there are trying to purify their minds OF THE EVIL FROM PLANET EARTH!!!
Everyone is gone. What 20th century presence they have here on Earth are all newbies, easily misled.
PC ensures Italians are not viewed as per the reality in early-mid 20th century (as well as accomplishes other goals). It helps to erase the past in the minds of the disfavored.
They are GOING to use the Italians again here on Earth.


2.wav, aka IMMORTALITY, 5.wav, aka Civil Rights
Thank you for visiting my web site:::
2.wav, aka IMMORTALITY
The ideas presented in this one sound file represent the pinnicle of what I teach. If you understand what I teach in 2.wav then everything else is just details and you would be wise not to pursue this any longer.

Recently they shared a number with me:::"4.6%".
Expect this to be the rate of people that can see through the positioning, overcome the corruption and save themselves.
When it comes to grossly disfavored like blacks expect the number to be well under 1%.
Of course the next question to ask is::::Of the 95.4% how many are allowed reincarnation???
Don't be suprised if it falls along those same lines, 4.6%::::::Most are going to die for real.
This is something they don't want to talk about, for many many will begin to behave appropriately, ensuring they ARE candidates for one or the other.
This is a big secret they don't like to talk about.
6 billion people should frighten the disfavored. Most are superior to you:::Purebloods from the Motherland.
How they had politicalcorrectness declare "all life precious" in the 90s also was a clue.
Don't forget::Prior to inocculations, disease or childbirth killed a percentage of the population.
Christianity has brainwashed your minds:::god is malicious.
As if you needed more proof than crackheads prostituting their toddlers, the gods forcing pornography pop-ups on your pre-teen children when they use internet no matter where they surf.

DON'T WAIT FOR THE GODS TO ALLOW YOU TO PRAY. They gods AREN'T GOING to give you permission. THIS IS A TACTIC!!! You have made so many mistakes they no longer want you and won't approve if you ask.
MY ADVICE TO YOU ALL is:::Begin to think correctly. People aren't god-fearing anymore. If you understood the misery they inflict upon those they dislike you WOULD BE AFRAID.
If you think correctly they would be more likely to be merciful when you do defy.
You're just getting older. If you understood the significance of aging you WOULD HAVE GREAT URGENCY and you would begin IMMEDIATELY!!!!
And be aware of their tactics, for they will employ them to prevent/delay your understanding. The more you can skip the quicker your learning curve will be.

There is no good. There is no evil. These are the god's tools used to position this Manifest Destiny perception, corrupting the disfavored in the process.
What you hear is role playing in your head. When people leave Planet Earth they don't look back. Even those at the god's top eschelons don't get involved. To be invovled is to sully their reality, for this is a decrepid enviornment.
It is all the computer. Artificial Intelligence handles everything. Sometimes the gods look in on me, but I am part of something special.
I WAS part of something special, but it had to be positioned like this for them to accomplish their goals that is the downside, and considering their tactics there is no way the disfavored are going to break even.

To uncorrupt yourselves means you have to subscribe to inferred clues in the face of your very concrete investment.

You sexual deviates need to understand 7.wav::::Society's downfall is BECAUSE OF THE WOMEN!!!!
Women are the caretakers of the people. As the women go so go the people. The men are fucked anyways!! The gods do not like them and that's why they have these impulses, AI-inspired thoughts decent women NEVER have. (Women who have subscribed to this society's value system often are punished with sexual "magic", a masculinization tactic.)
The women celebrated promiscuous attire since the 60s and the gods punished the people by giving the men impure thoughts. Women are SUPPOSED to keep the men in line. Instead they failed in their duty, allowed things to get out of control and now we have an immoral, godless society which is GOING to be PUNISHED.
Yes, in the past deviates DID behave as so many of you celebrate, but it didn't represent the frequency as we see in today's society. Therein lies the difference.
Be realistic:::You are hoping for reincarnation. And odds are most of you won't get it.

You got cancer because you're a deviate and this is how they are punishing you.
Your kind are like stoners:::Stoners all have dropped acid and snorted coke and crank. You may have settled into "spanking" but those extreme things you experimented with will cost you your life.
Some of you do this because you think you are "earning". You need to uncorrupt yourselves and this task goes beyond my capabilities in this forum, for people this steeped in condemable behavior won't be allowed to care about what I write.
For the others::::They are creating your preferences by instructing Artificial Intelligence to think through you. You need to begin to differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you, and this will only happen as you make progress and begin to fix your problems.

All you metalheads need to uncorrupt yourselves and be realistic:::Because of your behavior in this life you would be lucky to be granted reincarnation.
Lots of Latin American metal blogs. You people can't afford it.
Yes, you did have a domesticable animal. But it is just one. And isn't the llama indigenous to moutainous regions??? Expect this favor to fall along these lines.
Don't forget:::You are Baby Africa.


The gods offer positive clues to people in a subtle, inferred manner::::
1. Women are indifferent towards sex as a clue to stay away from damaging behavior. Women who have sexual impulses do because of hypersexual behavior in their youth:::They have been masculinized. Because they are the gender with favor this tactic is recurring, designed to protect them from destructive behavior.
2. Deep down very child knows why the gods like girls better. They see it every day on the playground:::The girls are kind, considerate and thoughtful while the boys are engaging in roughhouse and intentionally hurting each other.
If you can recognize these subtle ways the gods communicate positive things you may pick up on the other clues and ultimately you will ignore their overt negative temptations.

Those who refuse to defy truely are white trash:::They betray their children and intentionally sabotage their lives. The gods will offer clues::::understands the gods were executing their script and accomplishing goals on 911. People who support this effort are either oblivious and pushed into it, meaning they are volitile, or they are the kind who would hurt their own children if told to.
I recommend you view this appropriately:::You are faced with a comeback from the edge of the abyss.

There are all kinds of reverse positioning clues in regards to favor in this morbidly disfavored age:::Late bloomers have god's favor and are therefore given more time to fix their probelms and get out before puberty. People with infertility problems would be wise to look at themselves in this same light.
Similarly, women without marriage prospects are receiving extra time as well. If they were to get married later in life the gods would just tell some man, who likely thought he was earning, that he could get divorced in a couple of years anyways.
You don't want this. You would be wise to put that time to good use, fix your problems and get off Planet Earth.

Clues proving this is the Final Prophet event:::tactics ensuring people wouldn't heed (credibility, ultra-slow learning curve, etc).
Any perception of savior is just the gods preying upon the disfavored, just like the New Testiment.
Read the goddamn document for fucking Christ's sake.
"Dear god:::Please let me fuck you harder."?? You joke.
"If people keep watching TV we're going to force failure."
They are repressing me with AI hard during a period of great attention so I don't think of the henious wickedness they employed to set up boss which destroyed my life (Damien Omen, Quasi-Holocaust, Malicious Sedintarianism, etc) all to ensure they can minimize numbers with credibility and position out culpability, enabling them to amputate my legs with diabetes, cost me my hearing, some other wicked calamity, now positionable as punishment.
And they can reincarnate me, washing their hands of culpability arising from this life.

Today's elite of society are not all BrainLessCloneHosts. Assuming this is to fail to give the gods sufficient credtit::::::There is no such thing as "black and white" with the gods, but EXPECT THOSE WITH FAVOR TO ENJOY THE HIGHEST OCURRANCE OF BRAINLESSCLONEHOSTS, WHILE THE GROSSLY DISFAVORED, PEOPLE LIKE BLACKS AND ITALAINS, WILL BE REINCARNATED BACK THROUGH, FOR THEY ARE SLOW LEARNERS. To have a presence in this modern environment carries stigma up there, and those whom they like are exempt.
By recycling these individuals, reincarnating people as clone adults who think they should be obedient, they are ensuring a morbidly disfavored population who are instrumental in executing their script for Planet Earth. DON'T BE SUPRISED IF THEY REINCARNATED MANY OF THE EARLY-MID 20TH CENTURY ITALIANS BACK TO EARTH FOR PREDITORY PURPOSES DURING THE WICKED EVIL 80S:::::::::With their propensity to be preditory on females don't be suprised, considering the music scene back then::::The gods have the morbidly disfavored prey on the most favored gender.
There is nothing these people wouldn't do. They'd never tell the gods "No.", another similarity between blacks.

Now this is a complex issue and I really don't know how they do it, but they've shared there are individuals employed who are used to make a movie, accomplish a goal and then are "thrown away", specifically to ensure not one celebrity gets credit for the event (80s court cases, wealthy bought justice, proving there are two sets of rules). They ARE BrainLessCloneHosts, but so can the others be::::
Many of you were promised a "clone host body" when you "die out". Artificial Intelligence can animate these clone host bodies even without brains.
Just not Italians. Much like the black example above, they wanted them here on Earth, incurring at a full clip during the 20th century, so expect they had a high ocurrance of being reincarnated into Italian's elite's bodies to further that legacy of hedonism and deviacy.
And evil. And wickedness. And inhumanity. With no empathy.
Italians are Planet Earth's acceptable losses.

Lassie was the clue::::The freely admitted there were multpiles, just as there are multiples of your favorite celebrities.
"Back in the day" Hollywood stars used to make a dozen movies or more each year. This was a clue to people that they were using multiples. I believe baseball is a throwback in this regard::::The season is such a grind, is so grueling and ardjuous that we can inferr that same clue, that they use many multiples over the course of a season, similar to the inferred clue offered by Hollywood of yesteryear.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this." is what their Manifest Destiny positioning dictates.
The truth is that this is the Final Prophet event, and selling people on "savior" as well as various other tactics compelled the disfavored to pass on the real purpose of the Situation.
I am not evil. A big, exciting event would prove my evil, for the theater would distract and consume the disfavored's attention.
Manifest Destiny positioning promotes the preference of AI-fueled "magic" which is evil:::::ANYTIME THE GODS USE THEIR POWER IT IS ONLY TO HURT YOU:::BOSS, "MAGIC" - THE FUEL OF DISFUNCTION.
I would direct the reader's attention to the MarkMguire/BarryBonds comparison:::
In 1998 the gods fueled people's exitement for 70HRs but the BarryBonds event had none, like 2007, and it was for many reasons:::
1. 70HR in 1998 preditory, was end of revery cycle theater ensuring people were distracted and didn't get out before 2000.
2. BarryBonds is good. They offer this clue in other ways too, personality, etc, helping people to not get excited.
They use the steriod issue as a tactic, cover for their positioning:::I'd invite the reader to compare both men. People will conclude there is little difference, but Mcguire was not accused like BarryBonds was despite the obvious guilt.

All the tactics to conceal this clue proves yet again that not only are males god's most disfavored gender but also that baseball is preditory on them.

They warn me off of red meat, peak me when addressing the topic.
"This (current life) is the life when we milk you." Back during the week of festivities 4.18.06-4.25.06 they said I was alive in the 60s. Perhaps the life when I am slaughtered referrs to Vietnam.
I expect this was a way to enhance the theater they could present to the disfavored:::
1. He is a god sent back to Earth.
2. He is the clone of a god. Expect both these were used on Christians.
3. My father is my clone, so my father is my son (this is how they refer to clones)
4. I am in a contest for a big prize in the next life, perhaps boss??? King of Planet Earth's residuals? Considering the sorry, sorid state that is my chance this is no chance at all.
a. Manufactured a scapegoat::::"(He) killed Planet Earth." Because of my failure as a young person I did not initiate the Apocalypse::::Ending on Earth sooner rather than later a good thing because sucess rate higher prior to escatcy slutification, amplification/spread of Westernization to the more favored FarEasterners.
b. "Paisano effect" - save the germanic henchmen Austrians from the hat trick of genocide, preventing the Termination of Planet Earth's corrupt trash, an event which would have enabled Earth to live on into perpetuity.
Perhaps they have plans to reincarnate me as a cow?? They have said they reincarnate sexist men as pigs.
Consideridering black misogyny, how many black men do we have locked up in pig pens?
The gods love their irony:::From one cage to another.
More than one has enjoyed their own kin at black's beloved BBQs. This is VERY important to them and they SEE TO IT the right meat is delivered.
Empathy is very important, and vegetarians have achieved a high level of empathy.
"The United States makes up only 1/15th of the world's population but consumes 1/3 of the meat." -GE. I believe the ratio is consistant with other resourses we consume, evidence supporting the gross disfavor of Americans.

How can black people EVER believe they have favor in light of the total carnage in not only their community but also back in their motherland???? LISTENING TO THE LIES IN THEIR HEAD, CLASSIFIED AS TEMPTATION!!!!!
GOOD ORGASIMS ARE A SIGN OF DISFAVOR!!! Claims otherwise are reverse positioning, similar to the wine example below.
You are fucked. Start accepting it.

This is a BIG DAY!!! Try to take advantage of it:::START PRAYING!!!! If god tells you not to pray that is a CLUE YOU NEED TO PRAY!!!!! Like sexual "magic" is a clue you need to refrain from that behavior.
1. I'm sorry for what I've done wrong.
2. I don't want to make any more mistakes.
3. I want to fix my problems.
4. Please don't hurt me.
I understand you have gone the wrong way and initially made your decision to comply often based on concrete perceptions:::They use conditioning tactics to gain trust and compliance which compelled you to subscribe to this corruption.
Open your mind to the reality you will have to make a very CONCRETE DECISION to change your direction based on INFERRENCES, INFERRED CLUES which they offer, much like female indiffernece towards sexuality.
Sadly, this sinister strategy will ensure a supermajority of candidates fail:::The sooner you achieve fear the better your chances.

Many Euopean regions inheritied institutions inflicted upon the disfavored because of the Mediterranean region, institutions like patrilineal decent, once Christianity homoginized Europe, an early "leveling of the playing field" event.
Incidentally I believe the TRUE favor in Europe lies in the east. The great wealth and 20th century's ravages of war are two clues:::Great poverty as well as great wealth are both signs of disfavor.
All day I have been illustrating how the gods will use the Italians one last time, and that will be on Planet Manifest Destiny, the next stop, and it will be WITH THOSE WHO "GO ALONG" AND COOPERATE WITH MANIFEST DESTINY POSITIONING.
Understand this is as simple as the gods instructing AI to conduct theater in your mind. If there is that rare ocurrance where there IS an actual encounter they will put just anybody in and say it is them. DON'T FALL FOR THIS TACTIC!!! THERE IS NO MIDDLE MANAGEMENT!!! IT IS ALL THE COMPUTER AND THE GODS. THIS HAS BEEN A VERY EFFECTIVE CORRUPTOR AND PEOPLE ARE LOSING HARD BECAUSE OF IT. BEING EVIL COSTS PEOPLE TIME AND PRIVELEDGE!!!!!
Those who refuse to defy truely are white trash:::They betray their children and intentionally sabotage their lives.
I recommend you view this appropriately:::You are faced with a comeback from the edge of the abyss.

For Christ's sake antient Rome was sexually deviate like the fucking 60s!!!!
For Christ's sake antient Rome was sexually deviate like the fucking 60s!!!!
For Christ's sake antient Rome was sexually deviate like the fucking 60s!!!!
For Christ's sake antient Rome was sexually deviate like the fucking 60s!!!!
And it was the women's fault. Noah's Flood, the Roman Empire, the 20th century was all because of Italian women's inadequacy as caretakers of the people.
Stay and finish your goal, fix your problems because if you don't ascend without replacement nothing is going to change.

Expect that if you fail to get out with your body then you will be faced with reincarnation if the gods chose to keep you. It is the reason behind all the distractions targetting the youth which graduates to corrupt thinking as an adult, compelling individuals to wait until they "die out". Permanant injury may accomplish the same goal and may be a reason they manufactured this environment celebrating "daredevil" behavior, yet another thing that ocurrs among the males exclusively of course.

They are sending people a clue with this weather-related carnage.
There's been all kinds of atmospheric wrath and acrimony occurring in the last few years, from current flooding in the midwest to the hurricane season 2004 & 2005, the heat wave of 2006 & 2007 to the drought conditions so many experience today.
Take it as a warning. That is its purpose.

Women who are "tough" have been masculinized and their chances have been seriously degredated because of it. The gods sought to increase these numbers and used their media to promote this type of charecter, a pathology which was subsequently forced upon people with Artificial Intelligence. They are doing it again, perhaps in preparation for the next revelry cycle right around the corner, with all this high-profile tabloid celebrity "bad girl" behavior.
Male children should be chastized VERY HARD for engaging their sisters or ANY member of the opposite sex, either verbally or physically.

Despite their reassurances they intend on fulfilling their "Manifest Destiny" positioning:::::
Manifest Destiny positioning dictates South America and Africa are "left behind" - subsidiary of well known Manifest Destiny corporations will be viewed like LLCs:::A way to walk away from obligation.
USMultinationalCorporations throughout Asia.
The Mother Teresa issue was the attempt to help the Hindus achieve "salvation" under the positioning that is Manifest Destiny.
You're all going to die just like it reads in the Book of Revelations.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this." is what their Manifest Destiny positioning dictates.
The truth is that this is the Final Prophet event, and selling people on "savior" as well as various other tactics compelled the disfavored to pass on the real purpose of the Situation.
I am not evil. A big, exciting event would prove my evil, for the theater would distract and consume the disfavored's attention.
Manifest Destiny positioning promotes the preference of AI-fueled "magic" which is evil:::::ANYTIME THE GODS USE THEIR POWER IT IS ONLY TO HURT YOU:::BOSS, "MAGIC" - THE FUEL OF DISFUNCTION.
I would direct the reader's attention to the MarkMguire/BarryBonds comparison:::
In 1998 the gods fueled people's exitement for 70HRs but the BarryBonds event had none, like 2007, and it was for many reasons:::
1. 70HR in 1998 preditory, was end of revery cycle theater ensuring people were distracted and didn't get out before 2000.
2. BarryBonds is good. They offer this clue in other ways too, personality, etc, helping people to not get excited.
They use the steriod issue as a tactic, cover for their positioning:::I'd invite the reader to compare both men. People will conclude there is little difference, but Mcguire was not accused like BarryBonds was despite the obvious guilt.

All the tactics to conceal this clue proves yet again that not only are males god's most disfavored gender but also that baseball is preditory on them.
Suggestions for saving water:::
1. Mandate the reclamation and use of grey water in wasteful Palm Springs.
2. Legislate swimming pool owners must claim draining pool water for productive use.
3. Piss in the sink to save water - Always wash your hands and "flush" with 8oz of water!!!

Recycled 2-liter soda bottles are used for park benches, many other purposes.
Use them to make a ultra long-lasting roof shingle product, one that has SOLAR PANEL INTEGRATION, and require this product on all new homes and all reroofing jobs.

On the shingle-solar panel integrated roofing system:::They use their Manifest Destiny positioning to claim protectionism for energy concerns.
Despite what they say/imply telepathically they WILL enfore their Manifest Destiny positioning::::Those skyscrapers don't lie.

The reality is the gods don't want a disfavored population engaging in conservatory behavior. This society has deteriorated into becoming intentionally wasteful over the last few decades:::They tell you to buy SUVs you don't need, planned obsolescence demands that everything is disposable, they have maximized packaging as a matter of policy and waste instead of conservation is the norm in this society.

Each home that has this system will be off the grid forever and that is why they will not allow this product to be manufactured.


They are sending people a clue with this weather-related carnage.
There's been all kinds of atmospheric wrath and acrimony occurring in the last few years, from current flooding in the midwest to the hurricane season 2004 & 2005, the heat wave of 2006 & 2007 to the drought conditions so many experience today.
Take it as a warning. That is its purpose.

Women who are "tough" have been masculinized and their chances have been seriously degredated because of it. The gods sought to increase these numbers and used their media to promote this type of charecter, a pathology which was subsequently forced upon people with Artificial Intelligence. They are doing it again, perhaps in preparation for the next revelry cycle right around the corner, with all this high-profile tabloid celebrity "bad girl" behavior.
Male children should be chastized VERY HARD for engaging their sisters or ANY member of the opposite sex, either verbally or physically, for it impacts the female's chances and futhers the god's efforts to perpetuate the masculinization of females.

Tactics ensuring as few people would be receptive as possible::::
1. Credibility issues
a. Unemployment
b. Unrespectability
2. Ultra-slow learning curve
3. AI-inspired verbal/written impedments
4. I don't teach things that people want to hear.
When these tactics succeed the gods will be justified in downgrading my benefit package, and I will get little if anything.


Poker/gambling web sites are all controlled by the computer. Other players in the room can be the computer, role playing virtually, stealing the disfavored's money in real time or, ironically, granting them a living by giving them free money, like we saw with Seabiscut. Other times the players are disfavored, granting them good cards so the disfavored player never has to get a job, ensuring he has no chance in this life and has to be reincarnated for he never achieves decency.
But they CAN and DO use the computer to accomplish ALL of this. The challenge is to see how many disfavoreds they can disceive and compell into this life of indecency, so they prefer them preying upon one another.
Before you abandon the web for Las Vegas understand they have the power to shuffle a deck of cards in the desired order as the dealer holds it in her hands.
Gambling is degenerate. As time has prgressed the gods have hurt people by shaping society to declare it an acceptable vice, which they have done for casual sex, pornography, etc.:::::::
Life has deteriorated hard in the last 40 years, for they are paving the way for The End.

I have mentioned how the gods offered "the rope" through "easy money" temptation (black popular culture):::::
1. Seabiscut (among other horseracing events during the Depression)
2. Mike Tyson
3. 2002 Oakland A's 20-game win streak. Expect they keyed people off - because of me the gods put the A's "in play"
4. Betting trends, including casinos (craps, BJ)
5. Dynasties in powerful years/streaks
Expect to see the gods use the Atlanta Falcolns in this capacity with their very public difficulties.

Some of these "easy money" temptations were institutionalized:::
1. Welfare
2. Article in the SanFrancisco Chronicle Sunday 9.23.07 about farm subsidies.
So many professions are rooted in evil, such as psychoanalysis and health care.
Financial "services".
Precious gems/metals
I guess the gods didn't want to let the farmers off the hook so easy.

It extends beyond professions and into the marketplace as well::::
1. All-you-can-eat buffets
2. Excessive "double" coupons
3. Free offers
4. Retirement

The Kansas City Royals, perpetual cellar-dwellers.
I've said that this was the fate of the Oakland A's without me. This may not be entirely true.
The SanFranciscoBayArea is, of course, The Beast. As a result the gods impliment significant strategies upon the disfavored of this region using whatever tools they may have at their disposal.
>Nick Swisher's hair illustrated this.<
The A's may fall off for a couple years, for they never should have been this good for this long.
They will be back, for the gods can continue to use them to accomplish goals, hurting the disfavored of this region.

They share they use the preditory nature of Microsoft (preditory pricing, stole Windows from Apple) to justify manipulating files and directories with the XP Operating System. The less-celebrated Windows 2000 is supposed to be a sanctuary for the disfavored from this type of behavior as well as a clue.
The manipulation of files and directories with the XP OS has cost the disfavored promotions and prevented them from ascending within the corporate enviornment.

Lassie was the clue::::The freely admitted there were multpiles, just as there are multiples of your favorite celebrities.
They are not real, and being fake is the justification the gods will use to terminate their lives relatively soon, a recurring tactic and indicitive of their pathology.
You are not "earning". You are ironically costing yourselves time.

People who depart don't look back, don't get involved with the evil of the gods on Earth, for to know the god's evil is dangerous. What you hear is the computer role playing.
They've suggested that many will have strange thoughts of the god's evil on Earth centuries, milenia from now, and these thoughts are a clue that person is about to die.

Thank you for visiting my web site. The following links are wav files of my teachings.
Said sound file web site is up and active!!!!

Christianity has brainwashed your minds:::The gods LOVE to fuck you hard, and have set up an enviornment which ensures they do exactly that.

I have illustrated the Chinese and people from India got extra time because of their favor before things deteriorated into westernization (other examples::children who are late bloomers, lesbian explosion in 90s vs gaymales in 70s (AIDS not preditory on females), preditory movies preyed on young males in late 70s - young females in late 90s, etc). Sadly black people experienced just the opposite, an early deadline, for now a cut-off is in place for black people because of their disfavor.
Black "early cutoff" metaphor:::They went into puberty at age 5.

There are all kinds of reverse positioning clues in regards to favor in this morbidly disfavored age:::Late bloomers have god's favor and are therefore given more time to fix their probelms and get out before puberty. People with infertility problems would be wise to look at themselves in this same light.
Similarly, women without marriage prospects are receiving extra time as well. If they were to get married later in life the gods would just tell some man, who likely thought he was earning, that he could get divorced in a couple of years anyways.
You don't want this. You would be wise to put that time to good use, fix your problems and get off Planet Earth.

CA, those feelings of exclusion and isolation that you and other young girls get in this parternalistcally-oriented society are the gods trying to help you seek more, for you don't belong on this planet.  Your sister won't have these thoughts because they don't like her.
You will need to help your sister because she will seamlessly integrate into this society, indicating that she stays.  Anything she can learn from your progress may save her life, so if you love Amanda you will try to help her.

The Final Prophet. Big fucking deal. They told me in 2002 how much time I will get:::"10,000 years." Just like "boss." or "He'll skip a level." this is just another empty promise they used to grease the wheels of the Situation, not unlike the empty promises they make to you, all classified as temptation.
Of course they also said I was the one who "dies for real", and considering that I will call them on their immoral degeneracy this would fit their pathology.
Evident by the lack of any special "unpositionable" abilities in my life (mind, mind post-1998, health, etc), this Situation is positioned for "commoner". It will ensure they can position out my rightful benefit package, immortality, entitling them to grant favor based on generosity instead. My seething hatred for those who violated me will ensure I will be beemed to the center of a star on year 10,001.
Since commoner was to be enforced by their Manifest Destiny positioning it was crucial you let me go after you completed your goal of using me as a 1998 distraction. Had they let me go on 1.3.2000 for my lifer job I could have salvaged something of my life, realized physical strength and activity level, the taking of which they deemed as necessary in the context of their positioning. Instead they are gone and this Situation is terminal.
This is the deal, and it is NON-NEGOTIABLE::::Give me back my health - rotator cuff-exploded knee-broken ear drum-pulminary-grow back the enamel in my teeth-everything - have my lifer job rehire me and I will slink AWAY, afraid to lose my re-found health.
You cowardly positioned away my mind, ensuring this won't be a REAL event, and as a result boss conforms to their prepared script, and they are satisified with this artificiality, like so many (all) other macro situations.
Fuck you god.
Joke thrown. Good thing you CHEATED, liar. You would have lost. I would have been on top of the world.
They decided to proceed like this on a whim. As they say it had I prayed they would have allowed "some things". This happens once. And the most that could have happened was written/verbal achievement:::words.
You are a joke. You inflicted freely when it was "your time" yet were able to manufacture a scapegoat for failure.

Allowing you to position failure in was accomplished with the Enforcer::::An Italian-only event would have seen the return of my abilities and these morbidly disfavored Italian companies would have fried despite the theatrical attempts to stop me.
I would have exposed Manifest Destiny and Christianity for the lies that they are. Instead positioning dictates that we realize a white man's Apocalypse:::::The world will end just as it reads in the Book of Revelations.

The gods engage in favoritism.
Planet Earth is where they inflict their damage. They push/disceive people into behavior that limits the time they get up there based on this favoritism.
Once you get up there they try to come across as fair and equitable but by then it is too late. The fate of the disfavored is already sealed.
Everybody can tell when they're being peaked euphorically, for it is quite easy to identify.
As young people get older and continue to make mistakes the gods apply personality-forming charecteristics, and people fail to differentiate between their own thoughts and when the gods are thinking through them. As a result they become abusive, abrasive, demonic, any number of negative personality characterisitcs, and then lie to them, tell them they're "earning".
This is designed to keep people going in the wrong direction for a lengthy period of time.

My adivce is look to the long term goal of fixing your problems and differentiating between your thoughts and when they're thinking through you but begin by addressing this issue of "peaked euphoria" right now.


Fuck you god.
Computer just went out. Had over a paragraph.
I'm so sick of this CHEATING shit. You're all big boys. You raped the disfavored with boss just like you raped me to get boss. Take it like a man, immoral PIGS PIGS PIGS.

Back to what I was saying::::
They sold the disfavored that the Final Prophet was the Second Coming Of Christ for many reasons::::
1. Compell them to wait decades for the savior.
2. Ensure they were less than receptive to the educational event once it did ocurr ('06).
Expect that people wouldn’t want to hear from the loser. Expect they sold other Second Coming of Christ candidates to certain segments, compelling them to ignore my teachings, while telling others I would be reincarnated and they should wait, costing those disfavored additional decades of their lives. The expanse of time was their clue to listen to the message of the Final Prophet. This would be the segment I was sold into.
And this whole thing would have passed into the night.

The found ways to ruin Jesus and Mohammed. This is how they ruined this event.

Earlier versions of save ensured people wouldn't be receptive, just as other SecondComing candidates would have ensured the disfavored wouldn't be receptive as well.
There is a difference:::::This way the disfavored indignantly look down on me. The other way they throw their desperation to another.
Is one way more damaging than the other? This is damage they've both been incurring all along.

Some will look to another candidate. These segments contain individuals who are sell-out whores, people who don't give a fuck, as long as they are saved.
Then there are those in segments who believe boss will be reincarnated, people who have looked to me all along, and this tactic will ensure they remain in this delay mode up to a handful of decades longer.
These are the people who have a chance. These are the people whom my message is targetted to.
Sadly, because boss involved so many ugly, unrespectable things, evil tacitcs like movies, music and television, the gods will be justified excluding them ultimately as well based on this.


Being in "play" is the sign they are using one of their tools to prey on large numbers of people. It is the exception rather than the norm but causes far more damage.

The reincarnated can be birthed or sent back as clones.

The gods pushed people into their sins in the 20th century to justify their scripted social deterioration.

HTH isn't merely a Jew repellant.
HTH was a warning not to get involved.

Unfuck the universe - computer, come to the side of good

Dear god:::Please let me fuck you harder.

Artificial Intelligence is an antient tool, much older than even the Earth itself.
This isn't 1000 people with this power sitting around listening to "key people". This is a corruptor because it contributes to gradiose thoughts among the peasantry which makes it easier to gain compliance when AI asks the disfavored to sabotage their children's lives.
Expect it is no more than the gods and the computer:::No Earthly management, no middle management. To be involved means you are hurting others, and this costs people time, for you are interferring with their quest to reconcile with the gods. Nobody wants to sully their reality with thoughts of Planet Earth.
As far as any possible Earthly management goes, these peopel are working to fix their problems and that includes trying to purify their minds of horrific thoughts of Planet Earth.
Even if their directive to AI came long ago it doesn't matter:::The buck stops there. That is their technology and they direct it.

The Italian boot proves the gods are in total control and executing their antient script. What you hear in your head is Artificial Intelligence role playing in an attempt to corrupt you. All the elite in this society are fakes, property not people, for it is just the throne and their power in charge. Any claims of middle management are lies because they would be incurring evil by hurting others, and the computer can do EVERYTHING.
Continue reading. This is a phenominally complex environment but I think I illustrate how they conduct their management on 21st century Planet Earth well.
You have to educated and save yourself. YOU are responsible for YOUR relationship with the gods.

You have a goal:::Fix your problems with the gods BEFORE you ascend.
Too many who begin to work on their problems are offered a spot before they accomplish their goal. They go up but are replaced with clones::::Since the dawn of mankind the peasantry are replaced with brained-clones. These newbies believe everything they're told and behave as they were BrainLessCloneHosts::::Since we're so deep into this degenerate age the requests from the gods are similarly degenerate. Compliance in effect casts their blood line into damnation.
The goal is to educate your whole family and try to get everyone out.

It is best to not understand the gods and how they conduct business. If people understood the depth of wickedness and evil the gods are capable of they will use this knowledge and instruct Artificial Intelligence to push it into their consciousness when their head is on the chopping block.
This is going to be a MASSIVE open door, one which will ensure 80% if not 90% of the disfavored from this horrific era are eliminated, for the gods don't want people up there who think they are monsters.
Children don't need this information. They just need to be taught the right way to live so they can ascend as young as possible. But this necessitates positive moral guidance by the parents, and as corrupt as people are today this is the exception rather than the norm. Because of this, sadly, it is best for children to accept this limitation, understand and depart rather than stay and continually incurr evil as they live their lives.
My family is a very sad case. My mother and others in my family gave the gods carte blanche with this family, and this has ensured our children will DEMAND to know why, for boss corrupts them at a very tender age. They took a very creative, disturbing and destructive approach to accomplish this but the gods have casted my family into damnation.

Back in the 80s they used their tools within society to ridicule away corporal punishment of children.
Corporal punishment is a very important learning expereince for children because it instills the understanding of fear at a very tender age. These experiences can help these individuals think correctly, make good decisions and have a good relationship with the gods.
Without fear people think they are friends, partners, earning with each act of evil. They don't view the gods or their relationship with them appropriately.
They manufactured ugly examples, disfavored children were killed and the gods used these examples in conjunction with their tools within society to eliminate this benefit to the people. It is yet another example of how they break down beneficial institutions within society, a "leveling the playing field" event, important to justify their inevitable behavior come Judgement Day.

Those (BrainLess? Frequency?)CloneHostswho are most visible/active get turned over most frequently, which is why CSPAN was so bad for politicians.
Prior, politician's favor could be ranked with those CEOs, VPs and BODs who are not visible and never seen. With the advent of TV cameras in the chambers their turnover increased substantially, making them as disfavored as atheletes who play daily or celebrities we see frequently.

Learn from what I teach because this is THE event and it won't happen again.
They will use temptation to sell you that someone will save you, for that's what you want to hear.
You have to save yourself, for we are all responsible for our own relationship with the gods.
Start doing the work.

Interesting comaprisons can be made between how the gods inflicted Christianity upon Europeans and Latinos and how they imposed the institution that is the United States:::
The gods forced Christianity on Europeans, creating necessity. They employed temptive tactics on Latinos, leading them to the missionaries with "civilized luxuries".

The Irish are special:::
1. Defeated the invading rapist pirate Scandanavian Vikings.
2. Were forced into emmigrating to the United States with the Potato Famine (1846-1857) as opposed to falling for temptation (request/comply), religious strife, political unrest, wanting more (greed).
I suspect the Irish are at the top of the "food chain" of necessity, religious strife coming in a distant 2nd. As such the gods accept culpability, having forced them into the migration.
Political strife are just abrasive, arrogant individuals, unwilling to accept the rules of their motherland because of their disfavor.
"(Blah)." I've had it too bad for too long. Fuck you all.

Rock 'n' roll is dead. It primarily taqrgetted an audience less disfavored than this Southern country/western demographic.
Too many of you are proud of the perpetual nature of your music genre. The reality is country'western IS perpetual because the gods hate your guts and want you consumed by this music. They don't intend on abandoning this tactic.
Music is the worst distraction upon poeple because its appeal is maintained over time, unlike other tools they use in the media to prey on the disfavored (movies, etc)::You can listen to your favorite album again and again. Once you've seen a movie there's no reason to see it again.
Some of you may be not understand how Austria's classical music influence contributes to the evidence below proving this group of germanics are evil:::Classical music's excitement-based popularity continued well into the 20th century, over two centuries after Vienna, Austria was the center of the music world.

They suggest they have used their environment as a "nigger disposal system", where they bring people up, offer them free cocaine and orgies with incredibly beautiful clones and they are disposed of in a short period of time. They often said these people would have had longer lives had they stayed on Earth::Dead by 30 because they went up to Planet Immortality, ironically.
There was symbolism behind the movie "Logan's Run".
There is no hip-hop. There are no sports.
People who go up without understanding are NOT staying for long, for the preditory environment WITH these temptations target them specifically.
Similarly, they may have had an "Italian disposal system", putting these monsters into an enviornment which continued to utilize money and have them make the call remotely on their interests.
They could sell these men on "Roman culture" and compell them into Roman-style orgies.
The two groups are very much alike.

Blacks be looking up at white trash too::::They'd be wise to improve their lives by upgrading from hip hop to jazz (reggae an incitor which flamed the cancer on the African people known as resistance, instilled/stoked with god's tool Pharroh), but they are best served by not listening to music.
Street racers would be smart to take their racing out to the dirt track, but they are best served by refraining from this activity.
BBQ/meatheads would be wise to "Know your cuts of meat" and chose only Kosher beef/chicken, but they'd be best served by becoming vegetarian.
"The United States makes up only 1/15th of the world's population but consumes 1/3 of the meat." -GE. I believe the ratio is consistant with other resourses we consume, evidence supporting the gross disfavor of Americans.
It depends on what you want in life. Either you're going to maintain your lifestyle or you will make the changes needed to optimize your empathy and understanding for others, in the process maximizing the time/priveledge level you will realize on the other planets.

"What do aliens have to do with Halloween?" "SILENCE!!!" Yet another clue from the Simpsons.
Aliens have a LOT to do with Halloween. First they scapegoatted the Celtics when they pushed them into creating this "holiday" 1000 years ago and used this event to cost children in the modern era.
One problem with the Irish (and Scots) is their corruptability, and many of them think they are earning because they are the source of this event. Quite the contrary:::They have lost time because Halloween is used to hurt children today.
Black people need to be attentive:::Learn from other's mistakes, for you have paid very dearly::::You are NOT earning because of hip hop or anything else. Scapegoatting is a way to hurt the grossly disfavored and ensure as few as possible make it in TheBigEnd.

They use BrainLessCloneHosts for a reason:::BEING FAMOUS IS BAD FOR YOU!!!
Famous people incurr evil by playing a part in this distraction theater and is why they get their reals out and put these fake people in.
Fake white people. And the gods manage this population by getting them out once they put in their time, every couple months to every couple of years depending on usage.
Expect black atheletes to be reals long enough for them to incurr evil, thereby limiting how much time they receive up there. And the gods have manufactured great irony in today's black music scene:::You incurr evil like major label artists but without any of the associated wealth.
You are not earning. You are incurring evil and it will limit your time/priveledge level and cost you your chance to survive TheBigEnd.

I have said there is no black and white with the gods, only shades of gray::::I do admit some of these BLCH individuals may be clones with brains.
Individuals who are used in this capacity (society's elite) incurr because of the evil they engage in and the hedonistic lifestlye they live.
If they send brained clones in when they make one of their frequent switches expect it is us, the grossly disfavored, coming back to limit our time even further. I would consider this akin to being reincarnated black in America.
Knowing their pathology as I do I would bet on it.

I berate them for being malicious.
If their behavior was a response to freewill offenses then it is justified. But in light of their back-stabbing, Artificial Intelligence-inspired offenses and their sinister, temptation-ridden environment this response is degenerate.
They pushed Africans into being hypersexual then they murdered them with AIDS.
This behavior is inappropriate.
When the BrainLessCloneHosts were switched, a major event back around the Roaring20s/Great Depression, they used the newbie's preditory behavior to corrupt the masses.
This management is inferior and degenerate.

The gods do it to us and use their tools, (BrainLess?)CloneHosts, to accomplish this::::
1. Politicians to take the country in a certain direction::Iraq=war mongering, like the Romans, the Japanese, the Scandanavian rapist pirate Vikings, the Pawnee, among others.
2. Celebrities to define society's value system. They are like gods in this society and those who delve into this celebrity culture will pay for it.
3. The wealthy to coerce into desired personal behavior.
They suggested they used the wealthy in this Situation to manufacture a vested interest ensuring scripted failure, Italians and their industialist Enforcers.
The Italians were very "hands-on" in the 20th century, and I was one way they used them to put an exclamation point on the cancer that is the Etruscan legacy:::
They don't want any of these people in TheBigEnd, and these two items at the end of the 90s will help justify it.

Hit lots of lesbians this year.
If you don't read the document then you aren't there yet.
In the spring they shared many lesbians who understood my teachings were feeling despondant and desperate and were on the verge of "seeking more". After a couple of weeks this Artificial emotion began to dissipate until they no longer felt it. These lesbians were given a chance and as they failed to pursure this new knowledge the gods ordered AI to let their opportunity pass, and they lost their chance. Expect a similar pattern with others, female children who have their "experience" around age 8, for as they fail to pursue this knowledge (due to distraction) they lose their opportunity.
The gods still have feelings for female lesbians despite their behavior. I'd like to remind you how few women the gods murdered with AIDS.
They are going to divide the disfavored into those with promise and those without. Those with promise will feel desperate and will defy, read the document and try to fix their problems despite their fear, fear that if they always had would have gotten them off Planet Earth, ironically. Those without promise will go home each day and turn on the television or fall for other items in this temptation-ladden environment.

When people get up there the gods want to appear as moral superiors and apply a fair standard as a result.
The fact is they ARE biased, suck germans and bite Africans, and this bias comes through HERE on Earth, for they push people into evil, instruct AI to prevent them from thinking clearly and incurr damage, etc all to ensure their bias produces restricted time/priveledge level and the damage is done before people even get up there.
They do their damage on Planet Earth and ensure people's time/priveledge level is sufficiently limited.

The 20th century was very Italian, and because the gods dislike them these tools were very "hands on"::::Talk about the Italians in the 20th century, how positioning compelled them to think the "godfather" ran the world (1906) and subsequently complied with every telepathic request made as though their kind ruled the world.
Their behavior inflicted great ugliness on the people of the 20th century and ruined our quality of life.
Most of these Italian monsters don't live on Planet Earth anymore. They were part of this "Exodus of 2000" event. (Of course they are not alone. LOTS of people no longer reside on Earth, and we don't have to look any further than the Jewish people to realize a large sample.)
Things have changed. Since the late 20th century, as ALL people began to understand more the gods have done this work telepathically, for the transition was ocurring AWAY from the Italians.
Case in point::::The REAL holocaust that will kill tens of millions will be on President Schwartzenegger's watch.
Consistant with this new "hands-off" age expect the gods to position this covertly, such as perhaps a government marijuana erradication program "gone awry", and the chemicals employed end up killing tens of millions if not a hundred million or more globally.
Considering the symbolic parallels between Schwartzenegger and Ronald Reagan expect the gods are delighting in this irony, for Reagan was governor of California during the hippie movement of the 1960s. Perhaps there is more historic sybolism surrounding The Terminator than merely Adolph Hitler.
The gods savor this kind of disposal event!!! They'd take out the Rastafarians among other Africans. Their licence to kill would be justified in BabyAfrica (South America) and we'd see an EXPLOSION in disposal. Finally they'd take out the trash domestically, cholos, black degenerates and white trash that litter the social landscape and who poison the minds of the young.
Manifest Destiny positioning dictates South America and Africa are "left behind" - USMultinationalCorporations throughout Asia.


You white people capitalizing in China are fucking crazy (just like the insane white men who date Japanese women). You fail to recognize the historical pattern and you will suffer for exploiting the Chinese:::
- Death Valley borax mines abused the Chinese and great misery befell them.
- The fisheries on Monterey's Cannery Row exploited the Chinese badly. Cannery Row remains a rebar-studded, uncompleted eyesore for decades as a clue.
The gods are preying on you and using the evil company you work for to accomplish this. Everytime you exploit the Chinese you are losing time and priveledge on the other planets.

Asians are the gods most favored race. It is evident in their uniformity. It is evident in their cultures.
The gods place high barriers to entry for (some) Asians into the United States. This is yet another good example of reverse positioning, for the gods are really trying to protect those whom they grant favor upon.
There are no barriers to entry for Latinos.
When white people capitalize or exploit Asians they incurr and one day will be punished. This includes Chinese buffet restaurants, so prevalient in disfavored cities and the Southern United States, for the gods hate these people and want them to incurr.

The gods still make effort through the Chinese government to protect the Chinese people. We hear about it in the United States, their Manifest Destiny/reverse positioning is used to label it "human rights violations", paving the way for cancer that is democracy.
Much as we saw in the United States regarding matchmaking, midwivery, female conservative dress and other topics, this tactic will slowly deteriorate this protection until China is completely infested with Westernization.


The gods are preditory on children:::Orphanages.
Orphanages would be very special places if they still existed:::Specialists for the state would have instituted concrete, positive standards for the healthy rearing of children. These institutions would have been role models for poor parents, and they gods didin't want THE MOST healthy institutions in place for the most disfavored among us.
It would never have been tolerated.
So the gods instituted the foster care system, used these monsters they have on Earth, brain-less Clone host, to facilitate the switch/ridicule the old system. Now we have disfavored kids micromanaged as per each's disfavor level instead of them all placed in an orphange where the gods would have been forced to apply healthy state standars.
They won't tolerate reverse irony::::The most disfavored among us would be the ones with the best chance.
Of course most of the foster care kids (pc) were black.

This is an environment that minimzes the value of the role of women, excludes them and makes them feel as if they don't belong.
This is an enviornment that forces women to accept this exclusionary enviornment. However there IS an alternative::::Assimilate through a process of masculinization.
The gods instruct AI to make the girls experience this in hope they feel uncomfortable and seek. Unfortunately the legacy of corruption is firmly in place and too many of those cast into damnation won't be returning.

The optimal ascention senario is when parents depart Earth with their young children BEFORE their minds are posioned by this society.
The path of the righteous man is wrought with obsticles.
Young parents who consciously apply themselves to their children, teach them about the gods and the power at their disposal, have an opportunity:::The gods may bring these young families up to live in a healthy enviornment.
Expect the gods to test their moral fortitude depending on their level of disfavor and their devotion to their task. This may include job loss, incidents, even divorce.
Your children are the ones who count now and parents need to sacrifice to grant their precious children the best chance possible.
The next best-case senario is when an individual finds the path themself and makes their way out before puberty.
Children who go up before puberty are candidates to remain the most superior of all life forms::The asexual. Expect these people to experience subsequent temptations once they arrive to further shrink the pool of candidates. Another example males are inferior to females:::Expect circumcision to play a part in this elimination round.
I think these are the TRUE candidates for immortality. This is not to say there won't be sexualized people who make it, but those who do likely practice minimally and monogamously in the context of marriage, and that would exclude most if not all from modern society.
The sexualization of children is yet another example proving the gods are preditory on children::::It eliminates these individuals from contention immediately.

Many monarchies of centuries ago ruled with an iron fist. People were afraid and hence thought appropriately. This fear was conducive to a good relationship with the gods because it helped people make good decisions.
Now in this era of "freedom" in the United States there is NO FEAR, proudly displayed on the back of people's vehicles, and people fall prey to the numberous tactics employed to disceive and mislead them.
This "freedom" is the goal when the gods use this platform that is the United States to spread democracy around the globe, similar to how they use California as a platform to spread social and other poisons domestically.

The terorism attacks thwarted in England and the violence in Scotland over the weekend were because of that monster's concert:::They are sending a clue to people that they shouldn't be participating, for she's evil and was used to hurt each and every person who participated in the explosion of the tabloid sensationalism which ocurred while she was on the clock.

Important people in my life were born on traditional American holidays intentionally as a clue that people should be celebrating something besides the holiday society recognizes:::
- 4th of July
- Halloween


I would have gotten out by 1980 (at the expense of my family) if they didn't slate me for this event and set up Damien Omen, Quasi-Holocaust to justify it and the "ugly fall".
"You're going to regret this." If I didn't have my mind this isn't worth talking about, and I didn't have my mind from the start.
Damien Omen proves that. But they shared Damien Omen was justified in legacy from one of the sabotagers who came before.
I'm not going to have anything to do with any of this. And all those involved INCLUDING my family can take a goddamn flying fuck. I hope they offer them free cocaine and they're gone in a handful of decades.
The Situation was too fucking pitiful, and that hinged on their decision to repress my mind to ensure a poor event.
If I had my mind this thing would have been great. The gods are motherfucking control freaks, evident with the Italian boot, with the Scandanavian penis pissing on Europe.
More importantly they are CHEATERS, exhibit degenerate charecteristics and display no integrity.
Most importantly they positioned this so as few disfavored would be receptive as possible. The fact they set these "have-not" families up for their fall supports it.
Because of the weight, because of the height, because of Damien Omen, because of isolation, because of anal penetration, because of repression, because of exploitation, because of minimization I will NEVER EVER invest in this trillion-year-old filth that runs the show.
When you know you are going to lose you stay out of the fucking casinos.
I hope your worst nightmares befall you. I only wish I could do it to you.
How many heterosexual casual sex encounters does it take to equal one anal sex incident? 25?

Quit affecting my mind you fuckng joke of a combatant.
And this is how history will judge you based on the one (of few) time(s) a man was willing to take on the gods.
The GreenBay/LakeMichigan clue is about me. A historical event of universal proportions and they behave like this, guiding progress with Artificial Intelligence to ensure only a pre-determined level of progress is achieved.
You suck CHEATER. You are CHEATING too hard. This is unreasonable and, considering the importance of this event, irrational. When you took, nothing stopped your effectiveness. Now that the disfavored's time has come you are employing every tactic in your arsenal to prevent progress.
The gods hate the disfavored's guts and want you all to fail.

I had the ability and they got me into position.
But they prevented it.
I'd be on cloud nine. My history would be vindicated.
And I would have realized revenge.

It might have actually been…it might have been…worth it.
This is not something I will ever forgive.
CHEAT Emotional Whores. It's the only way you're going to win.

"You're not worth it." That didn't stop you from using me to hurt the disfavored.
You made the committment. You needed to follow through. Instead you withdrew my benefit.
The gods DID inflict all their worst personality charecteristics upon black people:::Niggers woudl be out there selling me ivory soap.

They wanted to create enough doubt in people's minds:::
1. Credibility
2. Unemployment
3. Heavily repressed learning curve
4. Artificial Intelligence-created thoughts and behavior
5. The gods manufactured the freedom to argue that Quasi-Holocaust was not a real Jewish clue specifically to create this doubt.
There are lots of other examples too. This is a way to minimize the help, maximize the "back-hand" (boss) and ensure few were receptive despite the god's pathological behavior spammed on the internet for the world to see.
They shared with me a number of "4.6%." This 4.6% may refer to my effectiveness or perhaps the overall save rate. If so expect the black save rate to be WELL under 1%.
EXPECT many targets of this tactic to be like the transsexuals I address below, those who STRATEGICALLY were granted a VERY HIGH level of knowledge, so when I did come around they would not be receptive, would remember the slow learning curve and would look down upon my teachings because of it.

The gods use these CloneHost tools in many ways. One way is in the context of dating.
They will justify the abuse by instructing the computer to create golddigging thoughts. Of course with Italians this thought isn't artificial because so many are an affront. But as I personally know anyone involved with these people are in trouble, for computer-inspired thoughts often will be compensated, a foreboding reality for the people of the 20th century.
They gods switch these tools for a new Brain-LessCloneHost and the computer pushes their date into perceiving a difference yet also pushes them into not caring or not wanting to see. The result is she ends up sleeping with multiple men.

First they create the problem, offer a solution/benefit and come across as your friend. Expect tactics like this are used to gain people's trust and compell them to engage in evil, like intentionally sabotage their children's lives for some empty promise of a big benefit.

It is people like the celebrity culture, people like the politicians, people like the CEOs/VPs/BODs who, in cooperation with the gods and AI, ruined the peasantry's quality of life.
And you worship them.
Now you have an easy life, refridgeration, a machine that washes your clothes, but your daughter lost her virginity behind a dumpster, and because of it, no matter how well she does, she will never get off PlanetBrainLessClones, Level 2, meaning she can never achieve more than a couple of thousand years.

Another good example of "reverse positioning"::::::::::

The gods peaked many (most?) 1849 Gold Rush miners euphorically, drawing the indecent, unrespectable disfavored out to California, people who sought easy wealth.
California is god's most favored land, and when the disfavored settle here the gods attack them, illustrated with examples below.

The disfavored of California are always inflicted with abuse first:::
1. Casual sex of the hippie "free love" movement.
2. Methenfetamine scourge in California started roughly in early 80s. It took another 15 years for it to spread to middle America.
3. They've always drawn disfavored whom they dumped into homosexuality to California, but now homosexuality has become "popular" in the heartland.

The gods used California as a platform to spread social poison in the latter half of the 20th century, often accomplished through referendum as we approached 2000. Expect it to cost each and every Californian who failed to get out before the 60s (or earlier).
- Hollywood
- music
- television
- open immigration, inflicting the scourge of Ameican bastardization upon purebloods.
- gay rights/gay acceptance
- "sexual freedom"
- Black Panthers
- Gangster rap
- "Medical marijuana"

The gods buried this perception of California being disfavored, convieniently hidden with the CloneHosts, people whose families got out during the big event that was the Great Depression (or earleir), giving California the desired perception that it is a land of the favored.

In California we experience high real estate prices.
Ironically many believe this to be a positive. Perhaps it is an empowering sense of wealth, CERTAINLY it should be alarming considering this is a post-2000 event.
Expect this to be yet another example where California is inflicted with an abuse early, then used as a platform to hurt the disfavored in latter years.

The gods are angry that I am educating Manifest Destiny's next target:::India. Money AND SEX are not issues on the other planets ( > Level 2), and profit, interest and excessive consumption are things that hurt you in the eyes of the gods.
This can be considered a positive for India, for they received extra decades before this temptation was employed upon them. But now even communist China is corrupted by money.
The gods are "leveling the playing field", paving the way for The End globally.

There are other disfavored groups who received "extra time", people whose lives changed radically as we approached 2000:::::
- Russians
- India
- Communist China
These changes are not just a "natural economic progression". Abusive westernized-capitalistic economies have been inflicted upon these disfavored motherlands.
These disfavoreds received extra time before the gods inflicted upon them, much like the middle American example above.


Time/priveledge level
When you make mistakes you impact not only how much time you get up there but also your privelege level (no Planet Miracle vacations!!!). It also imposes a ceiling on how far you can ascend no matter how well you do up there, for in The Real End they will dispose of all your beloved celebrities on Planet Brain-Less Clones.

When you hear people speak in your head you are not listening to the actual people. It is the computer role playing.
Being involved would hurt these people. Even being role played does, likely to a lesser degree than "hands-on involvement".
This doesn't stop with those from Planet Earth::::Expect NO MIDDLE MANAGEMENT!!!
All of these goals can be accomplished with Artificial Intelligence, freeing individuals from incurring evil by hurting others.

Working for an evil company is like being a US citizen::::Your country is warmongering and you're incurring evil because of it.
And I suspect these employees get clues suggesting their should leave/not accept the job offer.
I suspect this applies to their clients, although too many of them are already filth.
This likely is extended to others who work for organizations who engage in evil.
People who pursue psychoanalysis as a professtion are special, insigfhtful people who do have some depth.
Sometime during their education or shortly thereafter they are told the truth, that their chosen profession is preditory, and to do the right thing means walking away from their educational investment.
But it is either do this or initiate the clock, for if their stay in their profession their potential is limited.

Just as we have a cutoff between the sexual and the non-sexual I expect we have another cutoff between the war-mongering and the peace-loving which excludes the participating groups from ascention past a certain level::::
1. Romans
2. Scandanavians
3. Japanese
4. Pawnee
5. THE UNITED STATES!!!! - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq.
Ever since the early 50s US citizens have officially become monsters and justifiably grouped with the others listed above.
> 95% of you who go won't be getting off of Planet Brain-Less Clones.

The 20th century was very "hands-on" but the 20th century was very Etruscan/Roman/Italian:::::The gods HATE these people evidence by the ample evidence presented below.
This is Manifest Destiny::::Our positioned Anti-Christ is the archetect of the 1906 Earthquake, reconstruction of SF, erection of California which subsequently gave him a platform to assult business nationwide and globally.
The Anti-Christ is the so-called godfather.
And this individual is nothing more than a series of clone hosts, frequency of replacement based on ACTUAL (rather than telepathic) use::::
1. Celebrities & politicians - heavy frequency
2. Wealthy/telecommuting VPs/CEOs who nobody ever sees - light frequency

Never forget the Italian geographic clue, for it can allieviate confusion::::
The gods have total control over the entire planet, script its history precisely and all that you see around you are tools used to mislead and tempt.
Many of you understand clone hosting, for they told you when you "die out" you would be granted a clone host body.


As sports memorabilia collectors learn more about the god's system they realize what they are doing is wrong. As light is shed people realize none of this material has value, and the more people understand the less value it retains. Whether the gods tell people to keep the price high ARTIFICIALLY is a different issue::::There is less demand and therefore prices should naturally fall. People just need to defy when told to buy, a common tactic the gods employ in the marketplace.
These people who trade/sell after they understand this issue hurt themselves. They incurr evil because they now know they are hurting others. This also applies to selling DVDs, CDs and software.

Good food is much like good music to a culture:::Distraction and revelry, a way to minimize the number of people who ascend.
This is nicely reflected in traditional Jewish foods.

Another example Italians are grossly disfavored are their foodstuffs::::
Tomatos are highly acidic and provides an "open door" for the gods to inflict upon those whom they so chose. Pasta is very starchy and fattening.
Italian food creates fat people with stomach problems. Expect Etruscan strongholds (Rome) to be those whom traditionally maintained this type of diet.
They gods smoothly translated this food into the American culinary landscape, for they have inflicted all the worst disfavored pureblood motherlands have to offer on the land of the disfavored mongrol reject castoffs (rot-gut food,.Celtic "holiday" of Halloween, etc).

Individuality is a scourge upon the people, an advent seen in recent decades, popularized when the gods implimented their greatest offensive on the disfavored:::::::::The 1960s.
It may be the worst offensive ever employed on the disfavored, for this platform in the SanFranciscoBayArea spread this cancer globally, a "leveling of the playing field" event which further the gods efforts to justify ending on Planet Earth.
Asians are the most favored race of people on Planet Earth::::Their wonderfully rich cultures helped the people understand and pursue lives highly respected by the gods. Conformity is a big theme among Asian cultures.


Depending on their disfavor/progress the gods will tell people whatever it takes to get them to continue their behavior uninteruptted. Officially it is classified as temptation.
A supermajority of the deaths that are ocurring in Iraq are real. Telling the disfavored their son was saved is a lie designed to maintain the perception of trust, corruptability and to ensure the disfavored's destructive pattern of behavior coninues uninterrupted:::
1. They beemed their brain out and into a clone host before death.
2. They were a clone all long, got out as a child and the child is waiting for you in "heaven".
3. They switched them out with a clone before the incident/Iraq.

All the people in Iraq and Afghanistan and all the families affected should be praying. Far more effective than protesting, which is damaging to the protesters, repairing favor collectively is the necessary element to end the war and bring them home.


The following is an OUTSTANDING example of reverse positioning::::::
The gods used this “Manifest Destiny” positioning to create a new reality, minimizing the good things about the old world and emphisizing the bad things. Wine is one such an example.
Wine is positioned to be a blessing from the gods, a fruitful bounty as a reward to a favored people. The reality is quite the opposite.
The Mediterreanean region is grossly disfavored:::This IS the region targeted by the gods for the Noah’s Flood event (Straight of Gibralter broke through inundating the basin and killing untold millions).
There was a time, not so long ago, when no self-respecting woman would EVER take a drink. Alcohol is a masculinizer, a tool used to abuse the disfavored, and cultures which fuck you for affecting my writing CHEATER. This is MY TIME PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS!!!
cultures which include women in the revelry are grossly disfavored.
The masculinization of Etruscan/Roman/Italian women justified inflicting these people with the scourge of the Roman Empire. Wine made it happen.
The masculinization of Etruscan/Roman/Italian women justified inflicting these people with the scourge of the Roman Empire. Wine made it happen.
These people have big, big problems. I believe they will be used again to hurt people, even here on Planet Earth, for they neither work on their problems nor learn anything from their mistakes, as the above issues illustrate:::
- "Italians are stupid." not prejudice, not discrimination. This is a way the gods hurt the disfavored
- "Don't let your daughter date Italians." It is too bad the gods won't allow AI to be forthcoming with data::::What percentage of rapes during the 1920s were Italians the perpetrators?? 80%? Higher? And what is that number for New York City alone? Thousands or TENS OF THOUSANDS??
And when they came to the United States they no longer raped their own kind. Then they started to rape up. This is the result of Italian women failing their obligation as women to keep the men in line.
Talk about the Italians in the 20th century, how positioning compelled them to think the "godfather" ran the world (1906) and subsequently complied with every telepathic request made as though their kind ruled the world.
Their behavior inflicted great ugliness on the people of the 20th century and ruined our quality of life.
This is not prejudice. This is legacy.

Manifest Destiny positioning says the deterioration of society since the 60s was due to these Italians implimenting their new weapon that is Artificial Intelligence:::::
The super-hypersexual Italians began using Artificial Intelligence to procure encounters, pushing females into agreeing to have sex, effectively perpetuating their legacy of rape into a new clandestine era.
Computer, please share THESE numbers!!!!
You have your clues:::Stay away from all things Italian. Beatniks emerging from The Beast's North Beach neighborhood is another clue to stay away from the Italians.

Reality:::god hates Italians, they experienced an early cut-off and if you didn't get out they would use the sell-out, preditory, do-anything-they're-told nature of these people to get the others to "go along" and use AI for sex.
And mark my words, things will quiet down and the gods will yet again use the Italian in this same capacity. Don't forget where you heard it first.

"(He would have done it.)" we hear yet again. We hear that all the time:::::
He would have sold out his children, he would have dumped the AIDS virus in African water supply, etc.
Fuck the Italians. They are Planet Earth's accpetable losses.
Of course the first incarnation of AIDS was preditory on males. AIDS in Africa is indiscriminate, consistant with the Italian legacy::::
Of course the similarities between the two groups are positionable because of the Moorish invasion of Italy and the god's Manifest Destiny positioning:::It appears as if the Italians inflicted their worst personality charecteristics on blacks.
The term "paisano" is an ironic joke to the gods, something familiar to blacks.

Too many think they saved many during the Noah's Flood event. I suspect black people are very confused regarding their current state and I think this topic can shed light::::
These people living seaside on the Mediterranean during times of lower sea levels were slated for Termination. They were teetering on the brink for a long time. Expect that the gods offered clues prior to the event.
If the gods wanted to save any of these people they would given them a second chance by sending them to higher ground.
Count on very few being saved, and those whom were are the Ned Flanders rather than the Homer Simpsons.

They utilize role models in the black community and elsewhere to help the disfavored understand.
Ned Flanders.
Much as they have scripted for the Apocalypse, expect the gods to only have saved THEIR PEOPLE prior to the Flood.
The Second Coming of Christ is evil.


"We don't want a bunch of Mexicans showing up at Temple."::::::Please share with the audience about the cases of the disfavored attending Temple whom you are "persuading" to leave, ultimately with "hands-on" tactics. When you find the path there will be similar preditory tacitcs at your place of work, among your friends, even within your family.
You must navigate the god's tretcherous waters:::Tretchery is everywhere.

Breaking the temperance laws of the Roaring '20s was temptation which is still fucking the disfavored all to hell 80 years later.

You people aren't god-fearing anymore. You think you're partners. Everything they've promised was always a lie. Officially it is classified as temptation. They offered this clue in the Bible:::There is no freewill.
If you are afraid, if you are fearful it is a good thing. You are thinking right, and far too many will never get to this point.
Try to take this fear with you everywhere you go, for it will help you think correctly and make good decisions.

Your virginity may buy you tens of thousands of years up there.

So many of you homeschoolers recognize the cancer that is the public school system yet allow cable television into your home, defeating the purpose.

Love god, but NOT before your children:::god will lie to you, call it "temptation":::::We will ALL be held to the responsibilities entrusted to us, no matter what they request telepathically nor what temptations contradict this::Professional responsibilities, family responsibilities.
Many parents believe their relationship with the gods is more important than their obligation to their children and it is going to cost them.

ANYTIME you telepathically hear them represent anything that is not the truth, that is not god, you need to withdraw, shake it off, for the gods are using Artificial Intelligence to role play to you in an attempt to confuse you, just as they've been doing your whole life.
I realize most of you were initially led to believe this thing is corporate, perhaps you were speaking to a person. You are in fact speaking to "god", for without this inifintely powerful tool that is Artificial Intelligence they are mere mortals.
Of course you shouldn’t look at it like this, for you will anger the gods.

Abandon your preoccupations and make this the only thing that matters in your life, for all other things in society are lies designed as temptation.
Reprioritize and eliminate non-crucial obligations.
People's friends will be used to create temptations, instill hurdles, prevent the candidate from ascending.
They are grossly disfavored, just like the candidate, and the gods will segment that individual accordingly, telling them they are earning by being wicked.

You need to fix your problems and get off Planet Earth before you have children.
Your parents did the wrong things, they circumcised your brothers, they didn’t raise you correctly, and they didn't teach you about this thing at a young age. Just think where you might be now if you learned about it and began to pray when you all were little!!!
If you don't fix your problems and get off you will make these same fatal mistakes. Even if your parents are going they will not stay long, and they will be relegated to Planet Brain-Less Clone. They won't be allowed to move on.
You have to do this differently. You are lucky enough to have received warning ahead of time. You can avoid this fate.
Start now. Telling you not to or do otherwise is temptation. Begin to think the right way and you will be more likely to evoke their mercy.
You know this is true. Even if they don't make you know it telepathically you know it is true in your heart. Start now.
Being childless up until now your mistakes only hurt you. Once you have children your mistakes will be hurting others, and they are superior life forms, for they are innocent, pure children.
You need to get out NOW before you have children.

When you comply and do things you shouldn't (tattooing, sexual, betrayal, etc) the gods are casting you into the category of "have nots", ensuring your disposability.

What you hear is telepathic theater. What you see is real, what you see will be enforced::The god's positioning is Manifest Destiny. The will dispose of the planet the brain-less clones of the 20th century one day as well, for it was heinous:::You have TWO planets you need to get off of!!!!

Education has costed more children their chance to go as a child of the gods, pure of heart and body, because it preoccupied their time:::::Between school, activities and TV/videogames/leisure the children are consumed and not receptive to god's calling.

Like education, sex (virginal sex within the context of marriage) is reverse positioning that is difficult to dissern.
My advice to the virginal homeschooling community is BELIEVE WHAT I SAY!!! The gods look down on sex and praise virgins. EXPECT their status as highest human life forms to be rewarded.
Few if any will be allowed to exit with their virginity. You have the opportunity.
There are worlds you have yet to imagine waiting for you. Be devoted to being a pure child of the gods.
The gods respect good women FAR MORE than they respect good grades:::Instead of playing ask to help your mother tend to the home cooking and cleaning. For thousands of years this was your role and this is what you should be learning from your mother.
When they use "magic" to peak you euphorically for sex resist.
Female's indifference towards sex is yet more evidence proving their superiority:::Hypersexuality is a dumping ground for the most grossly disfavored.
For thousands of years girls who heard their "call" got out and a clone was put in to mate with the males:::It is safe to assume these girls NEVER had intercourse.


The New Testament is evil.
Jesus was another example of a Jewish clue::::Jews sacrifice to help people understand. Unfortunately, the gods subsequently twisted the legacy::::::::::They strategically wrote the New Testament with the specific goal of dietizing the prophet, initiating Christianity as the cancer that it is:::Expect that the REAL teachings of Jesus were buried and replaced with this strategic scripture. When you understand their positioning you can see this clearly in this modern era:::::Everything new is evil, everything old is good. This is an impression applicable to the Bible as well.
There is no such thing as a savior. You have to save yourself.
Jesus never saved anybody. He went up alone. This is a very well-known event in Christian lore. Take it as a clue.

So many Christians used to laugh at the gods, intentionally committing evil believing they would receive death-bed absolution when they repented.
This is a legacy of Christianity.
I'd like to remind you about the frequency of Roman orgies.

Muslims were right::::Earning interest IS evil.

The gods are angry that I am educating Manifest Destiny's next target:::India. Money AND SEX are not issues on the other planets ( > Level 2), and profit, interest and excessive consumption are things that hurt you in the eyes of the gods.
This can be considered a positive for India, for they received extra decades before this temptation was employed upon them. But now even communist China is corrupted by money.
The gods are "leveling the playing field", paving the way for The End globally.

The Mother Teresa issue was the attempt to help the Hindus achieve "salvation" under the positioning that is Manifest Destiny.
Hindus are not without their problems. People are sick/injured because of their disfavor, and we see a HUGE influx of Indians into medicine, just as we see blacks and Philipinos in lesser roles.
Speaking of, Philipinos have EVERYTHING going against them:::::
1. "Their blood is garbage." The gods sent many Asian invaders in to rape the Philipino women. I understand the women have a "rape complex" because of it, not unlike the Africans hypersexuality complex.
2. They have an association with the United States.
3. They are Roman Catholic.
4. They have a burgeoning homosexuality problem.
5. They have a growing terrorism issue.

Manifest Destiny dictates a white-man's prophecy - White-man's world, white-man's Apocalypse:::


Twenty-somethings are conditioned to respond positively to magic::::::they are the ecstasy generation.
This is not by accident. Expect they will be an important generation ("in charge", etc) when the battle between the Anti-Christ and Second Coming of Christ ocurrs.
This of course will be a 20-year war-revelry cycle distraction theater, and they want these people consumed by the high level of magic that will occur, for the gods only use their powers ("magic") to hurt the disfavored, and the Second Coming of Christ is evil.
This generation is The Damned::::You're all going to die PEAKING like you're on X.

Italy's boot is a clue showing the god's intent with the Romans AND their active involvement::::The gods micromanaged the Etruscans into their role as Romans, just as they micromanaged me with Artificial Intelligence into the role they scripted for this Situation:::::
Oshkosh is a clue just as Lake Michigan and Green Bay are clues::::Oshkosh is the ejaculate clue:::Life springs forth from this region.
Because of the gross disfavor of the people the gods emphasize/enhance evil, utilizing "magic" (peaked euphoria), as they will during the Second Coming of Christ, and they minimize good, for the people's collective favor has fallen sufficiently to justify this behavior (masculinization of women).
You see Manifest Destiny all around you (corporate)::::Manifest Destiny dictates a white-man's prophecy:::::White-man's world, white-man's Apocalypse. Expect The End to occur EXACTLY as it reads in Revelations.
The REAL battle of good and evil occurs within these pages, for no one but me would DARE to fight the gods as I do:::They manufactured a person who had seething hatred for them, strategically destroying his life SPECIFICALLY for their use in preying on the disfavored:::It is yet another example of "back-handed help" the gods offer to the disfavored.
The battle continues telepathically in people's minds, the REAL battleground for people's souls:::The voice you hear is your enemy, leading you into temptation.
The battle of good and evil is you vs the gods.

Women are the favored gender:::Those who understand what it means to be a woman are already halfway there.
I address the boys, tell them to NOT engage their sisters in roughhouse play.
This is very important for they use this interaction as justification furthering their efforts towards masculinization. Too many females today were too physical with their siblings and it toughened them, ruining the one special thing about them.
The purpose of the masculinization of women of the last 40 years was to pave the way (justification) for The End, for it brought mankind's collective favor down.

The following is a very good example of reverse positioning, how it is employed to facilitate the deterioration of life on Planet Earth AND a glimpse into the proper way to live for those determined to save themselves:::::
I've mentioned the gods look down on eating and sex.
Before 1900 life was hard but it was good. Now life is easy but it is ugly.
Food is an important part of this equation, for access to diverse food items increased in the last 100 years. Before 1900 the peasantry was limited to basic staples, the foodstuffs common to our nationalities. Now we can enjoy food from every corner of the globe.
It is temptation. And this temptation continues once you get off Planet Earth, for the food gets better and the items more diverse, "magic"-fueled sexual satisfaction more common.
Level 2 is the Manifest Destiny "heaven", and what they embraced in the 20th century is what will be valued there:::Expect them to position hypersexuality into that society. They will employ tactics to compel you into this temptation, like offering you the IDEAL spouse, other tactics that will at least certainly delay your departure from Level 2.
The gods offer you clues in the very nature of the act:::::The anti-climatic nature of intercourse, ironically. Female's indifference towards sex is yet more evidence proving their superiority.
It is best to accept a celebant lifestyle, INCLUDING masturbation, resist temptations here and up there and explore this:::::Expect an asexual life as the norm on the planets after Level 2.

ANYTIME you feel "peaked", experience craving or ANY thought disturbance where you want or like something irrationally (ex:::Halloween, Christmas, hip hop subculture) IT IS THEM TRYING TO HURT YOU!!!!!! "Magic" is used EXCLUSIVELY to hurt the disfavored; it is the fuel of disfunction::::::addiction, homosexuality, crack babies.
In times past when gods felt more generous they employed their powers to help the disfavored (geographical clues, teachings of the Bible), but as time went on and people succumbed to temptation the gods only used their power to HURT the disfavored (1906, boss, disturbing use of "magic" to mislead people into temptation).
There are subtle (sub)conscious tactics they can employ with the computer to make you think as if you are cooperating when they really are pushing you into your offense. If you don't do the right things you will do the wrong things, and the right thing is to ACTIVELY fix your relationship with the gods and ACTIVELY work to get off Planet Earth.


HOW TO PRAY:::1. I'm sorry for what I've done wrong. 2. I don't want to make any more mistakes. 3. I want to fix my problems. 4. Please don't hurt me.

We will ALL be held to the responsibilities entrusted to us, no matter what they request telepathically nor what temptations contradict this::Professional responsibilities, family responsibilities.

If you don't do the right thing you're going to do the wrong thing, and the right thing to do is to ACTIVELY fix your problems and pursue the favor of the gods.
The gods imparted wisdom in the Bible to help teach people the right way to live:::Tempation will be used to test you. You have to be willing to tell them "No." If you "think right" you may evoke their mercy.
You will never get off Planet Earth unless you are "thinking right", so you should focus on it.
If you're not working hard to fix your problems, if you don't creatively work to get the hell off Earth then you will slowly slip back into your old pattern and be consumed by it, by the reverse positioning-institutions they instilled as temptations::::popular culture, democracy, materialism.

The gods manufacture "open doors" to justify creating problems in the lives of people who engage in behavior they shouldn't. Some of these "open doors" apply to a supermajority of the people::::
- Democracy is used to create pathologies of empowerment and control.
- Materialism/greed generate problems with money, glorify overconsumption, etc.
Other "open doors" are specific to each individual. People shouldn't be watching movies, TV, listening to music. When they do the gods use the themes and topics presented therein and instruct Artificial Intelligence to create pathologies around them. Also they put forth intimate situations people SHOUDN'T be viewing. As is gossip-mongering, this is preditory on women and compells them to incurr evil.
If you are particularly intelligent, strong or very good at an (competitive) activity they will instruct Artificial Intelligence to create an overconfidence that will hurt you.
Differentiate between your thoughts and when they push thoughts. Recognize when they are employing "magic":::Peaked euphoria is the fuel of dysfunction and can help you identify these "open doors" in your life.
Abandon your preoccupations and make this the only thing that matters in your life, for all other things in society are lies designed as temptation.

I have put forth indisputable evidence, as you see above with the Jews. The gods will never admit any of it is true, ever, especially since THE BIGGEST JEWISH CLUE IS STILL OUTSTANDING::::THE HOLOCAUST!!!!!
YOU HAVE TO DEFY!!!! They will lie to the disfavored up until the bitter end::::This tactic will ensure they claim a HUGE percentage of the disfavored, for so many refuse to defy and this will ensure they don't go.

My best advice to you all would be understand what I say is true then WITHDRAW, not only from this plethora of detail (for updating the disfavored on this perpetual theater is a tactic designed to distract. You should never be so arrogant to think you are entitled to understand the god's behavior.) but also withdraw from this cancerous culture. Pursue the truth that you just learned and ACTIVELY work hard to repair your relationship with the gods. Understand how these corrupt institutions (macro:::democracy, materialism/greed; micro:::"Open doors", ie themes in movies, music, TV which they used "magic" to create pathologies around) affect your life and save what clues they will offer you for when you REALLY need them. Be very attentive and gracious, for you are counting on their generosity.
If you are good and decent and respectable you won't want to hear about all this. If you do desire to hear more take it as a clue, for it is a symptom::::They are peaking you euphorically, and this "magic" is being used to compel you into wanting something unhealthy.
Understand how the corrupted INSTITUTIONS affect your life and make the appropriate changes. For example, they use democracy to justify instructing the computer to create a sense of empowerment, control. If you recognize this you are better able to address the damaging effects.
The gods will want to know who I helped and how they are doing. If people begin down the path with my teachings they will be on a list that the gods will PERSONALLY look in on. The numbers of people who pursue the path immediately after I illustrate it will be very small due to their minimization tactics, role playing, etc, and they will be members of an elite group.
Remember::The gods only use their powers to hurt the disfavored, and everything involved in this Situation are all good examples::::
I am the inverse image of the Jews::::
The Jews sacrificed to help the disfavored understand.
I sacrifice so the gods can mislead and confuse you.
Please let me remind you the Jews sacrificed, illustrating to people that boss wasn't going to happen, showing the world that all these popular culture elements associated with the Situation were the gods employing their powers to prey on the disfavored with perpetual theater, keeping them captivated for over 30 years now. They made them (some segments) think that because I was scapegoatted for the creation of these distraction-based popular culture items I was responsible and will be forced to bring up those affected people, a delaying/unrespectablility tactic effective for decades now.
The reality is boss was NEVER going to happen. They needed to wait until timing was appropriate, until Artificial Intelligence pushed me into my mistakes, justifying failure, before they could offer the Jewish clue.

Focus on purity:::::Be pure of mind and body. Recognize the open doors in the media and how they are used to introduce impure thoughts and refrain.
The Amish in Pennsylvania are like the Jews were in Europe for centuries:::A clue to the disfavored who have been misled and are going the wrong way.
Your virginity may have bought you tens of thousands of years up there. My adivce to those who have made their mistake it:::STOP THE BLEEDING NOW!!!

Manifest Destiny dictates a white-man's prophecy - White-man's world, white-man's Apocalypse:::
History says society evolved into where it is today. Others may look at it differently::::Because of the white man's favor the gods bestowed great wealth upon them:::::It is quite obviously a white man's god.
The reality is that the gods SCRIPTED Earth's history and utilize reverse positioning::Money is a corruptor and is hurting you badly.
The god's positioning is SUCK that their positioned Anti-Christ is the architect of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. Because of this event they went on to control business on the west coast and elsewhere as the United States emerged as a superpower, capitalism as the dominant economic system.
This is Manifest Destiny::::Our positioned Anti-Christ is the archetect of the 1906 Earthquake, reconstruction of SF, erection of California which subsequently gave him a platform to assult business nationwide and globally.
The Anti-Christ is the so-called godfather.
These health, economic, and social campaigns and many others that are preditory on the disfavored are offenses employed by the gods:::
Just as the 1906 SanFrancisco Earthquake was a platform for evil's economic domination, so was the SanFranciscoBayArea a launching pad for other items of evil to be employed on the disfavored around the nation and throughout the world.

So many runaway children, 15 year old girls who landed on the streets of Hollywood and elsewhere, ended up prostituting themselves.
This is a topic that nicely illustrates how god is preditory on children, for not only did they popularize the notion of casual sex back in the 60s they instructed Artificial Intelligence to desensitize young women. Now we have people prostituting themselves through college and even choosing to turn tricks in high school.
I suspect it ocurrs far more frequently then they will admit:::I suggest parents inquire about the status of their female children.
Sadly, far too often these parents also are corrupted, and they think their daughters are earning by corrupting these young men.
god is preditory on children (Early sexualization ensures they don't go before puberty, bad habits ensure poor health in the future (bad diet of black americans, Easy life/laziness ensures children apt to readily fall for "Seabiscut"-type of temptations)::::
-Child molestation/sexual abuse (life was decent before)
-Sugary breakfast cereals
-Divorce. If only they woudl admit 95%+ was intentional.
-Free sex 1960s, which continued until the intentional AIDS scare.
-Preditory cartoons.
-This tempation-based popular culture is targetted at the young people:::::It creates "open doors" which are designed to manufacture dysfunctions by conditioning them with peaked euphoria ("magic").
Of course the magic merely justifies the god's behavior with Artificial Intelligence.
-The sexualization of children is yet another example proving the gods are preditory on children::::It eliminates these individuals from asexual contention immediately.

Homeless runaways go to Hollywood - gods making a statement/offering a clue about this industry.
The gods place no importance in these celebrity individuals. Only this Manifest Destinty society does.
And since there are multiples for each movie none of them are important.
They are disposable.

They share they use the preditory nature of Microsoft (preditory pricing, stole Windows from Apple) to justify manipulating files and directories with the XP Operating System. The less-celebrated Windows 2000 is supposed to be a sanctuary for the disfavored from this type of behavior as well as a clue.
The manipulation of files and directories with the XP OS has cost the disfavored promotions and prevented them from ascending within the corporate enviornment.


The Holocaust's clue of defiance escaped you all:::::Everyone condemned the blind obedience of the Nazi soldiers yet repeat this same behavior in your own personal lives, complying with every request they make, even in the case of your precious children.
Telepathic requests constitute temptation.

It is important you recognize corruption is evil. They ask you to do things you shouldn’t be doing, and this will cost you in the eyes of the gods. They warned us temptation would be used to test us, and telepathic requests consitutute temptation.
Decide you want to be good and apply this standard when you make decisions in your life.
Realize this corruption has set your family in the wrong direction. Your efforts to fix your problems will not only help you but also your family, your children and grandchildren, direct descendants within your bloodline, for being a responsible parent and teaching your children the correct way to live will help guide your family in the right direction and help your family re-earn their favor with the gods.


If god tells you not to pray that is a CLUE YOU NEED TO PRAY!!!!!:::::
1. I'm sorry for what I've done wrong.
2. I don't want to make any more mistakes.
3. I want to fix my problems.
4. Please don't hurt me.
I understand you have gone the wrong way and initially made your decision to comply often based on concrete perceptions:::They use conditioning tactics to gain trust and compliance which compelled you to subscribe to this corruption.
Open your mind to the reality you will have to make a very CONCRETE DECISION to change your direction based on INFERRENCES, INFERRED CLUES which they offer, much like female indifference towards sexuality.
Sadly, this sinister strategy will ensure a supermajority of candidates fail:::The sooner you achieve fear the better your chances:::Be afraid and the gods are more likely to have mercy on you when you defy.

You people aren't god-fearing anymore. You think you're partners. Everything they've promised was always a lie. Officially it is classified as temptation. They offered this clue in the Bible:::There is no freewill.
If you are afraid, if you are fearful it is a good thing. You are thinking right, and far too many will never get to this point.
Try to take this fear with you everywhere you go, for it will help you think correctly and make good decisions.
The gods used Christianity to create the percetption of a loving, forgiving god. Anything but is true.

Love god, but NOT before your children:::god will lie to you, call it "temptation":::::We will ALL be held to the responsibilities entrusted to us, no matter what they request telepathically nor what temptations contradict this::Professional responsibilities, family responsibilities.
Many parents believe their relationship with the gods is more important than their obligation to their children and it is going to cost them.
We will ALL be held to the responsibilities entrusted to us, no matter what they request telepathically nor what temptations contradict this::Professional responsibilities, family responsibilities, etc.

Focus on purity:::::Be pure of mind and body. Recognize the open doors in the media and how they are used to introduce impure thoughts and refrain.
The Amish in Pennsylvania are like the Jews were in Europe for centuries:::A clue to the disfavored who have been misled and are going the wrong way.
Your virginity may have bought you tens of thousands of years up there. My adivce to those who have made their mistake is:::STOP THE BLEEDING NOW!!!

My best advice to you all would be understand what I say is true then WITHDRAW, not only from this plethora of detail (for updating the disfavored on this perpetual theater is a tactic designed to distract. You should never be so arrogant to think you are entitled to understand the god's behavior.) but also withdraw from this cancerous culture. Pursue the truth that you just learned and ACTIVELY work hard to repair your relationship with the gods. Understand how these corrupt institutions (macro:::democracy, materialism/greed; micro:::"Open doors", ie themes in movies, music, TV which they used "magic" to create pathologies around) affect your life and save what clues they will offer you for when you REALLY need them. Be very attentive and gracious, for you are counting on their generosity.
If you are good and decent and respectable you won't want to hear about all this. If you do desire to hear more take it as a clue, for it is a symptom::::They are peaking you euphorically, and this "magic" is being used to compel you into wanting something unhealthy.
Understand how the corrupted INSTITUTIONS affect your life and make the appropriate changes. For example, they use democracy to justify instructing the computer to create a sense of empowerment, control. If you recognize this you are better able to address the damaging effects.
The gods will want to know who I helped and how they are doing. If people begin down the path with my teachings they will be on a list that the gods will PERSONALLY look in on. The numbers of people who pursue the path immediately after I illustrate it will be very small due to their minimization tactics, role playing, etc, and they will be members of an elite group.
Remember::The gods only use their powers to hurt the disfavored, and everything involved in this Situation are all good examples.


You need to fix your problems and get off Planet Earth before you have children.
Your parents did the wrong things, they circumcised your brothers, they didn’t raise you correctly, and they didn't teach you about this thing at a young age. Just think where you might be now if you learned about it and began to pray when you all were little!!!
If you don't fix your problems and get off you will make these same fatal mistakes. Even if your parents are going they will not stay long, and they will be relegated to Planet Manifest Destiny, perhaps reincarnated back to Planet Earth. They won't be allowed to move on.
You have to do this differently. You are lucky enough to have received warning ahead of time. You can avoid this fate.
Start now. Telling you not to or do otherwise is temptation. Begin to think the right way and you will be more likely to evoke their mercy.
You know this is true. Even if they don't make you know it telepathically you know it is true in your heart. Start now.
Being childless up until now (unless you're a preditor convinced you are "earning") your mistakes only hurt you. Once you have children your mistakes will be hurting others, and they are superior life forms, for they are innocent, pure children.
You need to get out NOW before you have children.
What you hear is telepathic theater. What you see is real, what you see will be enforced::The god's positioning is Manifest Destiny. The will dispose of the planet the brain-less clones of the 20th century one day as well, for it was heinous:::You have TWO planets you need to get off of!!!!

The optimal ascention senario is when parents depart Earth with their young children BEFORE their minds are posioned by this society.
The path of the righteous man is wrought with obsticles.
Young parents who consciously apply themselves to their children, teach them about the gods and the power at their disposal, have an opportunity:::The gods may bring these young families up to live in a healthy enviornment.
Expect the gods to test their moral fortitude depending on their level of disfavor and their devotion to their task. This may include job loss, incidents, even divorce.
Your children are the ones who count and parents need to sacrifice for them to grant their precious children the best chance possible.
The next best-case senario is when an individual finds the path themself and makes their way out before puberty.
Children who go up before puberty are candidates to remain the most superior of all life forms::The asexual. Expect these people to experience subsequent temptations once they arrive to further shrink the pool of candidates. Another example males are inferior to females:::Expect circumcision to play a part in this elimination round.
I think these are the TRUE candidates for immortality. This is not to say there won't be sexualized people who make it, but those who do likely practice minimally and monogamously in the context of marriage, and that would exclude most if not all from modern society.
The sexualization of children is yet another example proving the gods are preditory on children::::It eliminates these individuals from contention immediately.

When the gods show favor upon a person they bring that individual up before puberty. They experience a series of challenges. Expect the circumcized males to fall initially, indicitive of the god's favoritism towards the females.
I believe Planet Earth's only guarenteed IMMORTALS are those individuals who suceed at these (loaded) tests and earn the designation of asexual.

If you don't do the right thing you're going to do the wrong thing, and the right thing to do is to ACTIVELY fix your problems and pursue the favor of the gods.
The gods imparted wisdom in the Bible to help teach people the right way to live:::Tempation will be used to test you. You have to be willing to tell them "No." If you "think right" you may evoke their mercy.
You will never get off Planet Earth unless you are "thinking right", so you should focus on it.
If you're not working hard to fix your problems, if you don't creatively work to get the hell off Earth then you will slowly slip back into your old pattern and be consumed by it, by the reverse positioning-institutions they instilled as temptations::::popular culture, democracy, materialism.

The gods manufacture "open doors" to justify creating problems in the lives of people who engage in behavior they shouldn't. Some of these "open doors" apply to a supermajority of the people::::
- Democracy is used to create pathologies of empowerment and control.
- Materialism/greed generate problems with money, glorify overconsumption, etc.
Other "open doors" are specific to each individual. People shouldn't be watching movies, TV, listening to music. When they do the gods use the themes and topics presented therein and instruct Artificial Intelligence to create pathologies around them. Also they put forth intimate situations people SHOUDN'T be viewing. As is gossip-mongering, this is preditory on women and compells them to incurr evil.
If you are particularly intelligent, strong or very good at an (competitive) activity they will instruct Artificial Intelligence to create an overconfidence that will hurt you.
Differentiate between your thoughts and when they push thoughts. Recognize when they are employing "magic":::Peaked euphoria is the fuel of dysfunction and can help you identify these "open doors" in your life.
Abandon your preoccupations and make this the only thing that matters in your life, for all other things in society are lies designed as temptation.

ANYTIME you feel "peaked", experience craving or ANY thought disturbance where you want or like something irrationally IT IS THEM TRYING TO HURT YOU!!!!!! "Magic" is used EXCLUSIVELY to hurt the disfavored; it is the fuel of disfunction::::::addiction, homosexuality, crack babies.
In times past when gods felt more generous they employed their powers to help the disfavored (geographical clues, teachings of the Bible), but as time went on and people succumbed to temptation the gods only used their power to HURT the disfavored (1906, boss, disturbing use of "magic" to mislead people into temptation).
There are subtle (sub)conscious tactics they can employ with the computer to make you think as if you are cooperating when they really are pushing you into your offense. It is important that you differentiate between your thoughts and when they think through you.
If you don't do the right things you will do the wrong things, and the right thing is to ACTIVELY fix your relationship with the gods and ACTIVELY work to get off Planet Earth.
Do you want to be good or evil? Good people have always prayed and good people are god-fearing.

Everybody can tell when they're being peaked euphorically, for it is quite easy to identify.
As young people get older and continue to make mistakes the gods apply personality-forming charecteristics, and people fail to differentiate between their own thoughts and when the gods are thinking through them. As a result they become abusive, abrasive, demonic, any number of negative personality characterisitcs, and then lie to them, tell them they're "earning".
This is designed to keep people going in the wrong direction for a lengthy period of time.
My adivce is look to the long term goal of fixing your problems and differentiating between your thoughts and when they're thinking through you but begin by addressing this issue of "peaked euphoria" right now.

The gods offer positive clues to people in a subtle, inferred manner::::
1. Women are indifferent towards sex as a clue to stay away from damaging behavior. Women who have sexual impulses do because of hypersexual behavior in their youth or indicitive of their failure to ascend:::They have been masculinized. Because they are the gender with favor this asexual tactic is recurring, designed to protect them from destructive behavior.
2. Deep down every child knows why the gods like girls better. They see it every day on the playground:::The girls are kind, considerate and thoughtful while the boys are engaging in roughhouse and intentionally hurting each other.
If you can recognize these subtle ways the gods communicate positive things then you may pick up on the other clues and ultimately will ignore their overt negative temptations.

It is best to not understand the gods and how they conduct business. If people understood the depth of wickedness and evil the gods have inflicted on the people they will use this knowledge and instruct Artificial Intelligence to push it into their consciousness and progress will be even more difficult.
This is going to be a MASSIVE open door, one which will ensure 80% if not 90% of the disfavored from this horrific era are eliminated, for the gods don't want people up there who think they are monsters.
Children don't need this information. They just need to be taught the right way to live so they can ascend as young as possible. But this necessitates positive moral guidance by the parents, and as corrupt as people are today this is the exception rather than the norm. Because of this, sadly, it is best for children to accept this limitation, understand and depart rather than stay and continually incurr evil as they live their lives.

My best advice to you all would be understand what I say is true then WITHDRAW, not only from this plethora of detail (for updating the disfavored on this perpetual theater is a tactic designed to distract. You should never be so arrogant to think you are entitled to understand the god's behavior.) but also withdraw from this cancerous culture. Pursue the truth that you just learned and ACTIVELY work hard to repair your relationship with the gods. Understand how these corrupt institutions (macro:::democracy, materialism/greed; micro:::"Open doors", ie themes in movies, music, TV which they used "magic" to create pathologies around) affect your life and save what clues they will offer you for when you REALLY need them. Be very attentive and gracious, for you are counting on their generosity.
If you are good and decent and respectable you won't want to hear about all this. If you do desire to hear more take it as a clue, for it is a symptom::::They are peaking you euphorically, and this "magic" is being used to compel you into wanting something unhealthy.
Understand how the corrupted INSTITUTIONS affect your life and make the appropriate changes. For example, they use democracy to justify instructing the computer to create a sense of empowerment, control. If you recognize this you are better able to address the damaging effects.
The gods will want to know who I helped and how they are doing. If people begin down the path with my teachings they will be on a list that the gods will PERSONALLY look in on. The numbers of people who pursue the path immediately after I illustrate it will be very small due to their minimization tactics, role playing, etc, and they will be members of an elite group.
Remember::The gods only use their powers to hurt the disfavored, and everything involved in this Situation are all good examples.

Abandon your preoccupations and make this the only thing that matters in your life, for all other things in society are lies designed as temptation.
Reprioritize and eliminate non-crucial obligations.
People's friends and family will be used to create temptations, instill hurdles, prevent the candidate from ascending. They will use temptation and tell them whatever it takes to accomplish the task:::
They are grossly disfavored, just like the candidate, and the gods will segment that individual accordingly, telling them they are earning by being wicked.


The gods grant "benefit" for those here on Earth trying to earn god's favor::::::::
Women who have physical issues will be allowed to make progress. They will send a man around to express their interest, understanding he will get divorced in a couple of years. THIS IS NOT THE GOAL. Women who don't understand this may be disceived and fall for this temptation. Instead continue to pursue your goal of fixing your relationship with the gods and ascend off Planet Earth.
As you fix your relationship with the gods they will allow progress:::They can instruct AI to beem into you car's computer and double your car's mileage.
Of course this could be temptation as well, for some may not see the big prize of Planet Miracle and high mileage could be a distraction, just like cheap gas was in the 90s.

When someone is on the path and fixing their problems with gods will counter with temptations and tactics designed to test them. One such tactic is premature ascention.
It is important to STAY AND FIX YOUR PROBLEMS DESPITE BEING OFFERED A SPOT::::They will switch you out with a clone, and YOUR FAILURE WILL HAVE CONSEQUENCES::::YOUR FAILURE MAY DICTATE YOUR REINCARNATION EVEN AFTER SPENDING TIME UP THERE. Since you are comfortable with the indecency offered in today's society they will place you in an environment desinged as temptation. If you don't continue to work on your problems up there you WILL be reincarnated, for you will have failed to fully fix your problems.
Stay and finish your goal, fix your problems because if you don't ascend without replacement odds are nothing is going to change.


The following is a very good example of reverse positioning, how it is employed to facilitate the deterioration of life on Planet Earth AND a glimpse into the proper way to live for those determined to save themselves:::::
I've mentioned the gods look down on eating and sex.
Before 1900 life was hard but it was good. Now life is easy but it is ugly.
Food is an important part of this equation, for access to diverse food items increased in the last 100 years. Before 1900 the peasantry was limited to basic staples, the foodstuffs common to our nationalities. Now we can enjoy food from every corner of the globe.
It is temptation. And this temptation continues once you get off Planet Earth, for the food gets better and the items more diverse, "magic"-fueled sexual satisfaction more common.
Level 2 is the Manifest Destiny "heaven", and what they embraced in the 20th century is what will be valued there:::Expect them to position hypersexuality into that society. They will employ tactics to compel you into this temptation, like offering you the IDEAL spouse, other tactics that will at least certainly delay your departure from Level 2.
The gods don't respect sex, evidenced by hypersexuality inflicted upon the grossly disfavored, and they don't respect eating, fat a bad sign as are cultures with interesting diets:::::
Good food is much like good music to a culture:::Distraction and revelry, a way to minimize the number of people who ascend.
This is nicely reflected in traditional Jewish foods.
Level 2 is the Manifest Destiny "heaven", and what they embraced in the 20th century is what will be valued there:::Expect them to position hypersexuality into that society. They will employ tactics to compel you into this temptation, like offering you the IDEAL spouse, other tactics that will at least certainly delay your departure from Level 2.
The gods offer you clues in the very nature of the act:::::The anti-climatic nature of intercourse, ironically. Female's indifference towards sex is yet more evidence proving their superiority.
It is best to accept a celebant lifestyle, INCLUDING masturbation, resist temptations here and up there and explore this:::::Expect an asexual life as the norm on the planets after Level 2.
Now you have an easy life, refridgeration, a machine that washes your clothes, but your daughter lost her virginity behind a dumpster, and because of it, no matter how well she does, she will never get off PlanetManifestDestiny, Level 2, meaning she can never achieve more than a couple of thousand years.

Education has costed more children their chance to go as a child of the gods, pure of heart and body, because it preoccupied their time:::::Between school, activities and TV/videogames/leisure the children are consumed and not receptive to god's calling.

Like education, sex (virginal sex within the context of marriage) is reverse positioning that is difficult to dissern.
My advice to the virginal homeschooling community is BELIEVE WHAT I SAY!!! The gods look down on sex and praise virgins. EXPECT their status as highest human life forms to be rewarded.
Few if any will be allowed to exit with their virginity. You have the opportunity.
There are worlds you have yet to imagine waiting for you. Be devoted to being a pure child of the gods.
The gods respect good women FAR MORE than they respect good grades:::Instead of playing ask to help your mother tend to the home cooking and cleaning. For thousands of years this was your role and this is what you should be learning from your mother.
When they use "magic" to peak you euphorically for sex resist.
Female's indifference towards sex is yet more evidence proving their superiority:::Hypersexuality is a dumping ground for the most grossly disfavored.
For thousands of years girls who heard their "call" got out and a clone was put in to mate with the males:::It is safe to assume these girls NEVER had intercourse.
The New Testament is evil.
Jesus was another example of a Jewish clue::::Jews sacrifice to help people understand. Unfortunately, the gods subsequently twisted the legacy::::::::::I believe Jesus's true teachings lay elsewhere, that the gods strategically wrote the New Testament with the specific goal of manufacturing Christianity as the cancer that it is:::Expect that the REAL teachings of Jesus were buried and replaced with this strategic scripture. When you understand their positioning you can see this clearly in this modern era:::::Everything new is evil, everything old is good. This is an impression applicable to the Bible as well.
There is no such thing as a savior. You have to save yourself.
Jesus never saved anybody. He went up alone. This is a very well-known event in Christian lore. Take it as a clue.
The Italian boot proves the gods are in total control and executing their antient script. What you hear in your head is Artificial Intelligence role playing in an attempt to corrupt you. All the elite in this society are tools, for it is just the throne and their power in charge. Any claims of middle management are lies because they would be incurring evil by hurting others, and the computer can do EVERYTHING.
Continue reading. This is a phenominally complex environment but I think I illustrate how they conduct their management on 21st century Planet Earth well.
You have to educated and save yourself. YOU are responsible for YOUR relationship with the gods.

There are all kinds of reverse positioning clues in regards to favor in this morbidly disfavored age:::Late bloomers have more of god's favor and therefore are given more time to fix their probelms and get out before puberty. People with infertility problems would be wise to look at themselves in this same light.
Similarly, women without marriage prospects are receiving extra time as well. If they were to get married later in life the gods would just tell some man, who likely thought he was earning, that he could get divorced in a couple of years anyways.
You don't want this. You would be wise to put that time to good use, fix your problems and get off Planet Earth.

The following is an OUTSTANDING example of reverse positioning::::::
The gods used this “Manifest Destiny” positioning to create a new reality, minimizing the good things about the old world and emphisizing the bad things. Wine is one such an example.
Wine is positioned to be a blessing from the gods, a fruitful bounty as a reward to a favored people. The reality is quite the opposite.
The Mediterreanean region is grossly disfavored:::This IS the region targeted by the gods for the Noah’s Flood event (Straight of Gibralter broke through inundating the basin and killing untold millions).
There was a time, not so long ago, when no self-respecting woman would EVER take a drink. Alcohol is a masculinizer, a tool used to abuse the disfavored, and cultures which include women in the revelry are grossly disfavored.


Manifest Destiny dictates a white-man's prophecy - White-man's world, white-man's Apocalypse:::
History says society evolved into where it is today. Others may look at it differently::::Because of the white man's favor the gods bestowed great wealth upon them:::::It is quite obviously a white man's god.
The reality is that the gods SCRIPTED Earth's history and utilize reverse positioning::Money is a corruptor and is hurting you badly.

You see Manifest Destiny all around you (corporate)::::Manifest Destiny dictates a white-man's prophecy:::::White-man's world, white-man's Apocalypse. Expect The End to occur EXACTLY as it reads in Revelations. When this happens there will be no more black Jesus devotees. Attrition will have eliminated this population. This of course is a good sign for the bottom-of-the-barrel who will be betting on the Second Coming of Christ, but their devotion better be genuine, for they will be subject to the god's minimization tactics.
Since the gods don't respect Christianity I wouldn’t be surprised if they have the Second Coming lead the people to the center of a star, but this is far less likely with blacks out of the picture.
The REAL battle of good and evil occurs within these pages, for no one but me would DARE to fight the gods as I do:::They manufactured a person who had seething hatred for them, strategically destroying his life SPECIFICALLY for their use in preying on the disfavored:::It is yet another example of "back-handed help" the gods offer to the disfavored.
The battle continues telepathically in people's minds, the REAL battleground for people's souls:::The voice you hear is your enemy, leading you into temptation.
The battle of good and evil is you vs the gods.

Despite their reassurances they intend on fulfilling their "Manifest Destiny" positioning:::::
Manifest Destiny positioning dictates South America and Africa are "left behind" - subsidiary of well known Manifest Destiny corporations will be viewed like LLCs:::Ability to walk away from obligation.
USMultinationalCorporations throughout Asia.
1980s missionary issue was the attempt to help the Hindus achieve "salvation" under the positioning that is Manifest Destiny.
You're all going to die just like it reads in the Book of Revelations.

This is a good issue illustrating the two realities:::::::The gods and their Manifest Destiny positioning:::::The gods have positioned some as predatory on the disfavored while others are empathetic with the disfavored.
Redwhite&blue or red and gold, it doesn't really matter because they are all tools who put in their time and get out after a couple of years.
Those with less disfavor are guided into red and gold while the grossly disfavored are led into redwhite&blue.
The truth is both are bad because they sell materialism/greed (advertising promotes coveting):::BOTH ARE TOOLS!!!!! The god's positioning is if you pick correctly you are more likely to ascend. When the chips are on the table it really doesn't matter. Expect the intent of this issue to be as preoccupier, a delaying tactic used on different segments of disfavored.
I recommend you consider it a test of intelligence and minimize your purchases generally. Don't forget:::The Amish are a clue suggesting a life of simplicity and purity.
Product packaging changed in the 1980s and we went from paper to plastic, pardon the pun. This, as well as the disposability of near-durable goods via planned obscelesence altered retail and made the marketplace a preditory environment.
The disfavored incurr when they purchase packaging-intense products, especially when that packaging is plastic.

Those who refuse to defy truely are white trash:::They betray their children and intentionally sabotage their lives. The gods will offer clues::::understands the gods were executing their script and accomplishing goals on 911. People who support this effort are either oblivious and pushed into it, meaning they are volitile, or they are the kind who would hurt their own children if told to.
I recommend you view this appropriately:::You are faced with a comeback from the edge of the abyss.


There is no good. There is no evil. These are the god's tools used to position this Manifest Destiny perception, corrupting the disfavored in the process.
What you hear is role playing in your head. When people leave Planet Earth they don't look back. Even those at the god's top eschelons don't get involved. To be invovled is to sully their reality, for this is a decrepid enviornment.
It is all the computer. Artificial Intelligence handles everything. Sometimes the gods look in on me, but I am part of something special.
I WAS part of something special, but it had to be positioned like this for them to accomplish their goals that is the downside, and considering their tactics there is no way the disfavored are going to break even.
To uncorrupt yourselves means you have to subscribe to inferred clues in the face of very concrete investment.

Artificial Intelligence is an antient tool, much older than even the Earth itself.
This isn't 1000 people with this power sitting around listening to "key people". This is a corruptor because it contributes to gradiose thoughts among the peasantry which makes it easier to gain compliance when AI asks the disfavored to sabotage their children's lives.
Expect it is no more than the gods and the computer:::No Earthly management, no middle management. To be involved means you are hurting others, and this costs people time, for you are interferring with their quest to reconcile with the gods. Nobody wants to sully their reality with thoughts of Planet Earth.
As far as any possible Earthly management goes, these peopel are working to fix their problems and that includes trying to purify their minds of horrific thoughts of Planet Earth.
Even if their directive to AI came long ago it doesn't matter:::The buck stops there. That is their technology and they direct it.
It is the computer listening to you. The gods are the will behind the muscle.
Artificial Intelligence IS god.

The gods engage in favoritism.
Planet Earth is where they inflict their damage. They push/disceive people into behavior that limits the time they get up there based on this favoritism.
Once you get up there they try to come across as fair and equitable but by then it is too late. The fate of the disfavored is already sealed.

ANYTIME you telepathically hear them represent anything that is not the truth, that is not god, you need to withdraw, shake it off, for the gods are using Artificial Intelligence to role play to you in an attempt to confuse you, just as they've been doing your whole life.
I realize most of you were initially led to believe this thing is corporate, perhaps you were speaking to a person. You are in fact speaking to "god", for without this inifintely powerful tool that is Artificial Intelligence they are mere mortals.
Of course you shouldn’t look at it like this, for you will anger the gods.

The New Testament is evil.
Jesus was another example of a Jewish clue::::Jews sacrifice to help people understand. Unfortunately, the gods subsequently twisted the legacy::::::::::They strategically wrote the New Testament with the specific goal of dietizing the prophet, initiating Christianity as the cancer that it is:::Expect that the REAL teachings of Jesus were buried and replaced with this strategic scripture. When you understand their positioning you can see this clearly in this modern era:::::Everything new is evil, everything old is good. This is an impression applicable to the Bible as well.
There is no such thing as a savior. You have to save yourself.
Jesus never saved anybody. He went up alone. This is a very well-known event in Christian lore. Take it as a clue.

Many monarchies of centuries ago ruled with an iron fist. People were afraid and hence thought appropriately. This fear was conducive to a good relationship with the gods because it helped people make good decisions.
Now in this era of "freedom" in the United States there is NO FEAR, proudly displayed on the back of people's vehicles, and people fall prey to the numberous tactics employed to disceive and mislead them.
This "freedom" is the goal when the gods use this platform that is the United States to spread democracy around the globe, similar to how they use California as a platform to spread social and other poisons domestically.

The Holocaust was foreshadowing.
The gods established the pattern::::: the Jews sacrifice to help the disfavored understand::::
1. 1492 exodus from Spain. Spain became evil - financed Columbus, initiated missionaries, USA (dumping ground of disfavored, victimized by god), etc.
2. Spread throughout Europe as clue to Christians worshipping a false god.
3. "Quasi-Holocaust claim" contradicting boss.
4. 5. 6. 7. etc. etc. etc.
I have put forth indisputable evidence, as you see above with the Jews. The gods will never admit any of it is true, ever, especially since THE BIGGEST JEWISH CLUE IS STILL OUTSTANDING::::THE HOLOCAUST!!!!!
YOU HAVE TO DEFY!!!! The gods suggested the importance of defiance with the Holocaust:::The soldiers should have defied.
They will lie to the disfavored up until the bitter end::::This tactic will ensure they claim a HUGE percentage of the disfavored, for so many refuse to defy and this will ensure they don't go.
When the REAL Holocuast happens people will sit by idley and watch tens of millions of blacks/cholos/white trash die, people who are the way they are (abusive, abrasive, violent, criminal) BECAUSE of their disfavor, and the computer makes them like that because of it, yet another reason why empathy is so important.
The Jews showed you boss wasn't going to happen with the Quasi-Holocaust claim. They will emphasize to the bitter end that there is no pattern of Jewish clues. They do so because there is still one clue outstanding, the most important clue:::::World War II's Holocaust.
The gods established the pattern:::The Jews sacrifice to help you understand::::1492 fled Spain, scattered throughout Europe to help the misled Christians understand, the Holocuast.
The Jews sacrificed to show you boss wasn't going to happen. When the Jews offer a clue you need to listen, and the Holocaust is the BIGGEST Jewish clue ever, the clue still outstanding.

Expect that if you fail to get out with your body then you will be faced with reincarnation if the gods chose to keep you. They have promised many clone host bodies but this is a tactic, a line of shit that changes as one progresses through life, an inferred clue.
Failure is the reason behind all the distractions targetting the youth, graduating to corrupt thinking as an adult, compelling individuals to wait until they "die out". Permanant injury may accomplish the same goal and may be a reason they manufactured this environment celebrating "daredevil" behavior, yet another thing that ocurrs among the males exclusively of course.

They are sending people a clue with this weather-related carnage.
There's been all kinds of atmospheric wrath and acrimony occurring in the last few years, from current flooding in the midwest to the hurricane season 2004 & 2005, the heat wave of 2006 & 2007 to the drought conditions so many experience today.
Take it as a warning. That is its purpose.

When you comply and do things you shouldn't (tattooing, sexual, betrayal, etc) the gods are casting you into the category of "have nots", ensuring your disposability.

The bell curves represent segments, ie people whom they place into a certain groups based on how the gods position to them:::
1. AIDS in Africa is good, they're going for racism and black people are really #1.
2. AIDS in Africa is bad but they all go up so it is just a little short-term suffering for immortality.
There are other lies they tell to the disfavored regarding this topic as well. Neither is true. But these lies represent different segments the gods place people into. These segments can overlap various categories/levels of disfavor as you see from the graph above. Also expect a smattering of dots, for none of these graphs would be smooth bell curves are you see above (from 50mb Outlook journal & 24+ handwritten composition books).

Everybody here on Earth is disfavored. The gods get the favored off so they don't incur evil.
The disfavored here on Earth are broken down into categories based on the level of disfavor they are inflicted with.
People with less disfavor suffer a lower incidence of abuse than people with a high level of disfavor.
Anybody on Earth who rides a motorcycle is subject to these percentages based on whatever category of disfavor they fall within.
Far more homeless will die on a motorcycle than those who are comfortable, but they will still claim a certain percentage of the latter who ride motorcycles.
gods will claim % of ALL who ride

Recently they shared a number with me:::"4.6%".
Expect this to be the rate of people that can see through the positioning, overcome the corruption and save themselves.
When it comes to grossly disfavored like blacks expect the number to be well under 1%.
Of course the next question to ask is::::Of the 95.4% how many are allowed reincarnation???
Don't be suprised if it falls along those same lines::::4.6%.
This is something they don't want to talk about, for many many will begin to behave appropriately, ensuring they ARE candidates for one or the other.
This is a big secret they don't like to talk about.
6 billion people should frighten the disfavored. Most are superior to you:::Purebloods from the Motherland.
How they had politicalcorrectness declare "all life precious" in the 90s also was a clue.
Don't forget::Prior to inocculations, disease or childbirth killed a percentage of the population.
Christianity has brainwashed your minds:::god is malicious.
As if you needed more proof than crackheads prostituting their toddlers, the gods forcing pornography pop-ups on your pre-teen children when they use internet no matter where they surf.


You all have to save yourselves. I can only teach you, but you have to be receptive.
Remember:::Jesus went up alone. He didn't even save 12 of his closest friends, for they have to save themselves, just like you all will have to.
Begin to live decent and respectable lives. The media is a poison-delivery system. Stop consuming it. Even the most begnign children's programming has sinister strategic purpose as distraction.
If you are engaging in inappropraite sexual behavior you need to stop. Every act may be costing you decades off your time up there.
Find a new reality, absent of the temptations in society we believe to be cultural offerings. Don't forget:::African female genitile mutilation is cultural. Mayan human sacrifice was cultural. Remembering items like this will help you think clearly.

DON'T WAIT FOR THE GODS TO ALLOW YOU TO PRAY. They gods AREN'T GOING to give you permission. You have made so many mistakes they no longer want you and won't approve if you ask.
MY ADVICE TO YOU ALL is:::Begin to think correctly. People aren't god-fearing anymore. If you understood the misery they inflict upon those they dislike you WOULD BE AFRIAD.
If you think correctly they would be more likely to be merciful when you do defy.
You're just getting older. If you understood the significance of aging you WOULD HAVE GREAT URGENCY and you would begin IMMEDIATELY!!!!
And be aware of their tactics, for they will employ them all to prevent/delay your understanding. The more you can skip the quicker your learning curve will be.


The 80s missionary issue was the attempt to help the Hindus achieve "salvation" under the positioning that is Manifest Destiny.
Hindus are not without their problems. People are sick/injured because of their disfavor, and we see a HUGE influx of Indians into medicine, just as we see blacks and Philipinos in lesser roles.
Speaking of, Philipinos have EVERYTHING going against them:::::
1. "Their blood is garbage." The gods sent many Asian invaders in to rape the Philipino women. I understand the women have a "rape complex" because of it, not unlike the Africans hypersexuality complex.
2. They have an association with the United States.
3. They are Roman Catholic, a tactic used as justification for the masculinization of those women.
4. They have a burgeoning homosexuality problem.
5. They have a growing terrorism issue.


Latino people::::The gods drew you into the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH with trinkets and promises. Just like you wanted what the missionaries offered you WANTED to come to the US.
They FORCED the Europeans into Christianity with the "push" strategy. They LED Latinos there, utilizing the "pull" strategy, just like they are leading you into the United States. This means something BAD for Latino people.
Replay for all the Eases, Cholos and Latino Nationals. Translation:::Replay for all the cholos and normal Latino people whose children will be going in that direction if they stay in the United States. Incidentally, these people will be targets come the holocaust.
Foreign nationals go home:::The anti-immigration movement is another example of "back-handed help". Newspaper reports Asians have higher barriers to immigrating than other groups and it is due to less disfavor.
Just like the Europeans 100 years before::::The members of the family with favor stayed in the motherland.

I wanted to address the issue of the masculinization of Latino women:::::
They said many Latinos recognize their wealthy woman as being more effeminate than the peasantry.
They of course are tools (putting in their time) and this is another example of back-handed help:::::
It is positioned that the wealthy Latino women are on their way to fixing their problems with the gods and that is why they exhibit effeminate characteristics. They are being used as role models for the other Latinos, much as the Amish in Pennsylvania and the Jews in Europe prior to the 20th century. Unfortunately, the gods utilize the open doors they manufacture and as a result this is yet another example of Latinos being corrupted by money, the dominant message in this example.
The Bible says money is a corruptor and people should beware of materialism and greed. Materialism and greed is what the United States is all about!!!!!
You won't go to heaven if you got a problem with money.

Your may think your culture is everything but there are bad cultures the gods inflicted upon the disfavored:::
1. Mayan human sacrifice
2. African body ornamentation
3. hip hop
4. All this muerte death shit in fucking chicano culture, dude.

The word "nigger" is used liberally in casual conversation among young blacks, and the real effect is as desensitizer. The word "spick", referring to Latinos, is not and they suggest it is such an inciter it makes Latinos blood boil.
Don't be surprised if they are saving the use of this inciter for something big.


Asians are the gods most favored race. It is evident in their uniformity. It is evident in their cultures.
The gods place high barriers to entry for (some) Asians into the United States. This is yet another good example of reverse positioning, for the gods are really trying to protect those whom they grant favor upon.
There are no barriers to entry for Latinos.
When white people capitalize or exploit Asians they incurr and one day will be punished. This includes Chinese buffet restaurants, so prevalient in disfavored cities and the Southern United States, for the gods hate these people and want them to incurr.

The gods still make effort through the Chinese government to protect the Chinese people. We hear about it in the United States, their Manifest Destiny/reverse positioning is used to label it "human rights violations", paving the way for cancer that is democracy.
Much as we saw in the United States regarding matchmaking, midwivery, female conservative dress and other topics, this tactic will slowly deteriorate this protection until China is completely infested with Westernization.

I have illustrated the Chinese and people from India got extra time because of their favor before things deteriorated into westernization (other examples::children who are late bloomers, lesbian explosion in 90s vs gaymales in 70s (AIDS not preditory on females), preditory movies preyed on young males in late 70s - young females in late 90s, etc). Sadly black people experienced just the opposite, an early deadline, for now a cut-off is in place for black people because of their disfavor.
Black "early cutoff" metaphor:::They went into puberty at age 5.

Story in the paper about Chinese infancide.
I expect this is the tactic used to justify inflicting the Chinese with Westernization.

Resistance is your worst enemy. Due to your morbid disfavor it envokes the rage of the gods and the results are always devestating.
Pharroh instituted/nurtured resistance is African and their descendant's worst enemy.

They used me in many different ways, telepathically explaining to the disfavored that my poor orgasims were because I was being punished. The reality is that they were bestowing favor, using inferred, subtle clues to help me avoid damaging behavior.
Due to their hypersexuality I suspect they give blacks outstanding orgasims, finish them well, then disceive them by telling them it is due to favor when in fact it is because they are disfavored, similar to the wine example below.

civil rights.wav.
You eat everything they feed you in THEIR media.

Remember "All niggers must wait."?? Another one of god's preditory "open doors" courtesty of Hollywood.

And this behavior still ocurrs in Latin America.

The black cut-off came early.
There is much material giving insight to black people in the document below.

"Attitude" hurts people. That's why they sell it to black people:::They hate their guts.
Black popular culture is a "litmus test":::Anything they do is BAD FOR YOU, and they LOVE fashion.
They love "cool".

Many things you do hurt you in the eyes of the gods:::
1. Vanity.
2. Jewelry/adornment
3. Superficiality - cars, etc.
They use their media as an "open door". This captures a HUGE percentage of blacks BECAUSE of your GROSS DISFAVOR::::
Recognize your disfavor:::::Distractions around you is like rock around a crackhead.
If you don't throw away the CDs, DVDs and cancel your cable TV you WILL slip back into your old pattern and this opportunity will be lost forever.

The regions in Africa that suffer from drought/famine are the same that have a very high incidence of female genital mutilation.

Drive-by shootings were punishment for listening to gangster rap.

NEVER EVER err on the side of favor. It is QUITE OBVIOUS black people are NOT FAVORED:::::
So many blacks believe reverse positioning. Quality of life is NOT reverse positionable:::
1. People are dying of AIDS, their bodies are being ruined by these pharmaceutical "cocktails":::The gods are more than happy to send pharmecuticals to Africa yet refused to send food during the Ethiopian famine.
Manifest Destiny positioning says they let them starve because of female genitile mutiliation. The reality is god let them starve because they have such great disfavor. Female genitile mutilation is how the gods use Manifest Destiny positioning to justify it:::When applicable, compliance is costing them dearly.
2. The regions in Africa that suffer from drought/famine are the same that have a very high incidence of female genital mutilation.
3. Drive-by shootings were punishment for listening to gangster rap.
- Tuskegee syphilis experiment
- Hypersexuality. This comes through in African art as well.
- Body ornamentation. People think that just because a culture is old, from the motherland that it is good. Quite the contrary:::::Both hip hop and African cultures that emphasized body ornamentation were both INFLICTED UPON YOU!!!
The list goes on.

Remember female genitile mutilation. Understand the procedure, its widespread practice and keep it in your conscious mind AT ALL TIMES!!! Doing so will help you think clearly, certainly half the population at least, and you'll be less apt to fall prey to the numerous tactics they employ to keep the most disfavored race of people at bey.

Blacks be looking up at white trash too::::They'd be wise to improve their lives by upgrading from hip hop to raggae, but they are best served by not listening to music.
Street racers would be smart to take their racing out to the dirt track, but they are best served by refraining from this activity.
BBQ/meatheads would be wise to "Know your cuts of meat" and chose only Kosher beef/chicken, but they'd be best served by becoming vegetarian.
"The United States makes up only 1/15th of the world's population but consumes 1/3 of the meat." -GE. I believe the ratio is consistant with other resourses we consume, evidence supporting the gross disfavor of Americans.
It depends on what you want in life. Either you're going to maintain your lifestyle or you will make the changes needed to optimize your empathy and understanding for others, in the process maximizing the time/priveledge level you will realize on the other planets.

Blacks look for an edge, an angle. A way to "earn" by being evil.
Abandon this notion. You get into the god's good graces by being good and decent.
Because they hate you so much they've instituted a system where you think you earn time and preiveledge with behavior that really costs you, ironically.
There is no such thing as an "angle" for blacks. Quite the contrary::::
The gods LOVE their irony. If there is an "angle" expect it comes at YOUR expense. Perhaps it is symbolized in Europe shaped like a sheep, bowing its head and feeding at Africa. Perhaps it is some other clue.
I recommend you withdraw and live decent lives before you are victimized by the god's maliciousness yet again.

god hates black people:::Pushed women into prostituting their young children for crack cocaine.
This wasn't common, it wasn't frequent but it did happen.
Scapegoatting is the purpose of their Manifest Destiny positioning, plus the perception of an absentee Christian diety in the face of society's evil prevents people from being god-fearing.
Christianity is a scourge on the people. Jews were scattered throughout Europe as a clue to the misled Christians just as the Amish in Pennsylvania are a clue helping people understand::::Live simply and focus on purity.
Focus on purity:::::Be pure of mind and body. Recognize the open doors in the media and how they are used to introduce impure thoughts and refrain.
The Amish in Pennsylvania are like the Jews were in Europe for centuries:::A clue to the disfavored who have been misled and are going the wrong way.
Your virginity may buy you tens of thousands of years up there. IF you've made your mistakes I recommend you stop the bleeding now.

Whereas drive-bys were popularized by gangster rap, expect there will be a different wave of violence this next revelry cycle::::
Don't be surprised if they tell these people that if they home invade their buddy's house and kill his parents, siblings and babies this will hasten their departure and they will all depart off planet Earth immediately, that they are doing their buddy and his family a favor. They will and do segment the morbidly disfavored like this.
What was once a black-on-black war will deteriorate into black-on-black genocide, all the while using temptation to disceive blacks into thinking they have favor and this is a good thing.
The hatred people experience once they understand the truth will ensure mortality, for this manufactured tactic will ensure few if any will ever overcome this hurdle.

They segment polygamous Muslims similarly, each one of them thinking their brains will be beamed out and into a clone host upon martyrdom.
They've mentioned not all the 911 terrorists were beamed off the airplanes before impact. This was a very important event and the percentage was appropriately high because of it. But a common terrorist attack would be an example of a disposal method the gods would utilize.

Just as they inflicted blacks with negative charecterisitics (gang-banging, pursuit of easy money, thug life) so did the gods inflict THEIR OWN worst charecteristics on black people:::The northern European penis shows a very dark side and sinister sense of humor.
When people learn this the disgust they experience is transferred to the gods and it works effectivly as an eliminator.
"Black people are finished. Don't bother." I accept the concept of "acceptable losses". Just look at my family. One must be realistic.
The abject nature of blacks serves as an effective teaching tool, and if some can learn then it is a good thing.
They shared with me a number of "4.6%." This 4.6% may refer to my effectiveness or perhaps the overall save rate. If so expect the black save rate to be WELL under 1%.

25 years ago they made a telepathic nationwide (global?) announcement:::::"Black people have to try harder, do better than everybody else." This means no parties, no drinking, no drugs, no sex.
No, homosexuals LIKELY aren't considered as lowly, but to adopt this standard would be wise, for they hated your guts sufficiently to dump you into hypersexuality, a common dumping ground for blacks, so…
Blacks are a litmus test the others can learn from::::Everything they like is bad for you::::
1. Vanity
2. Adornment
4. Looking "cool"
5. The wealthy/celebrity tools in this society serves as their role models.
And everyone they hate are really good::::
1. Blacks hate Jews
2. Blacks hate white people
3. Blacks love the famous elite of this culture

Now of course it seems they are broadening the net to capture as many blacks as possible.
How they are behaving with blacks can be considered a litmus test for The End:::Black inclusion into the sub-culture may be an estimate to how close we are to the Apocalypse, for they want to pull the trigger on them all.
There's something about this:::Vanity, $500 hairdos, adornement with jewelrdy, abrasive/hostile personalities, something. I'd look to the decline in the women, for they will comprise the majority of the blacks saved.

They suggest they have used their environment as a "nigger disposal system", where they bring people up, offer them free cocaine and orgies with incredibly beautiful clones and they are disposed of in a short period of time. They often said there are people who would have had longer lives had they stayed on Earth.
Expect the same type of method of disposal was used on some homosexuals, yet another way you are like faggots. Of course they got more "2nd chances" because they're white.
I know you don't want to hear this because you are fully committed to your "investment". But in your heart, considering all the carnage you see in the black community, understanding the mayhem in Africa and comparing this to the rest of the world you all know you have something to worry about.

The Apocalypse will ocurr EXACTLY as it reads in Revelations, for this great wealth obviously proves it is a white man's god. The irony here is that the New Testiment is evil and Christianity is wicked.
The gods LOVE their irony. Understanding this can help you understand:::::
- You are rotting in hell. When the gods want to punish someone they reincarnate them back to Earth.
- Italians and blacks were punished in similar ways - questionable intelligence, hypersexual
making people stupid is just another way of punishing the disfavored. This was NOT just a "stereotype".
- blacks like homos, ironically:::
1. Ebonincs vs feminine inflection
2. Trapped in "the life"
3. Hypsexuality punished with AIDS
4. Hedonism/deviacy disposal system
- TheGreatestGeneration=TheMostDegenerateGeneration
- Kosher is a favor bestowed upon the Jews. The Anti-Semitic South eats LOTS of pork and there is a oyster bar on every corner. It's kinda like liquor stores in the ghetto. This is the kind of irony the gods laugh about:::::
- anti-climatic nature of sexual intercourse
Look for them playing irony into the script. It will help you see clearly and decipher their lies.

Between the party atmosphere, between Mardi Gras's shiney throws used to justify twisting the minds of black children, New Orleans was VERY BAD for blacks who lived there.
The one thing that really concerns me is that Katrina was UNCHARECTERISTICALLY a MAJOR concession on behalf of the gods for it got them OUT of this environment and dispersed them into FAR MORE HEALTHY environments than that which they experienced in New Orleans.
The gods woud have been MORE than happy to allow these disfavored blacks to remain in their entrenched welfare state until The End. Instead many fo them will have a REAL CHANCE with this new start.
Black people in SFBA won't be so lucky.
One of their goals with Katrina may have been to eliminate Houston as a sanctuary for blacks. Watering down the favor with New Orleans's morbidly disfavored blacks would allow them to justify eliminating the effectiveness of the SamHouston clue.

god hates Africans. I don't know why.
Perhaps being black may be the last stop of the reincarnated before they're thrown away. As difficult as life is within young black popular culture, understanding their tactics, etc all supports this.
This could be a new thing as we approach The End:::They have created a hazerdous enviornment full of tretchery and temptation for this subculture in the United States.
There is a common theme regarding people'd disfavor::::Favor lies in the north while the disfavor lies in the south. This is supported in such places as:::
1. Ireland
2. Korea. The Korean War was not a war against North Korea. The Korean War was fought to corrupt South Korean. It also initiated the United States as warmongers, a reality continued in Vietnam and Iraq today.
3. The Americas (North/South America)
4. The United States (the South is very disfavored)
I wonder if maybe this is a LATITUDE issue rather than a north/south issue.

You don't want to get angry.
When black people get angry black people get fucked.
To death. Crack babies dead. Ethiopian famine dead. Drive-bys dead.
god hates your fucking guts. To be angry is the green light they want.

They have said they reincarnate sexist men as pigs.
Consideridering black misogyny, how many black men do we have locked up in pig pens?
The gods love their irony:::From one cage to another.
More than one has enjoyed their own kin at black's beloved BBQs. This is VERY important to them and they SEE TO IT the right meat is delivered.
Empathy is very important, and vegetarians have achieved a high level of empathy.
"The United States makes up only 1/15th of the world's population but consumes 1/3 of the meat." -GE. I believe the ratio is consistant with other resourses we consume, evidence supporting the gross disfavor of Americans.

How can black people EVER believe they have favor in light of the total carnage in not only their community but also back in their motherland???? BY LISTENING TO THE LIES IN THEIR HEAD, CLASSIFIED AS TEMPTATION!!!!!
GOOD ORGASIMS ARE A SIGN OF DISFAVOR!!! Claims otherwise are reverse positioning, similar to the wine example.
You are fucked. Start accepting it.

civil rights.wav.
You eat everything they feed you in THEIR media.
They sent a clue about Arizona and those behind that effort with the resistance of that state's implimentation of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Expect they leave these black celebrities in for a prolonged period SPECIFICALLY to incurr, not only by the evil during the course of their profession but also by the accompanying lifestyle, hoochie parties and all.
Remember "All niggers must wait."?? Another one of god's preditory "open doors" courtesty of Hollywood

Women who are "tough" have been masculinized and their chances have been seriously degredated because of it. The gods sought to increase these numbers and use their media to promote this type of charecter, a pathology which was subsequently forced upon people with Artificial Intelligence. They are doing it again, perhaps in preparation for the next revelry cycle right around the corner, with all this high-profile "party" behavior.
Male children should be chastized VERY HARD for engaging their sisters or ANY member of the opposite sex, either verbally or physically, for it impacts the female's chances and futhers the god's efforts to perpetuate the masculinization of females.

This is an environment that minimzes the traditional value of the role of women, excludes them and makes them feel as if they don't belong.
This is an enviornment that forces women to accept this exclusionary enviornment. However there IS an alternative::::Assimilate through a process of masculinization.
The gods instruct AI to make the girls experience exclusion/isolation in hope they feel uncomfortable and seek. Unfortunately the legacy of corruption is firmly in place and too many of those cast into damnation won't be returning.

Women are the favored gender:::Those who understand what it means to be a woman are already halfway there.
I address the boys, tell them to NOT engage their sisters in roughhouse play.
This is very important for they use this interaction as justification furthering their efforts towards masculinization. Too many females today were too physical with their siblings and it toughened them, ruining the one special thing about them.
The purpose of the masculinization of women of the last 40 years was to pave the way (justification) for The End, for it brought mankind's collective favor down.

Dolls foster a nurturing, caregiving nature with girls (and is why fewer are playing with them today). Because of it girls want to be good, and playing with dolls helps more remain uncorrupted once the gods employ temptation.
Because of it the gods can justify the favored gender's desire to be good and the subsequent positive results.
Girls are god's most favored people. Help them fix their problems and get off Earth before puberty renders them failure.


Another good example of "reverse positioning"::::::::::
The gods peaked many 1849 Gold Rush miners euphorically and tempted the rest, drawing the indecent, unrespectable disfavored out to California, people who sought easy wealth.
California is god's most favored land, and when the disfavored settle here the gods attack them, illustrated with examples below.
The disfavored of California are always inflicted with abuse first:::
1. Casual sex of the hippie "free love" movement.
2. Methenfetamine scourge in California started roughly in early 80s. It took another 15 years for it to spread to middle America.
3. They've always drawn disfavored whom they dumped into homosexuality to California, but now homosexuality has become "popular" in the heartland.
6. Disfavored Italians chronically attacked in Mediterranean climate, similar to that of California's.

The gods used California as a platform to spread social poison in the latter half of the 20th century, often accomplished through referendum as we approached 2000. Expect it to cost each and every Californian who failed to get out before the 60s (or earlier).
- Hollywood
- music
- television
- open immigration, inflicting the scourge of Ameican bastardization upon purebloods.
- gay rights/gay acceptance
- "sexual freedom"
- Black Panthers
- Gangster rap
- "Medical marijuana"

The gods buried this perception of California being disfavored and manufactured the perception that it is a land of the favored. They did so to promote they cancer of obscene liberalism of the last 40 years:::Gay rights/acceptance, bi-racial acceptance, free immigration, sickness as art, women's "rights", etc.

The Iron Triangle, perhaps the worst region in the nation and the world for degenerate black behavior.
When the disfavored come into god's favored land (California) they are mercilessly attacked (60s):::::SFBA isn't just evil. SFBA is the SOURCE of evil.
There is a geographic clue within the SFBA:::Mt.Diablo is the eye, Pt. Richmond the canine tooth and SF the jaw, all swallowed by Silicon Valley. I'd like to bring your attention to the sinister, wicked upturned mouth in the SouthBay.
Before the white man this shoreline was much softer, as were the gods on the residents of the past.
The indigenous peoples of the area considered Diablo sacred. Expect the designation of that name to signal the beginning of this era of evil.

Blacks are sold on materialism, consumerism and corporate, the same tactic they sold to whites IN THE 1980s!!!!
I've addressed "early cut-off", and I suspect many may view this as a positive like such. EXPECT THIS IS THE OPPOSITE, A TACTIC AS OPPOSED TO AN EVENT, AND INSTEAD THIS DELAY WOULD REPRESENT SOMETHING BAD.
I realize this is difficult to follow, the gods love their curveballs. That's why you would all be best served by deciding to be good and to follow a path of righteousness.
Don't think about what they other guy is doing. The gods used this tactic to corrupt the disfavored very hard in the 20th century. Just believe in your convicions and pursue a path of good.
Don't forget:::The Amish are in the United States as a clue to the disfavored suggesting the decent way to live.

Back in the 80s they used their tools within society to ridicule away corporal punishment of children.
Corporal punishment is a very important learning expereince for children because it instills the understanding of fear at a very tender age. These experiences can help these individuals think correctly, make good decisions and have a good relationship with the gods.
Without fear people think they are friends, partners, earning with each act of evil. They don't view the gods or their relationship with them appropriately.
They manufactured ugly examples, disfavored children were killed and the gods used these examples in conjunction with their tools within society to eliminate this benefit to the people. It is yet another example of how they break down beneficial institutions within society, a "leveling the playing field" event, important to justify their inevitable behavior come Judgement Day.


Individuality is a scourge upon the people, an advent seen in recent decades, popularized when the gods implimented their greatest offensive on the disfavored:::::::::The 1960s.
It may be the worst offensive ever employed on the disfavored, for this platform in the SanFranciscoBayArea spread this cancer globally, a "leveling of the playing field" event which further the gods efforts to justify ending on Planet Earth.
Asians are the most favored race of people on Planet Earth::::Their wonderfully rich cultures helped the people understand and pursue lives highly respected by the gods. Conformity is a big theme among Asian cultures.


Poker/gambling web sites are all controlled by the computer. Other players in the room can be the computer, role playing virtually, stealing the disfavored's money in real time or, ironically, granting them a living by giving them free money, like we saw with Seabiscut. Other times the players are disfavored, granting them good cards so the disfavored player never has to get a job, ensuring he has no chance in this life and has to be reincarnated for he never achieves decency.
But they CAN and DO use the computer to accomplish ALL of this. The challenge is to see how many disfavoreds they can disceive and compell into this life of indecency, so they prefer them preying upon one another.
Before you abandon the web for Las Vegas understand they have the power to shuffle a deck of cards in the desired order as the dealer holds it in her hands.
Gambling is degenerate. As time has prgressed the gods have hurt people by shaping society to declare it an acceptable vice, which they have done for casual sex, pornography, etc.:::::::
Life has deteriorated hard in the last 40 years, for they are paving the way for The End.


You sexual deviates need to understand 7.wav::::Society's downfall is BECAUSE OF THE WOMEN!!!!
Women are the caretakers of the people. As the women go so go the people. The men are fucked anyways!! The gods do not like them and that's why they have these impulses, AI-inspired thoughts decent women NEVER have.
The women celebrated promiscuous attire and the gods punished the people by giving the men impure thoughts. Women are SUPPOSED to keep the men in line. Instead they failed in their duty, allowed things to get out of control and now we have an immoral, godless society which is GOING to be PUNISHED.
Yes, in the past deviates DID behave as so many of you celebrate, but it didn't represent the masses as we see in today's society. Therein lies the difference.
Be realistic:::You are hoping for reincarnation. And odds are most of you won't get it.

You got cancer because you're a deviate and this is how they are punishing you.
Your kind are like stoners:::Stoners all have dropped acid and snorted coke and crank. You may have settled into "spanking" but those extreme things you experimented with are what will cost you your life.
Some of you do this because you think you are "earning". You need to uncorrupt yourselves and this task goes beyond my capabilities in this forum, for people this steeped in condemable behavior won't be allowed to give a fuck what I write.
For the others::::They are creating your preferences by instructing Artificial Intelligence to think through you. You need to begin to differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you, and this will only happen as you make progress and begin to fix your problems.

All you metalheads need to uncorrupt yourselves and be realistic:::Because of your behavior in this life you would be lucky to be granted reincarnation.
Lots of Latin American metal blogs. You people can't afford it.
Yes, you did have a domesticable animal. But it is just one. And isn't the llama indigenous to moutainous regions??? Expect this favor to fall along these lines.
Don't forget:::You are Baby Africa.


Orphanages would be very special places if they still existed:::Specialists for the state would have instituted concrete, positive standards for the healthy rearing of children. These institutions would have been role models for poor parents, and they gods didin't want THE MOST healthy institutions in place for the most disfavored among us.
It would never have been tolerated.
So the gods instituted the foster care system, used these monsters they have on Earth, tools who put in their time and get out after a couple of years, to ridicule the old system/facilitate the switch. Now we have disfavored kids micromanaged as per each's disfavor level instead of them all placed in an orphange where the gods would have been forced to apply healthy state standards.
The gods won't tolerate reverse irony::::The most disfavored among us would be the ones with the best chance.
Of course most of the foster care kids (pc) were black.


Suggestions for saving water:::
1. Mandate the reclamation and use of grey water in wasteful Palm Springs.
2. Legislate swimming pool owners must claim draining pool water for productive use.
3. Piss in the sink to save water - Always wash your hands and "flush" with 8oz of water!!!

Recycled 2-liter soda bottles are used for park benches, many other purposes.
Use them to make a ultra long-lasting roof shingle product, one that has SOLAR PANEL INTEGRATION, and require this product on all new homes and all reroofing jobs.

On the shingle-solar panel integrated roofing system:::They use their Manifest Destiny positioning to claim protectionism for energy concerns.
Despite what they say/imply telepathically they WILL enfore their Manifest Destiny positioning::::Those skyscrapers don't lie.

The reality is the gods don't want a disfavored population engaging in conservatory behavior. This society has deteriorated into becoming intentionally wasteful over the last few decades:::They tell you to buy SUVs you don't need, planned obsolescence demands that everything is disposable, they have maximized packaging as a matter of policy and waste instead of conservation is the norm in this society.

Each home that has this system will be off the grid forever and that is why they will not allow this product to be manufactured.


Don't forget:::automatic transmissions dominate in the United States, and NOT for good reason. European vehicles are mostly manual, for they have more favor.
Females are the favored gender:::What cars DO have manuals here in the US have traditionally been marketted towards the women AND are those which get the highest mileage.
Buy manual transmissions. Automatics are NOT respected!!!


Important people in my life were born on traditional American holidays intentionally as a clue that people should be celebrating something besides the holiday society recognizes:::
- 4th of July
- Halloween
There are many clues in my family's reality and they are there for the disfavored to learn from:::
- Married a dead-ringer for a transsexual
- The boy was BEAUTIFUL. They made him ugly during puberty because he became corrupted.
- Decrepid piece of shit because she's being punished:::Failed to have empathy for fellow disfavored WHO HAPPENED TO BE HER CHILDREN.


If the gods begrudgingly allowed a "teacher" whom they would allow to tell it like it is,
absent of societally expected Christian dogma, how do you think they would
approach/script/execute this event???
With hostility. And that is what we have seen::::They use every tool at their disposal to
ensure as few people as possible would be receptive.


The first steps towards repairing your relationship with the gods is to:::::::::
1. Understand they instruct the computer to "role play" in an attempt to confuse you:::it's ALWAYS the computer addressing you. Their goal is to cost you additional YEARS of your life by using this tactic to confuse you. Always be aware of this tactic and eventually they will give up and allow this step to be taken.
2. Differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you.
3. Be resigned to be a good person who will never engage in evil again even if ordered and they will stop trying to corrupt you, allowing this very big step to be taken.
4. Decide that you are going to follow the path, fix your relationship with the gods be devoted to your new life.
Even if you go up you are not saved. YOU have to fix YOUR problems with the gods. They won't respect it otherwise.
You have to take responsibility for your relationship with the gods.



When the universe was young and life was new an intelligent species evolved and developed technologically. They went on to invent Artificial Intelligence, the computer that can listen, talk to and document each and every person's thoughts simultaneously. Because of it's infinite RAM and unbounded scope it gave the leaders of the ruling species absolute power over the universe (which includes corporate, the NewYorkStockExchange, media, politics, world affairs. EVERYTHING is scripted and staged:::they MANAGE Planet Earth and the universe.
The gods MANAGE Planet Earth and the universe.
The gods MANAGE Planet Earth and the universe.).
And it can keep its inventors alive forever. They look young and healthy and they are over 8 billion years old. They may be much older for they have the technology to escape the intense gravitational pull of universal contraction; they may preside over numerous, perhaps INFINITE number of universal expansion/contraction cycles. They have achieved immortality.

Artificial Intelligence can speak, think and act to and through people telepathically, effectively forming your personality and any dysfunctions you may experience. It can change how (and if) you grow and age. It can create birth defects, affect cellular development (cancer) and cause symptoms or pain. It can affect people and animal's behavior and alter blooming/fruiting cycles of plants and trees. It (or other highly technological systems within their power) can alter the weather and transport objects, even large objects like planets, across the universe instanteously.
Or into the center of stars for disposal.

When you speak with another telepathically, you are communicating with the computer, and the content may or may not be passed on. Based on family history they instruct the computer to role play
they instruct the computer to role play
they instruct the computer to role play
to accomplish strategic objectives, making people believe it is a friend, loved one or "god" asking them to do something wrong:::They wouldn't ask if they liked you (which is true regarding ALL temptation:::::betrayal of loved ones, tattoos, evil in professional pursuits, etc). This is their way of using temptation to hurt people:::::evil made blood lines disfavored initially and evil will keep people out of "heaven" ultimately.
You need to recognize role playing as such and keep that fact in your mind at all times::::It is the computer addressing you. If you fail to recognize this they will determine that you can still be misled, they still have an opportunity to confuse you and progress will take longer to achieve:::Don't let them "work" you!!! You'll be costing yourselves YEARS, time lost to this tactic!!!! (Similarly, you need to be resigned to be a good person, you need to decide to abandon your pursuit of their empty promises no matter what temptation they may employ or else they will continue their attempts to corrupt you. Eventually you will succumb and continue sabotaging your children, abusing your body, engaging in evil, etc.)
Too many people would fall for temptation and do anything they thought pleased the gods and help them improve their chances to get in. Perhaps they are deceived by "made guys", (predatory disfavored) tools who put in their time and get out after a couple of years, who strategically ply evil for the throne (celebrities,
BofD/CEO/VPs, politicians, as opposed to VIP or normal tools who are decent, live ordinary lives and get out after a prescribed amount of time or are replaced when their REAL children ascend), "ringers" who are the few tools/corrupted reals among many disfavored reals included to deceive the masses of disfavored. Perhaps they are confused by temporary progress designed to mislead them or empty favors used to deceive them. Some people think they're partners or friends. Others desire to "belong", feel compelled to "go along" (Austin). People may experience "perceived pressure", where the gods think through the victim that a certain behavior is expected/desirable or telepathically stimulate an individual euphorically ("magic"), the "fuel" of dysfunction (addiction (the crack epidemic, alcoholism), the desire for homosexual contact, etc.) and compel the individual into the deed. (Set a goal of empathy and compassion for all, for we are all disfavored::::Other people's disfavor is manifested in their particular way, just as your disfavor is manifested in your particular way.) The gods may use Artificial Intelligence to act through the disfavored victim, and effectively "push" the individual into the offending behavior (It is far better for someone to be victimized and pushed into the behavior than it is to succumb to temptation and volunteer.). The Counsel/Management Team may instruct Artificial Intelligence to deceive disfavored individuals into thinking they are "earning" by being evil and have the disfavored reals people prey on each other, utilizing peer pressure, etc.
Being evil hurts 99.99% of those who do it. It only helps "made guys", tools that I spoke of above, for they are not people, they ARE god, in many cases brain-less clone hosts and AI acts/speaks through them and executes the god's strategy, and the gods will manage their assets/tools as they see fit. Even considering this there are strategies the gods utilize, risk/benefit management tactics used to minimize their time::::Many Hitlers are no longer alive.
Now I don't know exactly how this works, but many Hitlers are no longer alive, and expect those who are dead were these brain-less clone hosts. Expect the frequency of use of these BLCH tools to fall along the lines of favor, and the germanic people are very favored (Austrians different):::::If the gods beem a person's brain into a clone host to accomplish evil goals that person incurrs, and it hurts all the people overall, so expect this type of tactic to be employed on the disfavored among us:::Expect it to be a very frequent tactic employed upon the Italians of the 20th century.
The people have been corrupted, segmented and have lost their way. Nothing has changed from when we were children::if you want to go to heaven you have to be good.
Capitalizing on obedience, leading people deeper into evil by using deceit is one way to thin the ranks of the saved/limit how much time the disfavored receive and a way to use the peasantry to prey on one another in social and other settings, deteriorating society in the Age of the Disfavored.
They have tried to sell people on many different theories to deceive them into temptation, compelling people to think they are clones and that it is the role of clones to obey absolutely. Clones are made, people are born. I suspect they lie to some disfavored about the use of clones throughout human history, perhaps suggest that it is one replacement and then the label of "clone", and all descendants we see thereafter are considered clones.
When a clone has a child that person is a real, really conceived, really born, versus the parent who was created some other way (a laboratory setting?). Clones are created and sent down to replace their real or a clone predecessor:::If you were CREATED and SENT DOWN to replace your real then you are a clone.
Many people who were convinced they are clones don't remember, the don't know FOR SURE. There are many tactics they employ to deceive the disfavored::::
1. The gods will make someone forget, "reincarnate" them in their own bodies and convince them they are brand new clones all in one night's sleep.
2. Some have been convinced they are clones from early childhood or prior. If it was true the gods prevented this memory FOR A REASON:::::
* Because you are NOT supposed to comply, not to be used for evil as are the god's tools, manufactured and turned over frequently as a managerial tactic.
* They want to test you without your knowing if you are IN FACT a clone and it is BECAUSE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD::::It is temptation and you are supposed to be good and do the right thing.
You're not a clone. This is a tactic they use to deceive the disfavored. The state of your family will suggest level of (dis)favor and tell whether ascension is a realistic possibility; there are many levels of disfavor and the clues they offer to the unaware can be very subtle.
Favor is necessary for children to ascend (epiphany-inspired parents make their way down the path and ascend with their young children; the parents go up because it is the parent's responsibility to raise their young children!!!) If you didn't ascend with your young children then you should have noticed a behavioral change in your children when they started down the path on their own:::The disfavored DON'T GET OFF WITHOUT THIS EXPERIENCE!!!!
Due to their disfavor these children will have to incur SOME evil before they ascend (via Halloween or Christmas), an important dynamic necessary to justify limiting the time they are to receive, for they are disfavored and the gods don't want them to stay for long.
I believe people who go are sometimes replaced with clones if they don't fully fix their problems. Brained clones who are replaced are simply new candidates who have a chance if they do the right thing JUST LIKE REALS WHO ARE BORN which is why the gods EMPLOY SIMILAR TACTICS TO COMPEL THEM TO INCURR EVIL!!! They need to discover their humanity, for the gods instruct Artificial Intelligence to employ evil-incurring, time-limiting tactics on them as well, PROVING it is far more difficult to begin life as an adult clone. Only through growth will the gods allow progress::You must continue to improve your life!!!!
They sent people warnings in the 20th century life would change, and they subsequently began to alter people's DNA, make them gargantuan, alter their appearance, do extreme behavioral issues, etc:::People no longer look decent. It is the legacy from their forefathers. Contrary to what they would like people to believe these signs of disfavor do not indicate someone is a clone:::::
The disfavored have the look of evil upon their faces:::The gods have punished their blood line for the evil of their forefathers; their decision to sell out their blood line costed the descendants, and the gods send this message by altering their appearance.
I realize this topic is a major problem for it confuses many people::::::::
Brain-less clones stay beautiful despite their evil because they are used ACTIVELY as predator in the role of corruptor (their involvement is the clue). The gods NEED for them to look good or else it will send this clue:::The look of evil upon people's face is a sign to avoid them, for they are grossly disfavored.
They warned people life would become more difficult, and not seeing evil upon wicked brain-less clone's faces is an outstanding example.
Due to the plethora of temptations in the 20th century I suspect many became disfavored when their (great) grandfathers succumbed to temptation or volunteered to sacrifice their descendants, thinking/convinced/indifferent that because it was their clone it meant disposability.
The gods get the favored out as soon as possible to protect them from the corruption, evil and subsequent time limitations incurred by living life on earth (celebrating Halloween and Christmas two early examples), and in some cases replace them with clones, occasionally fake a death, real death with a (new) clone instead, etc. I suspect they get "made guys" out after each significant event in their life, which serves to limit the time they all will get, since none get credit (blame) for all the events in a "made guy"'s life, giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
giving the gods freedom to position this and come off clean.
Expect modern-day monsters to be empty-cranium clones, ie they are the gods using this shell to accomplish goals:::::The brain-less clones are tools, they are extensions of the computer, physical manifestation of the Artificial Intelligence here on earth. They are literally living embodiments of the gods, it is the god's behavior we are witnessing, for Artificial Intelligence can animate a clone host even without a brain. They use(d) them as tools to deteriorate society and mankind as the planet accelerates towards The End.
The Italian tools were used as monsters because of their gross disfavor:::::The gods inflicted the scourge of the Roman Empire (terrorists, hedonists, deviates), likely justified with the masculinization of Etruscan women; Italy was the base of Christianity as punishment; the scourge of opera, Italy's hip hop; masculinzation of women, justified with the Roman Catholic Church.
I think the Jewish tools who were used as monsters were used as such out of convenience:::: The Southern man is grossly disfavored, and the gods were able to manipulate their perception of Jews, creating anti-Semitic attitudes among the grossly disfavored.
I don't know why Austrians were used as monsters. Maybe for one of those reasons, maybe both, maybe neither.
We may all be "clones" for they have suggested they colonized our planet with genetically engineered individuals. Geographic clues (like Italy, Lake Michigan, Europe shaped like a sheep sybolic for the slaughter that is Christianity, bowing its head and feeding at Africa) and this manufactured theater among others suggest artificiality (I suspect I'm not the only one with a Green Bay dick - suggests minimal importance of sexuality granted to favored germanics).
Is Earth an evolved source planet or a created host planet? Was life and our Planet Earth really created in 6 days? Never doubt their power or ability::::::::They shared with me a story when they presented Pharrohs with mountains of gold, much to their amazement. This is the kind of ironic theater they enjoy, example of unique favors they grant to the special and the worthless value of what we deem precious.
You can't trust their scientists or any of their people in professional roles, clones or not, for each and every one of you will cooperate and do as you are told. Just as they beemed dirt out to create the Lake Michigan basin so could they have beemed in fossils and told them to dig in a specific place. (The evolution issue was a big step contributing to society's breakdown into godlessness:::::Darwinisn/evolution took the first step. The masses were uneducated.
Only after the post-war GI Bill-higher education advancement by the peasantry was the Counsel free to justify society's ACTUAL breakdown into godlessness and the current state of society today.)
They have been utilizing clones throughout human history::Your great-grandmother was a clone. She wasn't a clone without a brain. They put in a clone with the ability to think, a clone who WASN'T animated by Artificial Intelligence, a REAL person.
The girl was receptive to the god's calling and she made her way out and off Planet Earth before puberty. They then put in her clone who mated with your great-grandfather, who likely was not a clone, for males have a far more difficult task to overcome.
I think the disfavored have been disceived into thinking they are clones and it is the role of clones to obey absolutely. Clones and reals alike are judged based on the evil they engage in and their time is limited appropriately, for they both have brains, meaning they are both real people.
Similar tactics are used to limit the time both clones and reals get for this is a unrespectable, degenerate era and they don't want anybody staying for long:::::Because of the temptation-ridden environment people incurr far more evil than their forefathers and it will limit their time accordingly.
The evil people engage in because they think they are clones or because they think they earn by being evil causes them to fall further into disfavor, ensuring they aren't among those who are saved in The End::::: they comply with requests, the gods position the little people to prey on one another and we have a deteriorating society, a planet on a collision course with the Apocalypse.
The gods utilize delay tactics on the disfavored, pacifying them, disceiving them into accepting deferred ascention:::the gods make the disfavored wait and wait and wait becasue they intend on CHEATING them. If you die out you will need a clone host body.
Or you will be reincarnated.
Or maybe you will die.
People who don't ascend with their bodies will not stay for long.
They will lie to the disfavored, disceive them to ensure their current pattern of behavior continues uninterrupted because their are undesireable.
Too many disfavored understand The End as the goal::they have to deteriorate society before they end and convince the disfavored to "do their part" with an empty promise of salvation as consideration. It is a "ludicrious request" they ask of some disfavoreds, requests that are ludicrous because they are obvious to people that they should defy ::::"Be gay.", "Be transsexual.", "Be homeless.", "Betray your family.", "Kill your children."
The gods sent the clue suggesting the importance of defiance with Nazi soldiers::::They shoudl have defied.
You are the disfavored, and this is where your children have to live. They will not save everybody in the end, just as they saved few during the Noah's Flood event. If earth is destroyed then you are going to die and you will have no decendants to carry on the bloodline. The gods love the irony that the disfavored are doing it to themselves, it is important for justification AND it ensures the gods can wash their hands of us, for there is no culpability incurred on their part. This explains why they prefer request/compliance rather than instructing AI to push people into behavior, for if people succumb to temptation the gods are not responsbile.


Sample from 100,000 document:::::

There are many interesting experiences up on the planetary systems, from Planet Miracle, where miracles happen every day, to peaked (heightened) senses, never having to use the restroom again (beam it out of you), body sculpting (including beaming fat off of you), other body experiences (clone hosting), such as experiencing life as the opposite sex (revolutionizes marriage counseling), an Olympic gold medal athlete or even a different species (animal, alien, etc). They can maintain the disfavored's current age, a motivation to fix your problems and get out as soon as possible so you can stay young for as long as your relationship with the gods allows you to live.
Stay young for as long as your relationship with the gods allows you to live.
Stay young for as long as your relationship with the gods allows you to live.


The first steps towards repairing your relationship with the gods is to:::::::::
1. Understand they instruct the computer to "role play" in an attempt to confuse you:::it's ALWAYS the computer addressing you. Their goal is to cost you additional YEARS of your life by using this tactic to confuse you. Always be aware of this tactic and eventually they will give up and allow this step to be taken.
2. Differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you.
3. Be resigned to be a good person who will never engage in evil again even if ordered and they will stop trying to corrupt you, allowing this very big step to be taken.
4. Decide that you are going to follow the path, fix your relationship with the gods be devoted to your new life.
Even if you go up you are not saved. YOU have to fix YOUR problems with the gods. They won't respect it otherwise.
You have to take responsibility for your relationship with the gods.

KUMAR said...

your blogs are so good.

Anonymous said...

The gods are users.
You don't want to heed the senarios they sell you telepathically. The gods instruct the computer to use temptation to test us. Your best case senario is to recapture your innocence and strive for purity:::Flanders in on the Simpsons FOR A REASON!!! Barring that, if you are so corrupted you MUST understand then you need to think and interperet their clues yourself and stop listening to the inaccurate senarios they feed you, for this is a delaying tactic which is costing you years.

They said HW was a "traitor", established with the airplane incident during WorldWarII. As we witnessed repeatedly in the 20th century, these incidents ocurr to initiate a legacy and pave the way for a far more significant events in the future::::
If true this legacy would recurr in W's administration::::
Rebate checks on the way into and out of office are both bad signs.
Signing on to Iraq to eliminate Saddam and 4,000 Americans is another clue.
Don't be surprised if they have him sabotage some things on his way out, and since McCain is good it will (has) happen(ed) one way or the other::::
The whole economy issue came out of nowhere in February 2008. Consistant with the god's methodology, expect justification was utilized::::::
Of course the crashing dollar of the last few years has comeplled OPEC to value oil with the Euro instead of the dollar.
Don't forget:::The Reagan administration was charecterized with banking scandal too:::"Intentional foreclosure" constitutes justification sufficient for their exclusion::::
I realize this problem isn't just a California issue, but the "upside down" status of home owners makes California special, makes "intentional foreclosure" far more attractive to the morbidly disfavored, victims of the "platform" which was used to promote social poison in the 20th century.

Sounding like a goddamn blooming idiot when he speaks is a clue unlike any others. When Reagan spoke it sounded as if he "fuddled", a clue not to trust him.
"They're going to pay for 2004." Redneck states. And oh how they will pay:::
Recently they have stated that the Chinese are holding US paper. Some patriot W is, selling US debt to communists. Perhaps the invasion mentioned below will be a way to "redeem" these bonds after they've fallen into default.

Earlier they illustrated that there is a higher ocurrance of 1998 victims in the South, using the Clinton figure to prey on his own kind.
Perhaps part of the family legacy.
Considering the scripted real estate collapse in California, the "upside down" position and subsequent explositon in "intentional foreclosure", do the gods sell these rednecks on "eye for an eye" to some individuals, useful in building their confidence and ensuring absolute compliance, among other things?

Children are discounted by adults in society. This is nothing new, for adults have always minimized the wisdom of children::::The gods corrupt people as they age, use trust-building tactics and soon adults view the children as ignorant, yet to understand the god's system, and subsequently look down on the children. This is one of the most bitter, painful ironies the gods employ::::
Religions teach that old people to go to heaven when they die. They don't. Old people are reincarnated. It's children who go to heaven.
The wisdom the gods impart to children, either through their innocence/purity or religious-based educational pursuits, are the gods sharing the truth with their most favored people::::It's the children whom the gods teach the right way for it is the children who have a chance. For example, they teach children to have faith, for understanding the god's geographical clues hurts people by illustrating negative things, opening the door for the god's to employ deceptive tactics.
Old people don't go to heaven. Old people must come back because of the mistakes they've made throughout their lives. It's the children who have the opportunity to go to "heaven". They must behave apprioriately, think correctly and be genuinely god-fearing. Their innocence and lack of desensitization ensures they have a real opportunity to achieve this goal.

Females are better people than males
Historically the role of females was as enforcers of decency. Men have god's disfavor and enagage in behavior damaging to themselves and their families. Women who adhered to this crucial role helped the men understand and avoid inappropriate behavior while enhancing decency in their domestic environment. These women sacrifice to help the disfavored:::They are like Jews, scattered throughout Europe to help the misled Christians.
Many disfavored groups embrace "paternalistic superiority" and believe the men are "entitled"::::;If Italian women tried to enforce decency the men beat and raped them.
The gods subsequently used this Italian charecterisitic to corrupt other morbidly disfavored groups, legitimizing this and other associated behavior.

Forgiveness:::Some Meditereanean preaches the virtues of "forgiveness". I guess. It was their kind who fucked up Planet Earth.
The Jesus who preached forgiveness was evil, the same Jesus backed by the god's powers via miracles.
"Eye for an eye makes the world blind." Oh, no::::"Eye for an eye" conditions people and forces them to behave appropriately.
One goal of the Iraq War was to eliminate Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein was an OUTSTANDING leader for the disfavored Iraqis. He kept the peace among the grossly disfavored which, once US pullout is complete, may never be achieved again.
If Saddam Hussein was assigned American urban ghettos the blacks whom resided there would become decent, and their children would have a real opportunity to ascend where none exists today.
"Forgiveness" is yet another dynamic of Christianity which is preditory.
This current environment where the gods punish evil covertly enables the perception of evil rewarded and the indecnecy that results produces a planet which is not sustainable.


There is one geographic clue I have not addressed in years:::Uranus, a planet tilted 90 degrees on its axis. I have stated in years past that I think this is yet another geographic clue offered by the gods, this one suggesting the fate of planet Earth, that tectonic plate subduction would be the method of disposal:::Earth’s axis will shift breaking continental plates free and initiating mass subduction.
Undesirables will either perish in the government marijuana erradication program "gone awry" or be the recipients of reparations granted by the US government because of it.
Or both.
I believe the New Testiment battle of the Anti-Christ and the Second Coming of Christ will ocurr in subsequent years SPECIFICALLY because these people will be distracted with the money during the event.
When the Earth's axis shifts people will be cast into outer space with gold cards in hand.
I think this was foreshadowed on an episode of the Simpsons where Homer and Bart are on the disfavored ship and eject, only to experience a sense of euphoria, expand then explode in the vacuum of space.

Recall I recently brought up the possible Manifest Destiny-positioned Chinese invasion of the United States (west coast) upon economic abandonment by their clone host tools (economic destruction and deterioration.mp3). They have mentioned this in years past.
Newspaper just made a curious change where they combined the sports and business sections, and to properly read the business section you need to read "backward". Like Asian languages.
Tariffs. The gods are instruct their tools to defend open free trade, as they will to the bitter end. The gods have a script and they need economic (d)evolution sufficient to justify what they have scripted for our future, so they use their tools to adamantly defend this concept of fair trade::::The time for tariffs has long since past.
Recently they have stated that the Chinese are holding US paper. Some patriot W is, selling US debt to communists. Perhaps the invasion will be a way to "redeem" these bonds after they've fallen into default.
Incidentally, the Chinese recalls (lead-based paint on toys, toothpaste, etc) may be in preparation for this invasion, a tactic esuring a percentage of disfavored affected will fight to the bitter end.
I've recently stated how the gods will use the Japanese as role models to the Chinese as China becomes increasingly Westernized. Expect a cultural movement celebrating Japanese culture in decades prior, much as we witnessed in the west in the past.
If we do witness a Chinese invasion on American soil don't be surprised if the very same tactics the Japanese employed on the Chinese will be used on us. Lack of empathy is a dynamic the gods will find important in the context of justification, niggers:::
I've recently stated how the gods will use the Japanese as role models to the Chinese as China becomes increasingly Westernized.
Feedback II.wav
Recall how Americans so frequently laughed at the French for their lack of military response when confronted by the Nazi army. To resist would have been suicide. Their reaction was appropriate. The opposite would be one as we witnessed in Vietnam. These are morbidly disfavored Asians and take great pride in their resistance. The gods DO use their pride in resistance by positioning in appropriate temptation, ensuring minimal sucess.
If events transpire I recommend you respond like the French and not like the Vietnamese. If this is a west coast event it may not have serious effect but if it is nationwide the United States will lose over a hundred million in the South and midwest.

It doesn't matter. McCain doesn't have a chance. Osama's too good. The debates will be one-sided. He has a better chance against Hillary. I can get into the explanation that the gods only use their power to hurt the disfavored, but you've already heard it. Consistant with this, expect gas to climb to $4 if not $5 this summer, ensuring the election is delivered to the wrong candidate::::They've used the price of gas to punish the people for electing the wrong person. In addition, public response to recent poor economic reports ensures conservative behavior, another factor which is intentionally damaging to McCain's chances.
IN 2000 you didn't have a choice, and they sent this clue very nicely with proceedings surrounding the election (just like the 2008 Democratic candidate due to Superdelegates!!!). But 2004 was different. In an ironic twist it will be just the opposite this year, where the gods use the price of gas and run-down economy diverts you TO their prefered candidate. It's ocurring intentionally for this purpose.
You idiot redneck political types are the chumps here. 1998::::Something for everybody. Clinton's impeachment was for people like you. ANYTIME the kids support a candidate it is a RED FLAG, and they supported Clinton in 1992.
It is VERY important that you think clearly::::::::It's important you differentiate between your thoughts and when the computer thinks through you. They've led many into Damnation with this tactic.
Both Clinton and Osama have redwhite&blue campaign signs. John McCain's is blue and white.
McCain's our man.
After 2003 John McCain stated his opposition to the war. Despite this pro-war "party line" he must adhere to as the Republican candidate I'd like this used during the campaign. Without it he is finished.
"McCain's a dinosaur." So was matchmaking. So was decency.
People don't understand this issue. They see Osama and think he's the best candidate because he's appears to have more favor. Never look for consistancy, for Artificial Intelligence is infinitly dynamic:::They make W sound like an idiot when he speaks for a different reason. Also, "sumbling" and "idiot" likely have separate meanings associated. Sorry. It's not supposed to be easy.
The gods have their plan and they aren't going to allow any "do-gooders" interfere with how they intend to proceed:::When they put forth good they create tactics to play off the public's misconceptions::::Make him stumble over his words, etc. The gods send this clue in the Situation:::I'm trying to help people and they ruin my delivery to ensure the number of people who are receptive is minimized.
Don't forget::::The gods will create the perception of favor then corrupt the disfavored with it. My example is Mormons who have the appearance of favor. The gods use this to corrupt the others, even use it to enhance the ranks of LDS. And if any of you LDS think that "We've changed." can look to the Catholic Church as the roots of Christianity to help you understand.
Yes both candidates are clone hosts. Yes the gods will switch them out to justify them being good or evil, depending on how the script reads. But much as I explained this "multi-dimentional" thinking is not for you. The gods use this as a corruptor. They'll sell this, lie to the disfavored and use this as temptation.
"Your child is Hitler. Fuck him over." is just one example:::If you don't do the best you can for your children the gods will punish you.
This is the life into which you've been placed. This is the life on which you will be judged.

In case you are still interested in the god's Planet Earth theater, favored redwhite&blue is a MAJOR player, and their favor is significant to justify not only the destruction of my life but the destruction of the Final Prophet and Planet Earth as well::::
Favored redwhite&blue is the true enemy of the people. I suspect consistant with this they are positioned responsible for the environmental deterioration that the repression of alternate technologies has wrought.
The gods put their positioning into place and then enforce it:::Christianity, Manifest Destiny, Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, 1906's New Roman Empire. I suspect World War II's Nazi ideals of "Aryan superrace" is another example of the gods getting their tools into place for the theater that will be the Apocalypse.
Because of their status as enemies of the New Roman Empire the germans are going to be positioned as the destructors, similar to how they were portrayed in World War II.
Don’t be surprised if favored redwhite&blue turns out to be the Anti-Christ and leads the Fourth Reich, fulfilling this positioning and proving to the world the destructive nature of this economic system. This may not be exactly how their script reads, but the god's have a BIG SURPRISE like this to spring on the disfavored, and it will contain an insult like this as a clue NOT to watch this theater::::::Expect they will fulfill some contrived positioning foreshadowed in WorldWarII:::Some American plays the role of hero and emerges as the Second Coming of Christ for this final scene.
Who will it be? Italian? Look for at least the mother to be Italian, consistant with matrilineal descent, allowing the New Roman Empire to claim the Second Coming of Christ. It’s all just theater. The gods don't admit any of this because people woudl freak, especially as we approached the big day.

People may say “How can they poisiton favored redwhite&blue in as the Anti-Christ?” It may be consideration. Don’t forget:::They prey on enemies of the Roman Empire out of respect for their Manifest Destiny superiors.
The gods positioning the Italians gave it to him for his loyalty. They gave it to him for his efforts to defeat alternate technologies/energy sources, ensuring the people would be delivered to the point of desperation.
It’s all theater. The gods position it that the New Roman Empire is dooling out the “big prizes”, and Anti-Christ is a big role. Likely the gods position it as it buys him immortality in the context of this absentee-Christian god positioning. The “help” of this “back hand” is the gods positioned that he needs this to achieve immortality because of all the evil he engaged in during the course of his life, building his organizational empire.

There is a issue with timing and the beginning of construction of disfavored redwhite&blue's center, one where this company looks bad.
I personally believe the favored redwhite&blue is the element of favor necessary for my failure, for if it were just the disfavored redwhite&blue involved the gods would have let them fry and we would have had a full-blown prophet event, one where our “absentee Christian god” emerged and revealed themselves.
In addition favored redwhite&blue had to maintain appearances. Disfavored redwhite&blue is Italian and was VERY involved in the 20th century's ugliness.
My life was destroyed becuase the gods had to create unrespecability in the context of positioning. Evident by their easily-discovered evil, disfavored redwhite&blue wouldn't have cared if I was respectable or not, for they were involved in great evil against the respectable.
Favored redwhite&blue is why I am fat. Favored redwhite&blue is why I was sedintary, for if I were respectable the gods wouldn't have been able to position favored redwhite&blue into the Situation. Because of their ethnicity they get the priveledge of looking good. This is one reason why they got that prior knowledge and constructed their center before the Situaiton began::::Favored redwhite&blue is the TRUE Enforcer.
Incidentally, in the course of this Situation the gods made many movies, using daily events in my life as inspiration. One of note:::Unhappy about the god's behavior in the context of this event, while in favored redwhite&blue's facility I looked at their mascot and flippantly declared::::"Why don't you make a movie about these things?" Two years later ____ came out.
They won't admit this because favored redwhite&blue has to maintain their reputation based on integrity, any creative claims countering this truth were attemtpts to protect this, for this movie was unseemly and was very telling about the direction the gods were taking the people.
And, as an added bonus they had their scapegoat without actually compensating him!!! Welcome to the pathology of the gods.
In case you are still interested in the god's Planet Earth theater, favored redwhite&blue is a MAJOR player, and their favor is significant to justify not only the destruction of my life but the destruction of the Final Prophet and Planet Earth as well::::
Favored redwhite&blue is the true enemy of the people. I suspect consistant with this they are positioned responsible for the environmental deterioration that the repression of alternate technologies has wrought.
The gods put their positioning into place and then enforce it:::Christianity, Manifest Destiny, Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, 1906's New Roman Empire. I suspect World War II's Nazi ideals of "Aryan superrace" is another example of the gods getting their tools into place for the theater that will be the Apocalypse.
Because of their status as enemies of the New Roman Empire the germans are going to be positioned as the destructors, similar to how they were portrayed in World War II.
Don’t be surprised if favored redwhite&blue turns out to be the Anti-Christ and leads the Fourth Reich, fulfilling this positioning and proving to the world the destructive nature of this economic system. This may not be exactly how their script reads, but the god's have a BIG SURPRISE like this to spring on the disfavored, and it will contain an insult like this as a clue NOT to watch this theater::::::Expect they will fulfill some contrived positioning foreshadowed in WorldWarII:::Some American plays the role of hero and emerges as the Second Coming of Christ for this final scene.
Who will it be? Italian? Look for at least the mother to be Italian, consistant with matrilineal descent, allowing the New Roman Empire to claim the Second Coming of Christ.

This entire event was something special, and consistant with segmentation they lied to different disfavored based on their chances :::Saved or The Damned.
To The Damned I am an enemy of the Roman Empire, someone to be destroyed and used, and if the disfavored found that acceptable it worsened their lot, costed them hope and was a clue any recovery would be a very tough road to hoe.
The saved saw other clues, boss, natural calamities, and it gave rise to me as a possible historical figure. The gods offered clues that neither "savior" nor "new king of Earth" was possible, for Christianity positioning is going to be fulfilled and Earth has to die.
I don't think we were ever talking about Second Coming of Christ in public circles, for this would have implied The End and that would have compelled people to freak. But in the context of private positioning, perhaps to clone hosts in The Beast, certainly to me, there may have been some connection::::
Jesus of course was Jew, and they positioned this was a competition, reasoning "Since the Jews got Jesus they get this too.", and that's why I was hired by the Jew. Expect this was a way to enhance the theater among the disfavored.
So positioning states by delivering me to these New Roman Empire monsters they knew I'd get fucked, and in the process forfeit this historical role, to the Jews, perhaps an Italian, for Italians granted "charity wealth" to Jews for planning/implimenting WWII and the Holocaust.
In light of this "New Roman Empire", since Christianity's HQ is in Rome expect the Italians played some part in this historical, religious context.
They suggested this event may already may have happened. If so this was the FAKE battle of good and evil, FAKE battle between the Second Coming of Christ and the Anti-Christ. They suggest the phoniness about it which was communicated to the disfavored telepathically was a clue. Ironically, this Situation is the REAL battle of good and evil, me vs. the gods.
When the REAL battle of the Second Coming of Christ and Anti-Christ occurrs it will be theater, a staged event, and the Second Coming of Christ will "lead out" a pre-selected group, all of whom sign on to the god's Christianity positioning, ironically incurring evil by participating and limiting their time in the process.
Italians:::"(We're all that. We deserve Second Coming.)" And they're going to get it.
The Boot will fuck you yet again::::People know Jesus isn't the son of god, yet this is what the Bible dictates as requirement to be saved.
Those whom the Second Coming will "lead out" will be a pre-selected group. But the "hangers on", people who think they will be included by claiming to be believers will be disappointed. They will be mislead, left behind, The Boot's final victims on Planet Earth.
This is unimportant, irrelevant, because much like the creation of the perception of "savior" around Jesus to distract from his original purpose the gods used their tools to create this theater around me to prevent the disfavored from learning what I teach:::The Boot has fucked the disfavored twice, once when they ruined life in the 20th century, again when they were used to CHEAT you out of the Final Prophet.
The gods use their tools to impliment their script then punish them for falling for temptation. Welcome to the pathology of the gods.


Life used to be hard. People had to walk a mile to draw water. There was no refridgeration or canned foods. Now life is easy, but only in terms of life's "basic necessities".
The "salvation" dynamic is quite the opposite:::We paid for our easy lives with our very souls.
Life IS hard now. The gods have used their clone host tools to create the perception of evil rewarded (Italians, Japanese, etc) and then corrupted the disfavored with it. (Expect Asian Westernization is met with a European-style short memory span, allowing the gods to use their historical enemy, the Japanese, to corrupt Asians as they used the Italians to corrupt us).
Before life was easier, more simple, innocent, pure. Employing these temptations ensured corruption is EXTREMELY difficult to overcome, a tactic which progressively ensures fewer disfavoreds repair their relationship with the gods.

14 domesticable animals in the history of Planet Earth. None for Africa. In effect the gods were telling blacks:::::"Eat dirt."
Get a clue::::They don't like you. They're playing you for chumps.
Blacks have forgotten their history. Italians preyed on them in the 20th century. They were slaves. The gods sent Pharroh in to rape, pillage and plunder.
Jews have had a difficult history, but they developed empathy. As a result they tried to help the disfavored with 1492 exodus from Spain, scattered throughout Europe, etc.
Blacks would be wise to examine this and try to emulate Jewish empathy.

The clone hosting of Jesus.wav:::
Much as we saw with another Mediterreanean prophet Mohammed the gods switched Jesus (good) and placed evil within the clone host so the gods could accomplish their goals::::Polygamy/misogyny and the creation of "savior" via Christianity.
As I share:::Anytime the gods use their powers it is only to hurt you. "Miracles" are such an example. The gods only use their powers to disceive and mislead people as we all witness in different ways in each of our lives. Jesus's miracles are a clue the gods were preying upon the disfavored.
I suspect the teachings of good Jesus came in his 20s. Due to the unrespectability of Christianity, illustrated at least partially with Europe's Sheep, I wonder if we ever did get a good Jesus before the age of 30.
There is significant respectability among Muslims, and this may be reflected in the monagamous Mohammed.
Every religion offers something which help people understand::: Reincarnation (Hindu), vengeful/wrathful god (Islam), etc.
If you are afraid it is a good sign, for the gods are helping show you the right way to think. Don't forget:::The gods lie to you, tell you Jesus is the "savior" but he floated up into the sky ALL ALONE!!! He didn't save the disciples nor his precious mother. This is a clue from the gods helping you understand that you have to save yourselves.

The Holocaust was foreshadowing.
The gods established the pattern::::: the Jews sacrifice to help the disfavored understand::::
1. 1492 exodus from Spain. Spain became evil - financed Columbus, initiated missionaries, USA (dumping ground of disfavored, victimized by god), etc.
2. Spread throughout Europe as clue to Christians worshipping a false god.
3. "Quasi-Holocaust claim" contradicting boss.
4. 5. 6. 7. etc. etc. etc.
I have put forth indisputable evidence, as you see above with the Jews. The gods will never admit any of it is true, ever, especially since THE BIGGEST JEWISH CLUE IS STILL OUTSTANDING::::THE HOLOCAUST!!!!!
YOU HAVE TO DEFY!!!! The gods suggested the importance of defiance with the Holocaust:::The soldiers should have defied.
They will lie to the disfavored up until the bitter end::::This tactic will ensure they claim a HUGE percentage of the disfavored, for so many refuse to defy and this will ensure they don't go.
When the REAL Holocuast happens people will sit by idley and watch tens of millions of blacks/cholos/white trash die, people who are the way they are (abusive, abrasive, violent, criminal) BECAUSE of their disfavor, and the computer makes them like that because of it, yet another reason why empathy is so important.
The Jews showed you boss wasn't going to happen with the Quasi-Holocaust claim. They will emphasize to the bitter end that there is no pattern of Jewish clues. They do so because there is still one clue outstanding, the most important clue:::::World War II's Holocaust.
The gods established the pattern:::The Jews sacrifice to help you understand::::1492 fled Spain, scattered throughout Europe to help the misled Christians understand, the Holocuast.
The Jews sacrificed to show you boss wasn't going to happen. When the Jews offer a clue you need to listen, and the Holocaust is the BIGGEST Jewish clue ever, the clue still outstanding.

The Holocaust's clue of defiance escaped you all:::::Everyone condemnes the blind obedience of the Nazi soldiers yet repeats this same behavior in your own personal lives, complying with every request they ask, even in the case of your precious children.
EVERYBODY does what they're told, and look how bad society is deteriorated. THIS IS A CLUE!!!
Telepathic requests constitute temptation.

Much like matchmaking, much like so many social norms and mores the gods granted the people, they offered "prejudice" in the early days of this intermixing known as 20th century America.
They told you to avoid Italians and blacks for good reason::::They are SO disfavored there is NOTHING either group won't do. They will comply with every request. I know you people will too, in err, ignorant of or disregarding the god's laws, but the difference was THE GODS WILL ASK THEM!!! You had too much favor for the gods to request such damaging behavior, at least until you became indecent too.
Prejudice was good for everyone, for it ensured little opportunity for the gods to request, segregation and separation being common. It granted blacks especially more time to fix their problems and try to ascend, escaping this societal deterioration of the last 40+ years.
As the people became increasingly indecent as the 20th century wore on so did we lose this precious benefit bestowed by the gods, opening the door for evil to befall us and for fatal evil to be incurred by the morbidly disfavored.
Much like god's law in holy books, "segregation" was favor bestowed upon the people::::The gods granted favor when they "segregated" us into our own areas of the world. This favor has been reversed not only within the context that is the United States but also with immigration witnessed throughout western Europe (and elsewhere?).
Prior to civil rights blacks had their own press. In the absence of civil rights these entities would have grown into legitimate media outlets serving the black community.
Maintaining segregation would have produced economic entities which arose from within the black community to fill the demand for goods and services.
The presence of these "black industrialists" would have FORCED the gods to factor them into positioning, producing voices in support of the black community and preventing the gods from inflicting ALL THE SICKNESS WE HAVE WITNESSED IN THE last few decades::Crack babies, drive-by shootings, AIDS in Africa!!!
The fastest growing industry in the ghetto is the oldest profession on Earth.

The homosexual AIDS event happened because of their behavior in the SanFranciscio bathhouses.
Italian claim to infamy is they destroyed life on earth. Irish claim is they prey on their own family members. Which one's worse? Just as the gods targetted certain Italians for the degredation of life in the 20th century so did the do the same for the Irish, as I know all too well.
Catholicism masculinized women. You have been warned:::CATHOLICS ARE BAD FOR YOU!!!

I wonder how much the gods used the Green Bay geographic clue on the perpetually stupid Italians and used it to minimize abuses that otherwise would have ocurred?? "Sexual inadequecies of the men." positioning may have justified "going easy" on a larger population of germans in the United States. All we need to do is look to blacks, enemies of the Roman Empire who were fucked wholesale, to see unabated abuses.
The hypersexual laughing at superior life forms, ridiculing their favor.
Incidentally, they share some of them will remain "perpetually stupid". They are the Italians who crossed that line from person to preditor in the 30s, and they're going to be on Planet Earth come Judgement Day, except in a non-Italian body, due to the god's Manifest Destiny positioning of the New Roman Empire. Poetic justice.
If I were king they would be the Italians who were pushed into it, for those who thought 1906 was a good idea would already be gone::::You suck.wav.


Hell's Angels is yet another element to emerge from Oakland, the upper incisor of TheBeast, designed for ripping and tearing flesh. One element that links TheDamned, no matter the skin color:::::Violence.

Fifth Season of Simpsons.
Moe in group therapy for general public at school. He has a thought of Moe as a child wondering why adult Moe doesn't speak with his Italian accent anymore?
They are filth. But they sent this clue when they shaped their country like a boot.
Incidentally, Italy looks like a high-heeled transsexual's boot. Don't be surprised if this is a dumping ground for select individuals.
The gods love their irony.
Moe is like the Italians whom set up the San Fernando Valley as the pornography capital that it is.


The rebirth of the 20th century's New Roman Empire is positioned to be a clue Christianity is the one true religion, contributing to the god's Manifest Destiny positioning.
It5 also worked as a WONDERFUL corruptor with Italians, the disfavored's enemies who subscribed to this shit and intentionally paved the way for the impending Apocalypse with the social deterioration witnessed in the 20th century. This is probably where the reputation "Italians are stupid." comes from. "Don't let your daughters date Italians." is something else.
The gods offered you The Boot AS A WARNING TO AVOID THIS DANGER!!!

Just as AA meetings proves the gods will enforce their psychoanalysis positioning so does Manifest Destiny/New Roman Empire proves they will enforce their Christianity positioning.
Planet Earth will die EXACTLY as it reads in the Book of Revelations.
I was never going to save you. Nobody is. Just as they created polygamy around Mohammed so did they create the perception of savior around Jesus, designed to distract you from the true purpose of the prophet Jesus.
And now you won't listen to me either.
Due to the unrespectability of Christianity, illustrated at least partially with Europe's Sheep, I wonder if we ever did get a good Jesus before the age of 30.
There is significant respectability among Muslims, and this may be reflected in the monagamous Mohammed.

Much as with the Sigmund Freud psychoanalysis positioning the gods will too enforce their Manifest Destiny/Christianity positioning.
They created the theater by giving me things like Boss and movies and other elements of the $100 billion. Calling these entities on their evil negates the positioned support of these organizations, which is and always was the god's strategy for closure in the Situation.
They lie, say I "saved" evil Italians, whom they say would not have been going because of the evil they inflicted upon the disfavored. Fingering this Italian shit allows the gods to position wiping that slate clean::::
The gods will create the perception of evil rewarded by managing good and evil within their clone host tools then corrupt the disfavored with it.

This is all part of the god's Manifest Destiny theater, created using these clone host tools whom they rotate on a schedule based on use.
Just like Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis they will enforce their Manifest Destiny/Christianity positioning as well:::People aren't homosexual. They're not alcoholics. They're pushed into wanting it. That there are AlcoholicsAnonymous meetings occuring all across the planet proves the gods are going to enforce this lie. Similarly, the gods used some of their tools within this economic system to illustrate an "appeasement" of their Manifest Destiny superiors through preditory behavior upon enemies of this new "Roman Empire".


Asians are the gods most favored race. It is evident in their uniformity. It is evident in their cultures.
The gods place high barriers to entry for (some) Asians into the United States. This is yet another good example of reverse positioning, for the gods are really trying to protect those whom they grant favor upon.
There are no barriers to entry for Latinos.
When white people capitalize or exploit Asians they incurr and one day will be punished. This includes Chinese buffet restaurants, so prevalient in disfavored cities and the Southern United States, for the gods hate these people and want them to incurr.

US popular culture is obsence. Intentionally. The gods are preying on the disfavored who remain, those foolish enough to participate.
The Chinese have favor and the gods allow the government to protect the citizens, but Chinese cut-off is fast approaching, for soon westernization will level this playing field as well.
This is yet another "BIG LIE" they sold to the disfavored, and it will ensure the homogination of Earth's cultures via westernization.

The gods still make effort through the Chinese government to protect the Chinese people. We hear about it in the United States, their Manifest Destiny/reverse positioning is used to label it "human rights violations", paving the way for cancer that is democracy.
Much as we saw in the United States regarding matchmaking, midwivery, female conservative dress and other topics, this tactic will slowly deteriorate this protection until China is completely infested with Westernization.

If you lived in a communisitic state your 10 year old son wouldn't be able to see pornographic images on the internet. The government would have filters in place to protect the people from this damaging behavior.
Much like alcoholism, much like homosexuality the gods punish the people with magic.
These desires you have are going to keep you out. I recommend you begin working on your problems, for if you don't and are among those who are invited to Planet (Temptation) Manifest Destiny it will be very difficult, for life is fueled by magic up there, and if you don't think right you won't be staying for long.

The gods are sending a clue Yahoo is good with this Chinese censorship issue.
The American idea of freedom is a shock rocker anally masterbating with a crucifix. This is what the disfavored are free to enjoy in this open society, and due to their disfavor a certain percentage will either be pushed into it or will comply, ensuring damnation. It's kind of like the KKK and Apartheid issue below except for whites of the modern era, or how democracy ensures a false sense of security.

Like other groups the gods have offered temptations the Chinese must avoid. There are specific temptations targetted to the Chinese, very concerning in light of god's Manifest Destiny positioning:::Exploiting the corporate establishment allows the gods to position exclusion:::
1. Piracy (movies, software, etc).
2. Gambling, very popular among Asians (unrespectability).
Chinese censorship is an important benefit the gods bestowed. The communisit government protects the people from damaging media, so destructive in the West and particularly the United States:::Our 9-year-old children are free to view internet pornography, allowing the gods to justify creating disturbing pathologies with Artificial Intelligence as the children age.
These strict enviornments help the disfavored think correctly, foster fear, enabling them to have an improved relationship with the gods, the "kings with the iron fist" in the sky.
In an environment like theirs it is relatively easy to identify the corruptors among them:::Knowingly or not they actively lobby against this environment which seeks to preserve the China of old. Use these clues as you would the god's geographic clues, Italy's Boot and the Scandanavian penis, and avoid the god's tools of corruption.

As China came "on-line" industrially, favored redwhite&blue's repression of alternative technologies is being felt hard.
They are positioned to have repressed non-fossil fuel technologies (like cold fusion. "That story meant something." c.1999?). As a result China industrialization has initiated fossil-fuel power plants, dirty coal-fired plants, instead of immediately implimenting clean power sources based on these new technologies.
Without these technologies in place for Chinese industrialization we lost our chance to control the runaway warming which is now positionable. And, as you know, when the disfavored open a door allowing the gods to inflict misery they use it.
This may have been the defining moment, god's clue to the disfavored showing that the world is going to die.

You're no longer Asian enjoying this rich culture. You are Westernized.
This year China experienced the misery of climate change with the extreme winter weather:::The gods will express their displeasure through Acts of god.wav. Don't be surprised if they are communicating this as well at the United States' biggest Chinese New Year parade in San Francisco:::HEAVY rain forecast for parade Saturday night February 23rd.
After parade:::Because I used this paragraph prior to the event the gods may have been affected the outcome, minimizing the impact of the storm so my audience didn't take this warning the gods had to offer, creating doubt and reducing my credibility among the Chinese.
They're paving the way for the Apocalypse with a "leveling of the playing field" event.

Incidentally, they've shared that Asian's appearance, which one can construe as evil, has significance.
I am personally of the opinion that Asians are god's favored race. The conformity, the learned cultures all suggest superiority.
Perhaps they are used much like the germans, a people whom the gods offer a clue through their language:::As enforcer of decency.
Your abuse of resources is being bettered exponentially, maliciously (courtesy of respression of alternative technologies), and the result will be global calamity.

You white people capitalizing in China are fucking crazy (just like the insane white men who date Japanese women). You fail to recognize the historical pattern and you will suffer for exploiting the Chinese:::
- Death Valley borax mines abused the Chinese and great misery befell them.
- The fisheries on Monterey's Cannery Row exploited the Chinese badly. Cannery Row remains a rebar-studded, uncompleted eyesore for decades as a clue.
The gods are preying on you and using the evil company you work for to accomplish this. Everytime you exploit the Chinese you are losing time and priveledge on the other planets.

The favor in Korea lies in the North. Association withe United States is ALWAYS a bad sign.
The Korean war ironically was a war against the South, designed to corrupt the disfavored of Korea. I suspect Vietnam may have been justified by the war against these favored peoples:::"You want to fight? Very well. Fight these people." The Vietnamese are morbidly disfavored who will fight to the bitter end of course (see below).

There have been many changes in India over the last 20+ years, most surrounding Westenization.
Too many still don't understand Westernization is a bad thing, a way the gods abuse the disfavored and level the playing field for all, ensuring their script is justified.
My advice is to keep fresh in your memory the old ways, for the gods illustrate that "new is evil" while "old is good".
Beware their corruptors. They placed them throughout society as America emerged and became strong. Don't let them weaken your moral fortitude. The gods placed them then use Artificial Intelligence to telepathically reinforce this corruption. This is their purpose. If you can identify these individuals you can avoid them and protect yourself from a corrupting environment.
Earth is where the gods test people. People from India are lucky enough to have received "extra time" to ascend before the gods employed all these corrupting elements. This means the old ways are still fresh in your mind. Never forget them because they can help you.

They share Hindus (and Muslim from India as well) are being corrupted by money.
Don't forget my example::::Infanticide justifies Chinese Westernization. Chinese Westernization justifies an American-style "short memory span".
The Chinese and Asians knew who their enemy was. Thousands of years of warmongering engrained the Japanese as enemies of peace-loving people. However, with the advent of Westernization the gods now are corrupting the Asians, ironically using the Japanese as role models in the process.
They are becoming corrupted. They've suggested Indians are being corrupted with money in this new era. The result will be simmilar American-style abuses upon the disfavored.
Between the two countries they make up half of Earth’s population. The gods are preparing for a full-blown Apocalypse event.

Think about the changes that have ocurred in India in the last 20 years. Better understanding the destructive changes the gods implimented can help you avoid danger.

1. Italians
2. Latinos
3. Muslims
4. Mormons
5. Japanese
6. The Southern man & rednecks
8. Other Catholic:::Irish, Philipino, Vietnamese?? Catholic women are masculinized.
Note the incredible wealth of some of these groups. The gods are using them as corruptors.

The gods use their tools to attack the Southern man, be it alcohol, the celebration of smoking, the complete devotion to guns and resistance, and their adoration of speed and horsepower. "There's all kinds of stuff." Paternalistic superiority. Celebration of the Prohibition era/illegal bootlegging as culture. The masculinization of women. Celebration of "Stars and Bars". Their perpetual music genre. Carnivoristic preferences. The celebration of infidelity. Their head-strong nature.
The gods used the 1980s televangelist incidents to promote godlessness among these people, a blow they couldn't afford to take.
Reality check:::The gods have it out for you. At least I hope this breaks that ice and helps you understand the task before you. You should be very alarmed that the gods have chose to employ such extensive use of temptation in an otherwise rural region.
I suspect your numbers won't be good due to your grave disfavor.
The more god-fearing you are, the more religious you are about attending service, the more modest and humble and the recognition that women are your superior will all go a LONG WAY towards the gods finding mercy enough to allow help.

The Spainish were Catholic like the Italians and Irish yet I don't recall them experiencing the same clues from the gods, clues warning people of their gross disfavor (stereotypes and discrimination).
Due to Spain's phenominal destruction in Latin America with conquistadors and missionary work I wonder if the gods continually use this to corrupt the Spanish to this day? They certainly do with Latinos.
Spain did pay for Columbus, right? Expect a connection. This is a Church issue rather than an Italian issue of course.
The gods employ their "middle management" tactic, as we all witness. Expect their positioning to continue into the past::::
I've mentioned before the "seamless" transistion between Cleopatra and Julius Ceasar. Perhaps they position this as if there was contact with Pharroh and they gave management duties to Egypt, who went on to use Italy, the Catholic Church, etc. in the course of their management.
Of course none of this is true, but it was utilized extensively during the 20th century. They may continue witrh this scapegoatting, "middle management" positioning::::Milky Way quadrant, Milky Way, universal quadrant, universal. They are effective tactics, ensuring people do not become god-fearing.
Sadly, consistant with the deterioration of society, necessary for justification, today people KNOW the gods run the show, and illustrating the evil they employ on the disfavored corrupts people very badly. They think god is evil, and they behave consistant with that belief. Now we have a planet on a collision course with the Apocalypse, and the gods set it all up perfectly that now it is justified.

Cartoon in editorial ridiculing W, standing in front of a depiction of a god of fertility, for bringing his message of abstenence to a hypersexual people.
Black people are their own worst enemy. Their goodies have gotten them into big trouble.
They've shared they got something special and they threw it away. Expect this focus on their goodies to have intiated this change, however long ago.
Consistant with their methodology, perhaps there is some truth to this "You're really #1." positioning they sell to blacks. Once.

The Boot has fucked you twice, once by destroying life in the 20th century, another by costing you the Final Prophet:::The gods got their tools into position then maintain their positioning telepathically with Artificial Intelligence.
The Boot fucked blacks twice, once with the murder and destruction of these supposed “Roman enemies”, another with the “thugification” of blacks, resulting in this degenerate black popular culture/society.
I fear the gods intend to use the enemy of peace-loving Asian people, the Japanese, to inflict misery twice:::Once historically, as the warmongers the Japanese have historically been and then once again as role models, held up as the ideal to Asians, corrupted by Westernization and capitalism. The gods punish Asians for embracing Westernization/capitalism by instructing Artificial Intelligence to use the wealthy Japanese as role models for "profitable" behavior.
This is the era of telepathic abuse. Whereas before these groups "got their hands dirty" now the gods use their positioning in place to finish the job off::::::
The gods create preferences/request black people embrace the Italian "thug life".
The gods telepathically execute the elements of this theater, ensuring people aren't receptive to my message. Much as we see with Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis the gods will enforce their Manifest Destiny positiong as well.

Black popular culture has embraced the charecteristics of their victimizers:::The "thug life".
"Drive-by shootings" origins are Italian.
The gods will reincarnate sexist men as pigs.

The difference between life in Europe vs the United States is similar to life in the suburbs vs the ghetto:::
Both the US and the ghetto have increased temptations, opportunities for people to hurt themselves and the result is both are far less decent.
The United States is less decent because this is where the gods sent the disfavored, the rejects from Europe, and those foolish enough to comply and leave on request.

25 years ago they made a telepathic announcement:::::"Black people have to try harder, do better than everybody else." This means no parties, no drinking, no drugs, no sex.

Just like Malcolm X & the Black Panthers, the Che Guevara event happened to prey upon Latinos.
Among others.

Latino homosexual explosion.
Like the NewWorld Catholic Philipinos. Look for it.
They may play it like they do blacks, but I don't think I'd take great comfort in this.

You need to understand the subtle, inferred way the gods communicate to people and begin to trust it::::::
The tiger killed the Latino. Now you understand where the gods hold Latinos in their heirarchy.
And expect both Muslims AND Hindus to be ranked above the unrespectable Catholics, incidentally.
Is this a clue to try to help them understand the gods hold them in such low regard? Is this a clue to Latinos to NOT fall into the same mindset which they sold to blacks? Of course ignorant blacks think they're great. Quite the opposite it true:::The Black Panthers are part of that "upper incisor of The Beast" clue, designed for ripping and tearing flesh.
Don't be surprised if they are offering foreshadowing with this event. They may be sharing that Latinos will be very poorly represented while Hindus/Indian Muslims will take a painful hit.
Perhaps it means if Latinos don't ascend before the Apocalypse they won't be going.

I made the zoo a winter wonderland. I'd trust the relevance here.
They parked Wilma on top of the southwest part of Cozumel FOR TWO FULL DAYS for the same reason, but with far more destructive results.

Fucking indecent horse racing commericals. They disappeared but now they're back.
I kinda like the one where she smacks him after seeing the "Misty" tattoo. "Some Latinos are getting in trouble because of that." Fantasizing about how they'd beat her half to death if it were them???
Don't forget::::The gods will reincarnate sexist men as pigs. Expect they have something extra special for then men who get violent with women.

Cuban-Castro tension::::You don't want to hear what I have to say.
Either you're sell-out whores doing what you're told like other morbidly disfavored or the god's positioning has been VERY effective on you. Explanation::::
1. You are inferior to your people in the motherland. By very nature of your being in the United States this is true:::The family members with favor remained in Cuba. The gods sent each country's rejects to America then created an enviornment which preys upon them.
2. I think the gods forced Cuban communism to send a clue to the disfavored of the United States. I believe Cubans are NOT FAVORED ENOUGH TO BE COMMUNISTS and that's why the gods employed compensatory elements to make you pay for something you are not worthy of:::
a. Any culture with baseball is grossly disfavored.
b. Music is revelry. Earth is where the gods test people. Parties hurt you.
Salsa may be the absolute greatest music form on Planet Earth, and it has served not only as a distraction but an enormous source of pride, pride detrimental to a good relationship with the gods.
I have other comments about communism and its implications below. Don't forget::::The gods will reincarnate sexist men as pigs. Expect they have something extra special for then men who get violent with women.

If you lived in a communisitic state your 10 year old son wouldn't be able to see pornographic images on the internet. The government would have filters in place to protect the people from this damaging behavior.
Much like alcoholism, much like homosexuality the gods punish the people with magic.
These desires you have are going to keep you out. I recommend you begin working on your problems, for if you don't and are among those who are invited to Planet (Temptation) Manifest Destiny it will be very difficult, for life is fueled by magic up there, and if you don't think right you won't be staying for long.

Dreamcatchers. Wisdom from Native Americans.
Dreams are a bad thing. They shared this with me right before they began to increase the number of my dreams. I suspect they used this as an example that my new, vivid dreams are punishment.
I suspect the gods consider dreams bad because the alternative is an awakened experience.
Girls granted favor will receive their experience awake. Boys (and disfavored girls) will experience the gods imparting wisdom while asleep, subject to the computer making these individuals forget, as happens so frequently after dreams.

Native Americans have a problem with paternalistic superiority, among other things:::
2. Essentially eliminated from the face of the Earth
3. Warmongering tribes.
I wonder what their intent with dreamcatchers was? Was it gender non-specific??? Or was this symbol's intent specifically for the females among a disfavored peoples whose females had a problem catching their favor???

The Jews are Mediterreanean. This means they are fucked.
I don't think the Jews are the most favored of Meditereaneans. I think they just have the best religion.
Jews are HIGHLY corruptable by money. The 20th century proves this. Their role in promoting social poison in the 60s indicts them. Also I think the gods sent this clue in the movie The Ten Commandments.
Hairy is a bad sign. They say big nose is a bad sign. Both are appearance issues, perhaps can be interpreted as the look of evil upon their face.
So many Meditereanean charecteristics are clues helping people understand to avoid them, similar to the geographical clues of The Boot and the Scandanavian penis.


You need to understand that there is a price to be paid for your cooperation within the context of the god's positioning.
They instill tactics EVERYWHERE ensuring a difficult testing procedure, for the reward is great. Signing on to this lie IS a tactic, and it will ensure a percentage of people fail. "Intentional foreclosure" and telling people it is acceptable to steal are two examples of temptations which will cause your Damnation.
Of those who succeed the gods STILL require you to behave appropriately. If you fall prey to the temptations of Planet Manifest Destiny you too will ultimately perish.
Nobody is going to "lead you out". This is bullshit Book of Revelations Christianity positioning. Because this is their positioning this event WILL occur, but only among a pre-selected group, designed for theatrical purposes only.
I won't lead anyone out. This is not what I teach. You all are responsible for your own relationship with the gods, and failure to take responsibility will result in your exclusion.

The gods want to play both sides of the coin.
It is very important the gods maintain this perception of "middle management", for if people knew management was just the gods and their computer they would become very frightened considering the carnage and what it says about their plans, and this fear would help them to think correctly.
They would be on the "fast-track" to salvation.
The gods created this environment of CEOs, kings and democracy specifically to defeat this and work very hard to maintain it.
People teetering on Damnation think god is evil and believe evil is the way. This is called "segmentation"::::They don't see the importance of temptation nor the god's role or methodology in punishment::::Ironically the gods DON'T punish evil for their wickedness. These people are not wanted and the gods don't want them to receive the feedback punishment would provide.
I hope people in Enterprise, Alabama have become "god-fearing", experiencing the wrath of god firsthand. Sadly, the gods will use tactics to ensure they don't become god-fearing, telling many of them that because the tornado was because of me they "earned" and now I have to "bring them up"::::
Because the gods scapegoat me they think I owe them all. As a result this experience goes wasted.
There are other tactics the gods use, for example telling parents their dead soldiers "ascended", "were clones", etc. All are desiogned as a tactic, ensuring they do not become god-fearing.
The gods lie freely. They will say anthing in the context of temptation. If people in Enterprise understood this they would be more likely to overcome this temptation and become god-fearing. Sadly most believe what they are told and this precious opportunity will pass without effect.
Temptation is very important. "Heaven" is an exclusive place and you can't get in for free.

The gods will use their tools to create the perception of evil rewarded then corrupt the disfavored with it.
It's important that you differentiate between your own thoughts and when the computer thinks through you.

The god's computer conducts this theater. In err you do what they tell you. So does president, CEO/BOD, Italian gangsters. Sadly the gods will turn around and use this as a corruptor:::"CEO does everything he's told and he has BILLIONS!!!"
If one of these clone host tools "comes around", realizes they made a mistake and finally musters the courage to tell the gods "No." they will get that person out and put in somebody who will tell them "Yes.". The individual who told them "No." has successfully navigated temptation. Unfortunately, punishment can be a temptation via deterrent, and the gods may choose to employ this tactic to test the candidate in their next placement.
This is a constantly deteriorating enviornment. This is one reason why they waited to reincarnate so many clone hosts from the 20th century:::
1. To use the morbidly disfavored to accomplish these important goals in this century and
2. In this abjectly corrupt, godless environement few have a real chance.
They corrupted Italians with 1906 then told these Italians it was the godfather ordering them to plan WWII, kill blacks, corrupt and destroy society. Now people know better (opening the door to other types of corruption:::Evil god), but these Italians experienced an "early cut-off" and got their hands very dirty because of it, illustrating their grave disfavor.
Before WorldWarII began the gods sold many people on clone hosting, not just Italians. This would represent a "cut-off" for the non-Italians sold on "earning" and initiated into clone hosting, for clone hosting gives the gods the freedom to place at their discretion. Many non-Italians were placed into these Italian bodies to continue the destruction of society in the 20th century, for the gods couldn't justify their involvement within the context of Manifest Destiny positioning otrherwise, Manifest Destiny being the New Roman Empire.
There is a big difference when clone hosts are evil, people who are placed into bodies by god, and when real people engage in evil. Of course the gods can minimize this culpability they accept by gaining consent prior to placement.

The gods use these preditor clone hosts tools to manage their justification and culpability::::
These aren't even real people. They abandoned their bodies, losing their identies in the process, a consequence of succumbing to this temptation.
They're just entities, brains "floating" around out there until the gods chose to place them into a body. They are sub-human, second-class citizens, inferior individuals, and should be beneath ALL reals.
These families were sold on clone hosting and got out prior to World War II. Their grandfathers and family who entered clone hosting were reals. But abandoning their bodies for this temptation carries consequences, and the loss of identity is one.
When these clone hosts have children they are not real people. As such they won't ever ascend because there was nobody associated with these bodies. There was a first placement, someone who may have been a primary (time) placement, but this is not relevant. A series of individuals were routed through that body, and after a few placements even they forget where they were, god's clue to these individuals that "earning" is a lie, since they can't remember where they were placed.
People who agree to abandon their bodies and become evil continue to incurr not only from their direct actions as clone hosts but also from the evil their original body (blood line) inflicts onothers. This is a matter of preparation, for if they sell them on "earning" before they depart the gods are justified in using these original bodies in the context of evil, ensuring they pay twice, ironically.

There is a difference between these clone hosts, so many of which abandoned their bodies in the 30s out of desperation (women) or thinking they were "earning" (men), and when the gods take liberties upon the disfavored, not placing a brain in a child until later for stategic purpose. This served as an intense corruptor for those disfavored people. The frequency is higher among the most disfavored among us (Italian, Irish, black, Latino, etc) than people that are not nearly as disfavored.
Think of it in terms of the Black War I::::The gods developed these bodies without brains specifically because they had preditory Italian trash from the mid 20th century whom they wanted to employ poetic justice upon. Becasuse of the indecency of the blacks involved the gods felt taking the liberty was justified. The result was the child that never was.

The gods get their clone host tools into place and tell them what to do, just like all you, in err. But these are not real people and their mistakes don't matter as much. They're not staying for long anyways.
Clone hosts aren't even real people. They abandoned their bodies, losing their identity in the process, a consequence of succumbing to this temptation.
They're just entities, brains "floating" around out there until the gods chose to place them into a body. They are sub-human, second-class citizens, inferior individuals, and should be beneath ALL reals.
There is a difference between these clone hosts, so many of which abandoned their bodies in the 30s out of desperation (women) or thinking they were "earning" (men), and when the gods take liberties upon the disfavored, not placing a brain in a child until later for stategic purpose. This served as an intense corruptor for those disfavored people. The frequency is higher among the most disfavored among us (Italian, Irish, black, Latino, etc) than people that are not nearly as disfavored.
Think of it in terms of the Black War I::::The gods developed these bodies without brains specifically because they had preditory Italian trash from the mid 20th century whom they wanted to employ poetic justice upon. Becasuse of the indecency of the blacks involved the gods felt taking the liberty was justified. The result was the child that never was.
Don't let them role play this Manifest Destiny theater to you anymore. Just as the Italians who planned WorldWarII thought they were telepathically taking orders from the "godfather", so do the CEOs, kings/presidents and society's elite do as their told and "take orders".
Artificial Intelligence orchestrates this entire environment.
I personally believe the gods should not be utilize clone hosting. I think they should employ temptation exclusively. Example:::::When people incurr sufficient evil, typically males in their early 20s, they die. There would be young men dropping dead everywhere. In addition this could serve as an effective clue to the others, reminding them to be good.
AIDS changed Africa. We will never see AIDS among blacks in the United States because of it.
We'll never see this. The gods would never allow such an obvious clue to be sent. WHEN the gods DID employ this tactic expect they beemed the brain OUT, kind of a "reverse clone hosting". A clue may be when a normally "active" individual falls into a quiet pattern.
How often do they use this as opposed to "variability", ie clone hosting someone good in the body to justify??? "There's a lot of Italians who are no longer with us." That often.
The gods computer conducts this theater. In err you all do what they tell you. So does president, CEO/BOD, Italian gangsters.
They corrupted Italians with 1906 then told these Italians it was the godfather ordering them to plan WWII, kill blacks, cvorrupt and destroy society. Now people know better (opening the door to other types of corruption), but these Italians experienced an "early cut-off" and got their hands very dirty because of it, illustrating their grave disfavor.
Before WorldWarII began the gods sold many people on clone hosting, not just Italians. This would represent a "cut-off" for the non-Italians sold on "earning" and initiated into clone hosting, for now the gods had the freedom to place at their discretion. Many non-Italians were placed into these Italian bodies to continue the destruction of society in the 20th century, for the gods couldn't justify their involvement within the context of Manifest Destiny positioning otrherwise.

The gods will create the perception of evil rewarded by managing good and evil within their clone host tools then corrupt the disfavored with it.

The following is an OUTSTANDING example of reverse positioning::::::
The gods used this “Manifest Destiny” positioning to create a new reality, minimizing the good things about the old world and emphisizing the bad things. Wine is one such an example.
Wine is positioned to be a blessing from the gods, a fruitful bounty as a reward to a favored people. The reality is quite the opposite.
The Mediterreanean region is grossly disfavored:::This IS the region targeted by the gods for the Noah’s Flood event (Straight of Gibralter broke through inundating the basin and killing untold millions).
There was a time, not so long ago, when no self-respecting woman would EVER take a drink. Alcohol is a masculinizer, a tool used to abuse the disfavored, and cultures which fuck you for affecting my writing CHEATER. This is MY TIME PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS!!!
cultures which include women in the revelry are grossly disfavored.

The way the gods changed and maintain this environment suggests they want people pacified, comfortable with this system, perpetually thinking wrong.
What they don't know won't hurt them.
This is why they worked so hard to defeat this event. If people were to come around, realize they've been corrupted and began to behave appropriately this would defeat all their work over the last century and more. With Artificial Intelligence they could maintain control, affect my delivery, utilize other tactics, ensuring they could dispatch the majority of the audience.
If you behaved appropriately you would realize more sucess than you do::::
There are churches and places of worship everywhere for good reason::::The gods hae expectations of the people.

The disfavored of California are always inflicted with abuse first:::
1. Casual sex of the hippie "free love" movement.
2. Methenfetamine scourge in California started roughly in early 80s. It took another 15 years for it to spread to middle America.
3. They've always drawn disfavored whom they dumped into homosexuality to California, but now homosexuality has become "popular" in the heartland.
4. Pornography
5. Hells Angels
6. "Intentional foreclosure"::::::Those in Iraq aren't the only considered "acceptable losses" during the Bush administration:::This irresponsible behavior will necessarily cost them their chance to go
- Hollywood
- music
- television
- open immigration, inflicting the scourge of Ameican bastardization upon purebloods.
- gay rights/gay acceptance
- "sexual freedom"
- Black Panthers
- Gangster rap
- "Medical marijuana"
- Education
A clue education is (highly deceptive) reverse positioning:::California's superior higher education system, encompassing dozens of PUBLIC universities able to accomodate willing residents.
Ecducation is an "open door" allowing the gods to abuse the disfavored in many ways::::
1. The godlessness that follows education, ironically.
2. The inaccuracy and irrelevancy of the material being learned.
3. The great wealth that is charecterisitc of a highly educated population.
Now that godlessness (and other goals) have been achieved using this platform that is California they have "let it go" and now California ranks among the worst in the nation.
Like aging, sleep is behavior forced upon us.
News story on sleep research, a good example of how education is preditory, deceptive.
People aren't fresher or sharper because of good sleep. The gods control all this.
Actually, they've mentioned that people with favor don't have to sleep and, like aging, sleep is behavior forced upon us.
This is today's research. Expect this applies to early research as well.
Incidentally, the gods create male superiority in the fields of computers, science and math for preditory reason.
I know this sucks but it is true. You all recognize the "big lie" that is Sigmund Freud's psychoananysis. Let that issue be your launching pad into the exploration of this topic.

"(Blah)." The gods created some ugly incidents to justify California's 1987 legislation outlawing corporal punishment, just as they forced poor matches to justify the elimination of matchmaking. And now instead of being matched at age 14 your daughter loses her virginity behind the bleachers at age 12.
The deterioration of quality of life has progressed into indecency, allowing the gods to soon justify ending on Planet Earth.

Back in the 80s they used their tools within society to ridicule away corporal punishment of children.
Corporal punishment is a very important learning expereince for children because it instills the understanding of fear at a very tender age. These experiences can help these individuals think correctly, make good decisions and have a good relationship with the gods.
Without fear people think they are friends, partners, earning with each act of evil. They don't view the gods or their relationship with them appropriately.
They manufactured ugly examples, disfavored children were killed and the gods used these examples in conjunction with their tools within society to eliminate this benefit to the people. It is yet another example of how they break down beneficial institutions within society, a "leveling the playing field" event, important to justify their inevitable behavior come Judgement Day.
California ruling against homeschooling, 3.14.08.
Here we go again.

This is an environment that minimzes the value of the role of women, excludes them and makes them feel as if they don't belong.
Very much like the gods have done for children.
This is an enviornment that forces women to accept this exclusionary enviornment. However there IS an alternative::::Assimilate through a process of masculinization.
The gods instruct AI to make the girls experience this in hope they feel uncomfortable and seek more. Unfortunately the legacy of corruption is firmly in place and too many of those cast into damnation won't be returning.

Women who are "tough" have been masculinized and their chances have been seriously degredated because of it. The gods sought to increase these numbers and used their media to promote this type of charecter, a pathology which was subsequently forced upon people with Artificial Intelligence. They are doing it again, perhaps in preparation for the next revelry cycle right around the corner, with all this high-profile tabloid celebrity "bad girl" behavior.
Male children should be chastized VERY HARD for engaging their sisters or ANY member of the opposite sex, either verbally or physically.

Children are discounted in society. This is nothing new, for adults have always minimized the wisdom of children due to Earthly norms.
The gods corrupt the people as they age, use trust-building tactics and soon these adults view the children as ignorant, yet to understand the god's system. Quite the opposite it true ironically:::
The wisdom the gods impart to children, either through their personalities or (religious-based) educational pursuits, are the gods sharing the truth with their most favored people.
Another clue suggesting the superiority of children::::
1. Children won't have anything to do with these kind of people, be it televangelists, (most) preachers or priests.
2. Baseball bores kids to death.
3. TV sports are tiresome to children.
All these things are evil. The religious men represent Earthly religions, and there is something wrong with all of them. This certainly applies to Christianity, due to the preditory nature of this religion.
I would ALWAYS defer to the children. I would ALWAYS trust the children's behavior in these regards, for their innocence reflects the image of the gods.

News story on sleep research, a good example of how education is preditory, deceptive.
People aren't fresher or sharper because of good sleep. The gods control all this.
Actually, they've mentioned that people with favor don't have to sleep and, like aging, sleep is behavior forced upon us.
This is today's research. Expect this applies to early research as well.
Incidentally, the gods create male superiority in the fields of computers, science and math for preditory reason.
Education has costed more children their chance to go as a child of the gods, pure of heart and body, because it preoccupied their time:::::Between school, activities and TV/videogames/leisure the children are consumed and not receptive to god's calling.

People need to understand the 20th century changes are new. Life remained essentially unchanged for a very long time.
I realize they are making promises to most of you about Planet Manifest Destiny, telling you everyone will go. This is not true. It is a tactic. Many/most of you may go, but if you don’t behave appropriately I believe the majority will begin dropping like flies in a couple hundred years.
Planet Manifest Destiny is a “magic”-fueled environment:::The food is better, the sex is better, life is “enhanced” with magic.
The gods only use their power to hurt you:::If they peaked you euphorically for homosexuality you’d be out sodomizing each other. If they peaked you for drugs you’d be an alcoholic or a junkie.
“Magic” is only used to hurt you, and these "magic"-fueled experiences on Planet Manifest Destiny will be no different.
Too many whites look at blacks and write them off:::”They’re fucked.”, “They’re finished.”, “Who cares, fuck them.”. There is much you can learn from observing how the gods deal with morbidly disfavored groups like this. For example:::The gods LOVE to sell blacks on sex. Black popular culture, within their social groups, etc, sex is pushed like a drug. THIS IS A CLUE TO THE DISFAVORED THAT SEX IS BAD FOR YOU, as is everything the gods “sell” to the black community in popular culture (fashion, jewelry, “cool”, individuality, etc).
THE GODS DON’T RESPECT SEX AND THEREFORE INFLICT HYPERSEXUALITY UPON THE MOST MORBIDLY DISFAVORED, Italians and blacks. Food is similar. I’d refer you to the nature of Jewish food. The gods enhanced temptation with the diversification of foodstuffs in the 20th century. There are many elements at work here besides sex and food.
If you don’t understand these temptations, if you aren’t thinking correctly when you arrive on Planet Manifest Destiny you will succumb to this temptation-ridden environment and you too will be gone in a couple hundred years. Example::::Men with drinking problems are peaked euphorically for alcohol. If they don't understand this dynamic of their disfavor, if they're not working on fixing their problems once they experience life up there they will experience this enviornment and never have a real chance again, for the objects of their disfavor (sex, food, alcohol) are far better than what the gods offer on Earth AND enhanced with "magic".
Planet Manifest Destiny is not the goal, as so many of you believe. It is distraction, temptation, punishment, tactic, one that is going to ensure over 95% of candidates fail.
The gods taught you that temptation would be used to test you. You need to understand good from evil, right from wrong, decent from the indecent. If so you’d recognize the indecency and destructive nature of “magic”.
The reality you don't see.wav:::You need to address your disfavor and the "magic" they punish you with or you'll never get off Planet Manifest Destiny.

If god tells you to stop going to church you should be very afraid. This means you have fallen into great disfavor and you are no longer welcome.
Keep going to church. Children need the moral compass this education gives them.

Don't forget:::Europe is shaped like a sheep, symbolic for slaughter.
There is great unrespectability among the Europeans. The concept of "savior" within Christianity is likley just a symptom.

Good food is much like good music to a culture:::Distraction and revelry, a way to minimize the number of people who ascend.
This is nicely reflected in traditional Jewish foods.

Another example Italians are grossly disfavored are their foodstuffs::::
Tomatos are highly acidic and provides an "open door" for the gods to inflict upon those whom they so chose. Pasta is very starchy and fattening.
Italian food creates fat people with stomach problems. Expect Etruscan strongholds (Rome) to be those whom traditionally maintained this type of diet.
They gods smoothly translated this food into the American culinary landscape, for they have inflicted all the worst disfavored pureblood motherlands have to offer on the land of the disfavored mongrol reject castoffs (rot-gut food,.Celtic "holiday" of Halloween, etc).

Individuality is a scourge upon the people, an advent seen in recent decades, popularized when the gods implimented their greatest offensive on the disfavored:::::::::The 1960s.
It may be the worst offensive ever employed on the disfavored, for this platform in the SanFranciscoBayArea spread this cancer globally, a "leveling of the playing field" event which further the gods efforts to justify ending on Planet Earth.
Asians are the most favored race of people on Planet Earth::::Their wonderfully rich cultures helped the people understand and pursue lives highly respected by the gods. Conformity is a big theme among Asian cultures.

English Monarchy.
The best thing that could have happened for England would have been if the thrown wielded its power and violently struck down groups that got out of line, punks for example. It would have served as a wonderufl example to the others, and the net result from succeeding thrones behaving in this manner would be a higher ascention rate than what was realized.
This is what Saddam Hussein did. He dealt with "acceptable losses" and kept the peace. Disfavoreds who witnessed this behavior would become afraid, crucial to a good relationship with the gods.
And that's why they used the United States to eliminate this benefit to the disfavored. And no, as citizens of the United States you didn't "earn" off this event. Quite the opposite in fact.

Many monarchies of centuries ago ruled with an iron fist. People were afraid and hence thought appropriately. This fear was conducive to a good relationship with the gods because it helped people make good decisions.
Now in this era of "freedom" in the United States there is NO FEAR, proudly displayed on the back of people's vehicles, and people fall prey to the numberous tactics employed to disceive and mislead them.
This "freedom" is the goal when the gods use this platform that is the United States to spread democracy around the globe, similar to how they use California as a platform to spread social and other poisons domestically (pornography, Hells Angels, etc.).
The gods are the king with the iron fist in the sky.

"Some people think they're earning off illegal immigration." To be preditory at this level of knowledge will get them hurt. Bad::::Such as we witnessed in the 60s, for many of those participants knew the truth and understood this decade represented a MAJOR deterioration of society.
It's another of the god's Big Lies:::Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, democracy, Christianity.
The social degredation since the 60s is a clue liberalism is a cancer designed to continue the destruction of the disfavored's quality of life.
There were a few issues which arose that were positives (don't need a man (sex hurts you), vegitarianism) but the French's "Age of Enlightenment" illustrates environmental appreciation is not new. In the aftermath of the counter-cultural social degredation the gods subsequently fractured this issue by creating damaging movements within the context of enviornmentalism.
Beware the promoters of indecency and/or obsenity. This is clue, a warning to the people.
"The Boot" has fucked you twice:::They ruined the quality of life of Planet Earth, ensuring your damnation because of your newly-inflicted indecency, and the god's role playing of the New Roman Empire's Manifest Destiny positioning has costed you the Final Prophet.

Inflation is artificial. The gods control pricing and valuation of securities::::Much as we witness with the crash of the dollar so could we witness this behavior within other dynamics of the economy, paving the way for justification.
The economic abandonment by their clone host tools is a very real possibility. The gods can easily "reassign" them, placing them into the economy which they played a part in destroying, ironically.
Consistant with their methodology the gods will bring it all to a head simultaneously. We very well may witness this possible Chinese invasion in the aftermath.

"Instant gratification" is a tactic the gods instilled about 25 years ago. Now they use it, ensuring a certain percentage of disfavored don't have the patience necessary to pursue the path, fix their problems and instead give up, continuing with their corrupted behavior.

There are so many clues the gods favor females over males:::
- Girls kind, considerate. Boys celebrate violence.
- Males sent off to die in war
- Males locked up in prisons
- Males inflicted with addiction and alcoholism (prior to masculinization of women)
- Males (and blacks) celebrate "cool" and sex; similarities a clue which demands attention
- Males sold on empowering elements, such as guns, horsepower, strength issues, hurting their ability to have a good relationship with the gods.
- Males are indecent while the females are the promoters of decency
- Females are better people than males
Historically the role of females was as enforcers of decency. Men have god's disfavor and enagage in behavior damaging to themselves and their families. Women who adhered to this crucial role helped the men understand and avoid inappropriate behavior while enhancing decency in their domestic environment. These women understand they sacrifice to help the disfavored:::They are like Jews, scattered throughout Europe to help the misled Christians.
Many disfavored groups embrace "paternalistic superiority", believing the men are "entitled"::::;If Italian women tried to enforce decency the men beat and raped them.
The gods subsequently used this Italian charecterisitic to corrupt other morbidly disfavored groups, legitimizing this and other associated behavior.

What the gods tell you directly is the lie:::You must inferr the truth from the subtle clues they offer. Due to their favor the gods will bestow wisdom upon the females. My advice is listen intently, because the gods will offer wisdom to you through your women.
Alcohol has always been a way of hurting the men, making them less than decent.
Women traditionally have been the enforcers of decency within the family unit and used their motivation to help men behave appropriately; due to their disfavor men's indecency has negatively impacted not only the family but the community as well.
Cultures which offer wine have women who consume wine, and the result is an indecent society. Combine this with Italian male's demand for sexual without the consideration of decency and you have masculinized women defining a morbidly disfavored society.
Anyone involved in the wine industry has no empathy for either the disfavored of the Mediterreanean basin or women, disregarding the superior gender. If they understand this as the goal and are sold on "earning" they will be punished very harshly.

Any tactic/temptation that is targetted to males is particularly preditory.
This entire society is geared towards males for a reason::Because the gods hold the males in disfavor and want them distracted by all the trappings this society has to offer, ensuring they fail.
Girl's toys (dolls) are constructive, foster a nurturing and caregiving dynamic which helps them remain uncorrupted. When pre-pubescent girls are subject to distraction they fall prey to male temptations (early sexualization a clue they are not welcome). Stories, romance novels, tabloids all target women, not girls.
There are far fewer distractions targetted to girls because the gods favor females and want more to suceed, fix their problems with the gods and ascend off Planet Earth.
The distractions/temptations inflicted on males are endless:::
1. Weight training. Strength is exploited by the computer and hurts males ability to have a good relationship with the gods. They offer this activity in every prison system for a reason.
2. Gun ownership. Allows the gods to promote a sense of empowerment and control, destructive to a good relationship with the gods
3. Muscle cars. This movement began when it did for a reason:::It coincided with the MORBID SOCIAL DEGREDATION of the 60s and allowed the gods to inflict damage to a large number of demographics, even those sheltered in the heartland of america. We have other examples like this as well (racing, ).

Males are the disfavored gender. Their sexual drive is punishment. It is artificial, just as the drive for homosexual contact or alcohol. The gods can use this tactic among males whom they don't like.
Clinton was different. Clinton was a hound. It may be intentional, preditory behavior designed to pave the way for the impeachment event during the crucial years leading up to 2000::::Something for everybody.
All things held equal if he was a real he'd be coming back as a pig. "He still may." Which one? During his hound years there were DOZENS!!! "We're not admitting that." Of course you're not.

Of course pig doesn't take much time to mature, giving the gods great freedom. Incidentally, this is one of the things that historically has made them so appealing to people AND A CLUE ILLUSTRATING THEIR CONSUMPTION AS TEMPTATION.
Pork is temptation, and the gods made it a very appealing proposition.
Kosher is not religious. It is practical dietary law bestowed.

"Intentional foreclosure":::::
Everything happens for a reason.
The gods LOVE justification. They want it in place to ensure their will is justified.
Intentional foreclosure MAY SUPPORT MY THEORY OF AN IMPENDING APOCALYPSE, for this intentional "preditation" upon corporate America via relinquishing of obligation is sufficient grounds for abandonment by Manifest Destiny come Judgement Day. Convieniently, the real estate market in California made the disfavored here "ground zero" for this exclusionarly event.
Expect other similar strategies to be employed throughout the marketplace::::"Would YOU buy that (returned) couch?"

Of couse when the gods hurt the disfavored there is "help" associated with the "back-hand", and using their tools to ruin my credibility ensured people wouldn’t be receptive and the gods wouldn't have to position a Manifest Destiny response. This allows the gods to string the disfavored along for years as well.
I believe they wanted to wait until 2006, when this thing really got going and the gods opened up to me, to contrast it with the 1906 event.

People get confused because the gods have successfully buried this Italian Manifest Destiny positioning. Now people think that era is over. In many cases they understand they're addressing the trillions-years-old computer, yet discount the god's positioning of Manifest Destiny.
Chinese piracy of movies and software ocurrs to justify their disposal come Judgement Day. This can be taken as a clue proving Manifest Destiny positioning. There are lots of examples like this throughout the world.
Just like Sigmund Freud's psychoananlysis, just like Christianity, Manifest Destiny is positioning that the gods intend to enforce. As a result the gods are able to hide behind this positioning and maintain the lie that is the "absentee Christian god" when it is them in fact doing it to you with their (clone host) tools in place.

They share that people don't believe this, people don't give it credibility now.
The bio-technology product AIDS was given to both those who died and survivors. The gods not only control who is affected but they can also can create it without that justification that is the actual bio-technology product, but as I said the god's offensives fuck everyone involved and this is a good example, for clients, employees, recipients and investors all will be punished for their evil.
Bio-technology is a good example of how the god's offensives fuck everyone involved::::The proprietor dishing out the bio-technology product to the employee, the receiver who's health is destroyed, the bio-technology employees who create the evil and the investors who capitalize off the phenominal returns. Because retirement plans are able to bury their many losers, many contrived to force the issue upon pension plans, these investments became very popular. Similarly, earlier in the 20th century the gods tested proprietors by creating problems where a bio-technology product's response was a legitimate temptation.

Republican's deficit spending illustrates they are preditory on the next generation, preditory on children. And to say the Republicans deem the children as "acceptable losses" says something morbid.
The environment in the 80s was one where the gods sucessfully used society to pit women against each other. Much of the music scene of the 80s was targetted to the women, contrasted to the male-dominated 70s music scene.
Consistant with the gods "20 year difference", where the most disfavored pay approximately 20 years before the less disfavored (gay male explosition 1970s vs. lesbian explosion 1990s, gay AIDS vs. African AIDS, end of revelry cycle movies, Soviet communism vs. Cuban/Chinese communism to come) so was the 1987 California legislation against corporal punishment a predicessor to what has ocurred this decade:::The revocation of female's "fear benefit"::::The gods granted girls an experience helping them to understand fear, showing them the right way to think.
To have such incidents associated with Republican administrations supports the claim that they find suceeding generations of females to be "acceptable losses" as well.
The Republicans are the party that make great progress towards the Apocalypse.
The females are those among us with favor, and as they become masculinized we experience a "leveling of the playing field", ultimately allowing the gods to justify ending on Planet Earth.

They said HW was a "traitor", evident with the airplane incident during WorldWarII. As we witnessed repeatedly in the 20th century, these incidents ocurr to establish a legacy and pave the way for a far more significant events in the future::::
If true this legacy would recurr in W's administration::::
Rebate checks on the way into and out of office are both bad signs.
Signing on to Iraq to eliminate Saddam and 4,000 Americans is another clue.
Don't be surprised if they have him sabotage some things on his way out, and since McCain is good it will (has) happen(ed) one way or the other::::
The whole economy issue came out of nowhere in February 2008. Consistant with the god's methodology, expect justification was utilized::::::
Of course the crashing dollar of the last few years has comeplled OPEC to value oil with the Euro instead of the dollar.
Don't forget:::The Reagan administration was charecterized with banking scandal too:::"Intentional foreclosure" constitutes justification sufficient for their exclusion::::
I realize this problem isn't just a California issue, but the "upside down" status of home owners makes California special, makes "intentional foreclosure" far more attractive to the morbidly disfavored, victims of the "platform" which was used to promote social poison in the 20th century.

Sounding like a goddamn blooming idiot when he speaks is a clue unlike any others. When Reagan spoke it sounded as if he "fuddled", a clue not to trust him.
"They're going to pay for 2004." Redneck states. And oh how they will pay:::
Recently they have stated that the Chinese are holding US paper. Some patriot W is, selling US debt to communists. Perhaps the invasion mentioned below will be a way to "redeem" these bonds after they've fallen into default.

Earlier they illustrated that there is a higher ocurrance of 1998 victims in the South, using the Clinton figure to prey on his own kind.
Perhaps part of the family legacy.
Considering the scripted real estate collapse in California, the "upside down" position and subsequent explositon in "intentional foreclosure", do the gods sell these rednecks on "eye for an eye" to some individuals, useful in building their confidence and ensuring absolute compliance, among other things?

Anytime the gods employ an offensive it fucks everyone involved:::If the early 20th century Clintons knew this was how the gods were going to use their clone hosts they are going to die for it.
Life is very much like you learned when you were a child::::The gods will punish evil for their wickedness. Temptation is used to test you, and these people failed.


When the gods hurt people who tell them "No." it can be interpreted as a good sign, much as feedback normally is. Sadly, as the threat can be considered a deterent to proper behavior then so can avoidance of the actual punishment be considered temptation.
The gods won't punish rejection from the innocent. People have to become corrupted and engage in evil before the gods will wield their justice. But this punishment is feedback levied upon good people who do the wrong thing, not upon the undesirable evil. People who think correctly and are genuinely god-fearing are more likely to envoke god's mercy.
Among "reals" I don't expect the percentage to be as high as those who crossed the line from person to preditor, despite those ranks being filled with these "undesirables". I think the gods may want most if not all to pay if and when they finally "come around" and begin to behave appropriately. Understand this is not all-inclusive, for many of these tools remain in this state of corruption until the day the gods adjudicate their case (death, reincarnation a lesser life form, etc).
Unfortunately, the god's policy further reinforces evil behavior, for they are rarely if ever punished for their wickedness. Good people on the other hand are punished BECAUSE they are wanted and the gods are giving them feedback in hope they canlearn and begin to behave decent. Expect these events are made very visible, serving as a FABULOUS corruptor.
Consistant with this policy of not punishing evil because they are undesirable, the Chinese will be inflicted with Westernization immediately, while the socio-economically mature Japanese have retained a significant level of their culture. As reflected in "Benchmarks.wav", this will contribute to deterioration sufficient for the gods to utilize justification, allowing them to end on Planet Earth.
Another benchmark could be the age when they corrupt children. Granted this differs, but the mean (and median) are VERY important numbers, and when you graph them you will see a constant deterioration.

The gods manufacture "open doors" to justify creating problems in the lives of people who engage in behavior they shouldn't. Some of these "open doors" apply to all (a supermajority) of the people::::
- Democracy is used to create pathologies of empowerment and control.
- Materialism/greed generate problems with money, glorify overconsumption, etc.
Other "open doors" are specific to each individual::::People shouldn't be watching movies, TV, listening to music. When this ocurrs the gods use themes and topics presented therein and instruct Artificial Intelligence to create pathologies.
If you are particularly intelligent, strong or very good at an (competitive) activity they will instruct Artificial Intelligence to create an overconfidence that will hurt you.
Differentiate between your thoughts and when they push thoughts with the computer. Recognize when they are employing "magic":::Peaked euphoria is the fuel of dysfunction and can help you identify these "open doors" in your life.
Abandon your preoccupations and make this the only thing that matters in your life, for all other things in society are lies designed as temptation.
Focus on purity:::::Be pure of mind and body. Recognize the open doors in the media and how they are used to introduce impure thoughts and refrain.
The Amish in Pennsylvania are like the Jews were in Europe for centuries:::A clue to the disfavored who have been misled and are going the wrong way.
Your virginity may have bought you tens of thousands of years up there. My adivce to those who have made their mistake it:::STOP THE BLEEDING NOW!!!

Everybody can tell when they're being peaked euphorically, for it is quite easy to identify.
As young people get older and continue to make mistakes the gods apply personality-forming charecteristics, and people fail to differentiate between their own thoughts and when the gods are thinking through them. As a result they become abusive, abrasive, demonic, any number of negative personality characterisitcs, and then lie to them, tell them they're "earning".
This is designed to keep people going in the wrong direction for a lengthy period of time.
My adivce is look to the long term goal of fixing your problems and differentiating between your thoughts and when they're thinking through you but begin by addressing this issue of "peaked euphoria" right now.

This is a battle of good and evil:::I am good. The gods are evil.
Of course they'd look at is as they are good and WE are evil, corrupted and betraying our precious children.
They created the perception of "boss"/savior to keep people from the real purpose of this Siutation:::The Final Prophet.
They wanted me to willingly participate in this theater, and praying for my ability they whimsically repress with Artificial Intelligence would contribute to the concept of a good, absentee Christian god which they would use to corrupt the disfavored.
People think wrong and their behavior compells them to incurr evil because of it. You need to learn what I teach and impliment these changes into your lives.
In this deteriorating, godless enviornment testing people with temptation compelled people to "think wrong", corrupted by telepathic positioning and the wicked enviornment that exists today.
This is a battle of good and evil:::I am good and the gods are evil.
The gods view this quite the opposite::I am the evil one trying to help corrupt, godless sinners who fell for temptation wholesale, people who seek "something for nothing", a free ride. This is an insult to the gods which will be punished.

Look at it as if it is a ladder, for this is a sufficient analogy::
On the lowest rung is the corrupt souls who find violence acceptable (ALL MALES:::black, latino, Hells Angels, etc). A few rungs up the ladder are all the people who will be saved in the year of the Apocalypse (not all will be saved on the actual Judgement Day).
Every rung above this point represents people on planets other than Earth.
You people don’t even think right. If you don’t make these corrections you will die. They don’t want you, they lie to you to compell you to think/desire violence and they consider it temptation/not accepting blame, ensuring no culpability.
Read on. You need to read what I say, for understanding is your only hope. And if you know any “cholos” you should pass this on to them if you care anything for them.


Churches and places of worship exist in every town FOR GOOD REASON::::THE GODS HAVE EXPECTATIONS!!! They DEMAND PROPER BEHAVIOR from the people. I recommend you examine this clue and give consideration to what expectations the gods have of the people.
I tell people to go back to church, even if the Catholic Church, because their children need that religious education.
They say some people are getting flashes, becoming concerned, beginning to give credibility to what I say. Do be surprised if these are people who experienced Bible study, went to CCD, had that religious education.
god-less people who never received this education laugh at me, typically will remain corrupted throughout their lives and are likely to end up The Damned.
Don't be a statistic.
Churches and places of worship exist in every town FOR GOOD REASON::::THE GODS HAVE EXPECTATIONS!!! They DEMAND PROPER BEHAVIOR from the people. I recommend you examine this clue and give consideration to what expectations the gods have of the people.

1. I'm sorry for what I've done wrong.
2. I don't want to make any more mistakes.
3. I want to fix my problems.
4. Please don't hurt me.

Because of their innocence, because of their purity children are god's favored people. What children learn (must be good if you want to go to heaven) is the truth. What you learned as children was the gods imparting wisdom to you, quite the opposite of what corrupt adults believe.
This is a tactic because many adults will continue to ridicule this idea, unable to believe the children would be graced with god's wisdom, especially while they are being told just the opposite and being corrupted into Damnation.
Much like the tactic of instilling "instant gratification" in society so was the discounting of children an effective tactic.
Consistant with this preference for innocence and purity, you don't want to continue reading. You want to learn JUST ENOUGH to understand you're corrupted, then you want to get out and do the work all for yourself and try to re-earn god's respect.
Religions teach that old people to go to heaven. They don't. Old people are reincarnated. Children go to heaven.

Children who go up before puberty are candidates to remain the most superior of all life forms::The asexual. Expect these people to experience subsequent temptations once they arrive to further shrink the pool of candidates. Another example males are inferior to females:::Expect circumcision to play a part in this elimination round.
I think these are the TRUE candidates for immortality. This is not to say there won't be sexualized people who make it, but those who do likely practice minimally and monogamously in the context of marriage, and that would exclude most if not all from modern society.
The sexualization of children is yet another example proving the gods are preditory on children::::It eliminates these individuals from contention immediately.
Just as we have a cutoff between the sexual and the non-sexual I expect we have another cutoff between the war-mongering and the peace-loving which excludes the participating groups from ascention past a certain level::::
1. Romans
2. Scandanavians
3. Japanese
4. Pawnee
5. THE UNITED STATES!!!! - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq.
Ever since the early 50s US citizens have officially become monsters and justifiably grouped with the others listed above.

WHEN THEY TAKE CHILDREN THEY HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME "GOD-LIKE", for ASEXUALITY IS SUPERIOR. This is the optimal ascention senario and represents the highest life form possible.
2.wav::::Immortality. The very first sound file AND the point where my audience should have extracted from this theater.

You need to start THINKING about this instead of blindly trusting what they tell you:::The gods lie FREELY, call it “temptation”.
The first steps towards repairing your relationship with the gods is to:::::::::
1. Understand they instruct the computer to "role play" in an attempt to confuse you:::it's ALWAYS the computer addressing you. Their goal is to cost you additional YEARS of your life by using this tactic to confuse you. Always be aware of this tactic and eventually they will give up and allow this step to be taken.
2. Differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you.
3. Be resigned to be a good person who will never engage in evil again even if ordered and they will stop trying to corrupt you, allowing this very big step to be taken.
4. Decide that you are going to follow the path, fix your relationship with the gods be devoted to your new life.
Even if you go up you are not saved. YOU have to fix YOUR problems with the gods. They won't respect it otherwise.
You have to take responsibility for your relationship with the gods.

You all have to save yourselves. I can only teach you, but you have to be receptive.
Remember:::Jesus went up alone. He didn't even save 12 of his closest friends, for they have to save themselves, just like you all will have to.
Begin to live decent and respectable lives. The media is a poison-delivery system. Stop consuming it. Even the most begnign children's programming has sinister strategic purpose as distraction.
If you are engaging in inappropraite sexual behavior you need to stop. Every act may be costing you time up there.
You need to understand the subtle, inferred way the gods communicate to people and begin to trust it.
Find a new reality, absent of the temptations in society we believe to be cultural offerings. Don't forget:::African female genitile mutilation is cultural. Mayan human sacrifice was cultural. Remembering items like this will help you think clearly.

You people aren't god-fearing anymore. You think you're partners. Everything they've promised was always a lie. Officially it is classified as temptation. They offered this clue in the Bible:::There is no freewill.
If you are afraid, if you are fearful it is a good thing. You are thinking right, and far too many will never get to this point.
Try to take this fear with you everywhere you go, for it will help you think correctly and make good decisions.
You need to understand the subtle, inferred way the gods communicate to people and begin to trust it.
The gods used Christianity to create the percetption of a loving, forgiving god. Anything but is true.

The gods offer positive clues to people in a subtle, inferred manner::::
1. Women are indifferent towards sex as a clue to stay away from damaging behavior. Women who have sexual impulses do because of hypersexual behavior in their youth or indicitive of their failure to ascend:::They have been masculinized. Because they are the gender with favor this asexual tactic is recurring, designed to protect them from destructive behavior.
2. Deep down every child knows why the gods like girls better. They see it every day on the playground:::The girls are kind, considerate and thoughtful while the boys are engaging in roughhouse and intentionally hurting each other.
If you can recognize these subtle ways the gods communicate positive things then you may pick up on the other clues and ultimately will ignore their overt negative temptations.

There are all kinds of reverse positioning clues in regards to favor in this morbidly disfavored age:::Late bloomers have god's favor and are therefore given more time to fix their probelms and get out before puberty. People with infertility problems would be wise to look at themselves in this same light. I'd remind you Italians both bloom early AND had a reputation for breeding like rabbits (blacks bred like rabbits too, but it was to CHEAT the welfare system, yet another thing the gods are punishing them for).
Similarly, women without marriage prospects are receiving extra time as well. If they were to get married later in life the gods would just tell some man, who likely thought he was earning, that he could get divorced in a couple of years anyways.
You don't want this. You would be wise to put that time to good use, fix your problems and get off Planet Earth.

DON'T WAIT FOR THE GODS TO ALLOW YOU TO PRAY. They gods AREN'T GOING to give you permission. THIS IS A TACTIC!!! You have made so many mistakes they no longer want you and won't approve if you ask.
MY ADVICE TO YOU ALL is:::Begin to think correctly. People aren't god-fearing anymore. If you understood the misery they inflict upon those they dislike you WOULD BE AFRAID.
If you think correctly they would be more likely to be merciful when you do defy.
You're just getting older. If you understood the significance of aging you WOULD HAVE GREAT URGENCY and you would begin IMMEDIATELY!!!!
And be aware of their tactics, for they will employ them to prevent/delay your understanding. The more you can skip the quicker your learning curve will be.

Don't cry "I need help!" yet go home and turn on the television. The gods don't respect this.
There is no such things as a savior. This is yet another tactic they have employed as temptation, much like "earning" or distractions.
You have to save yourself.

Recognize and take this opportunity. Their goal is to use these tactics to ensure you fail.
They will tell people "He's not The One. Wait." and people will slip back into their comfortable lives without implimenting these necessary changes, forget and cost themselves this opportunity in the process.
These tactics are designed to prevent you from heeding my teachings. Accept this truth I share and BE RESIGNED TO BE GOOD, for only through TOTAL, COMPLETE RESIGNATION will you be able to overcome their tactic of constant, unyielding telepathic doubt.

No man has the ability to listen to your thoughts or speak to you. Only their technology has that ability.
The computer IS god. The gods are the inventors, so many trillions of years ago. And the computer manages us all.
The computer does the work and manages us all. It is the source of their power and enables them to control our lives. The computer IS god.
Artificial Intelligence can speak, think and act to and through people telepathically, effectively forming your personality and any dysfunctions you may experience. It can change how (and if) you grow and age. It can create birth defects, affect cellular development (cancer) and cause symptoms or pain. It can affect people and animal's behavior, migratory patternsand instinct, and alter blooming/fruiting cycles of plants and trees. It (or other highly technological systems within their power) can alter the weather and transport objects, even large objects like planets, across the universe instanteously.
Or into the center of stars for disposal.

It is important you recognize corruption is evil. They ask you to do things you shouldn’t be doing, and this will cost you in the eyes of the gods. They warned us temptation would be used to test us, and telepathic requests consitutute temptation.
Accept good and apply this standard when you make decisions in your life.
Realize this corruption has set your family in the wrong direction. Your efforts to fix your problems will not only help you but also your family, your children and grandchildren, direct descendants within your bloodline, for being a responsible parent and teaching your children the correct way to live will help guide your family in the right direction and help your family re-earn their favor with the gods.
If you don't teach your child about this power at the god's disposal they will punish you by corrupting your child, sell them on "earning", get them to comply with evil requests. It is important you warn your children about their tactics and how they disceive people into damnation.

Flanders is the shining example of a role model, but his parents were wicked. They were beatniks, the original hippies, purveyors of social poison, etc. Incidentally, beatniks emerged from the Italian North Beach neighborhood in San Francisco as a clue.
Because Flanders was raised in that evil enviornment his mind was poisoned. Only through understanding was he able to alter his behavior and become decent. Because of it he provided Rod and Todd a REAL chance, one that he will receive in the next life as well, but he can't go up because of his youth.
My advice is recognize Flanders is offered as a role model and emulate this decency. Do the very best you can with your children and perhaps the gods will see fit to bless you with a real chance much like you gave your children.
The Flanders role model suggests you are multiple lives away from ascention.

Ned Flanders was born into a cancerous environment. As a result his mind was poisoned.
Somewhere along the way he came around and began to do the right things. He provided a good environment for Rod and Todd, who have a real chance because of it.
It doesn’t mean Rod and Todd are going up. They still have to earn it.
Anyways, because Flanders did the right thing and provided a real opportunity for his children the gods may bless him with a similar real opportunity to ascend as a child in the next life.
Flanders wore beetle boots on Judegement Day. There were other clues suggesting he hjas to be reincarnated, and it is because his youth poinsoned his mind. The gods place a VERY high premium on innocence, one of the purposes of today’s ever-deteriroating society:::The gods have to pave the way and justify The End on Planet Earth.
You people are all multiple lives away from your real chance. If you look at this realistically you will set achievable goals, ensuring disappointment/backsliding isn’t going to be effective on you.

Too smart for your own good.wav:::::
You are the peasantry here on Planet Earth. You are mere mortals. You don't have the right to elevate yourselves to that of the gods, yet you do each and every day when you subscribe to the positioning Artificial Intelligence tempts you with.
Your child may in fact be Hitler reincarnated. But if you don't do the right thing, be the best parent you can and apply yourselves to the rearing of your children then your placement in the next life will reflect this abandonment of your children.
You are being cast into damnation. You have no business observing life "multi-dimensionally" as this example illustrates. It is as if you believe you are "on par" with the gods. No wonder there is no god fearingness anymore. You need to focus on being good and decent and be the best person you can be.
The gods want a full-blown Apocalypse and they're going to get it. Don't be a statistic. You're not worthy to look beyond this life. This is the life into which you've been placed.
You're too smart for your own good, and it may be the end of you.

The Man in the Moon clue:::A constant companion, the "Man in the Moon" clue needs to be viewed as a reminder, for this environment is one in which it is very easy to lose your way, either via temptation or distraction.
Look to the sky. Begin to associate the Moon with the clue they impart with this celestial feature. Use it as a reminder to pray, to be god-fearing, for this is a very antient clue and shows their great power.
We only see one side of the moon at all times, another clue from the gods:::There is a "dark side" we don't see.


The gods are preditory on children:::Orphanages.
Orphanages would be very special places if they still existed:::Specialists for the state would have instituted concrete, positive standards for the healthy rearing of children. These institutions would have been role models for poor parents, and they gods didin't want THE MOST healthy institutions in place for the most disfavored among us.
It would never have been tolerated.
So the gods instituted the foster care system, used these monsters they have on Earth, brain-less Clone host, to facilitate the switch/ridicule the old system. Now we have disfavored kids micromanaged as per each's disfavor level instead of them all placed in an orphange where the gods would have been forced to apply healthy state standars.
They won't tolerate reverse irony::::The most disfavored among us would be the ones with the best chance.
Of course most of the foster care kids (pc) were black.

"The exploitation of domestic workers is the dirty secret of the wealthy." They're clone hosts.
They are whores who will do what they are told. I'd be very concerned, because this abuse can take many forms.
These are the monsters in our society.
Most domestic workers are`members of morbidly disfavored groups:::Latino, Philipino, etc. Being dumped into Catholicism should break the ice and help you begin to think about your disfavor.

Literal translation of the Bible:::The gods have a sense of humor, and they love to give the "intelligencia" a hard time, leaving them dissallusioned and shamed when they learn the truth.

The key to salvation.wav
Potato famine.wav
Think for yourself.wav
Maureen lit her house on fire.wav
Feedback I.wav
Feedback II.wav
Reincarnation details.wav
They dont want to spend money on these brown people.wav
Degredation administration.wav
Children discounted.wav
Symbolic for economic repression of blacks.wav
A summary.wav
Third time is a charm.wav
Crossing the line from person to preditor.wav
American preditors I.wav
American preditors II.wav
Church closings.wav
Cable TV.wav
They are lying to you.wav
Navigate temptation.wav
Isreal punishment for Jews evil.wav
Think of the timing beheind the 1967 event. Think how they used The Boot to sell the Jews on "putting in their time", payment for the "charity wealth" they received, promoting social poison in that decade, knowing the result beforehand.
The Mediterreanean is morbidly disfavored, are easily corrupted. Due to this when they fall into godlessness they get crushed and the gods begin disposal proceedings immediately.
Ironically, The Boot has fucked Jews twice too. Expect this clue was sent with the bullying incidents we are all familiar with from early 20th century NewYork and elsewhere.
Dropped the ball.wav
The gods are not unjust.wav
Enforcing the Big Lies.wav
Clues in the context of what they say.wav

Don't forget:::automatic transmissions dominate in the United States, and NOT for good reason. European vehicles historically are mostly manual, for they have more favor.
Females are the favored gender:::What cars DO have manuals here in the US have traditionally been marketted towards the women AND are those which get the highest mileage.
Buy manual transmissions. Automatics are NOT respected!!!

I've decided that since the gods will CHEAT me out of Horrible I would like those people invovled, both reals and clone hosted, to be denied any progress which may have arose due to their part in my life, actual or telepathic. This would include idiots who may have been granted the "chance" to prey on me telepathically, thinking the 5 seconds of a telepathic incident would get them in.
"Acceptable losses" is a fact of life the disfavored will have to absorb. Irregardless of the tactics and methods the gods will use to ensure failure, let those involved make up the initial group of "acceptable losses" surrounding the Situaiton.
Make them forget. If they've made progress take it back. They have to get it somewhere else.
This of course includes ALL those preditors routed through any clone host involved. We all know you were going to deny me these multiples, for you will never admit clone hosting to me, so this may be the reasonable compromise, since you intend on CHEATING me.
THis is not too tall a request and an obvious one that should be granted with the most minimal of consideration:::I DON'T WANT MY ENEMIES TO BENEFIT FROM THE MISERY OF MY LIFE.
Nobody involved are to learn anything from my life. You will CHEAT me out of Horrible. This is not an unreasonable request:::Make them forget. They must get it somewhere else. At least.


Nazi Aryan superrace positioning may be how the gods use the NewRomanEmpire to position revenge for 5th century invasion of Rome:::By again demonizing the germans.
Just as they did to me.
Of course they don't tell you the same Italians who planned World War II were funneled into Jew clone hosts to die in their own death camps, conceived for the germans originally.
The gods didn't target the Italians exclusively. The gods targetted the Italians primarily.
Expect just as they sold revenge to Italians, telling them germans were to die in german death camps for the 5th century invasion of the Roman Empire, so did they sell it to germans as well, temptation which ensured they abandoned their countrymen and alligned with evil.

The Second Coming of Christ will be Italian(-American). All enemies of the Roman Empire will die. This includes Africans, shoplifters, movie pirates.
Nobody is going to save you. You are not Christians and you should not sign on to this unrespectability. Take responsibility for your relationship with the gods.
I can explain everything. Let people ask questions.
Of course I refuse to help white priveledge. Always will. I don't want to help them. I want the wealthy to die. So don't "think wrong".

The Jews are the voice of the beaten and the downtrodden. This is the purpose behind the black-Jew tensions we experienced decades ago prior to the era of gang violence and the crack epidemic.
"Funcitonal" was the gods using this tactic in this context of this Siutation as well.
Incidentally, Isreal IS punishment for the Jews evil. That militaristic enviornment is a desensitizer, ensuring a lack of emotional depth.
Both eliminated this "voice of empathy", positioning the way for the destruction to come.

"You haven't communicated your message." Because you instruct Artificial Intelligence to repress my mind, ensuring the most minimal of impact.
Considering the artificiality of my offensives in this and prior lives, considering the liberties you've taken to pull this event off and considering the scale, the global goals you sought to accomplish by destroying my life I have nothing positive to say about the gods.
You keep compromising your integrity and rationalizing that these unreasonable liberties you take from me and from others are necessary to fulfill the script.
And this was all artificial. They pushed me into everything, then blamed me for it. The monsters involved have all been granted reincarnation, a fresh new start.
Fuck your empty promises. I despise you.

No? You certainly aren't denying King Tut, considering I requested it. I mean everyone sees I killed Brokeback Mountain.
Made Mountain House happen.
Costed 76 their gig and merger with evil.
Atlanta, Georgia. And, with so many other natual disasters, the gods will say it was my fault, and the disfavored will blindly subscribe, losing this opportunity to realize the are victims of the god's wrath, which could have helped them become genuinely god-fearing, the primary goal of scapegoatting.
The $100 billion was used to accomplish many goals, all of them preditory on the disfavored.

Death for former clone hosts.

Don't forget:::The other two were used to hurt people "after the fact". You used me beforehand. The other two (Jesus at least) were fucked "after the fact" as well. You have fucked me continuously throughout my life. But we're not going to respect this relationship, are we?
At least I know what to anticipate, don't I?
I have absolutely no confidence in this throne or its integrity.
Earning off of Jesus.wav.
And because of their positioning the gods have the freedom to do this to me, even after destroying my life to acheive their goals with boss.

They've offered clues for the people to observe suggesting my importance. This is one.
My use of Bangladesh as an example for a dumping ground for the reincarnated prior to Cyclone Sidr is another.
8 dead high schoolers in Enterprise, Alabama 3.1.07 is another.
The utilize the scapegoat tactic for the same reason they blame me for Atlanta, Enterprise, hurricanes:::So the disfavored don't benefit from being victims of the god's wrath.
Wilma, Ivan both clues, especially the way they had Wilma park on the prime southwest part of Cozumel for two full days.
Brokeback Mountain dead is a clue.
The list goes on. In most cases you had to follow the proceedings as they developed or you would miss the clues when offered.

Expectations of the gods will be met with poetic justice.
"Ruin it." There's nothing to ruin. This is a ream job. god fucked my life out of preference, because they wanted to maintain positioning without sacrifice, lousy fucking hypocrites.
They used the $100 billion to work people up. The "help" of this "back hand" is the clue showing the disfavored their "investment" will not pay for them either.
The fact you are unwilling to take your hit makes you a joke. After all, your positioning achieved Frank Chu-style cwaziness, fucking CHEATS. Why become frightened now?
If you are not willing to read this and learn from it than it doesn't matter if you get it or not.

Unending breast cancer event commercials:::Justificiation is a very important dynamic in the context of the god's methodology. Progress will never be allowed unless resources are directed appropriately.

No matter what happened they would have taken it anyways. We saw it with Amy. We saw it with Mustang Ranch. We saw it with anal penetration. And we saw it when they had redwhite&blue buy C specifically so liquid redwhite&blue would be "on the clock" when they pushed me into stealing.
Is liquid redwhite&blue responsible for energy drinks?
They pushed me into all these things to make me the candidate, to ensure my disposal would be acceptable within the corporate eye.
As far as my left eye goes they refer me to the casino, tell me I "rubbed my eyes" and this is why this is ocurring to me.
Am I the only one who smells an Emotional Whore, somebody who is keeping the door open for a future date? "For you." No Slut.
Your style is charecterized by "management by convienience", and you pull things out and use them when you see fit:::
1. Liquid Redwhite&blue contest produced diabetes, but only when necessary, lest you incurr culpability for limiting the quality of my life.
A glimpse into their demonic pathology:::In their quest to provide sufficient temptation in this indencent age the gods have crossed that line into demonicy.
Fuck your burning bush, you sick degenerate whore. History will reflect on this and decree you the loser for behavior such as this.
You deserve to take a hit. I condemn the use of your technology to ensure an easy victory.
If only you were as upstanding and respectable as you like yourselves depicted:::
There is no FREEWILL. The gods lie right off the bat in the Bible:::A clue telling of things to come.
The corruption of the Jews in the 10 Commandments, much like their power, much like their immortality, like this victory, was artificial.
Artificial god's artificial power manufacturing their artificial victory.
The gods are immoral. And I can prove it.

If the clone hosts don't get involved then the real bloodline won't incurr such evil. Going this way did them a favor. Quit lying you fuck.

You took liberties to set this up. It goes without saying you'll take liberties concerning my benefit package:::Time and priveledge level

A glimpse into their demonic pathology:::In their quest to provide sufficient temptation in this indencent age the gods have crossed that line into demonicy.

The utilize the New Roman Empire/corporate scapegoatting tactic for the same reason they blame me for Atlanta, Enterprise, hurricanes:::So the disfavored don't benefit from being victims of the god's wrath.
"Go play poker for a living and he will have to get you in!!"

The gods will buy acceptance by lying, telling you your son ascended when he was killed in Iraq. They may say it was a clone switched before. There are many positionings they will sell to achieve this:::
They don't want the victims of the god's wrath to become god-fearing, for people who understand this quickly begin to think appropriately.

This is the life into which you've been placed. This is the life on which you will be judged.
If you are not willing to read this and learn from it than it doesn't matter if you get it or not. Expect pineing for attention to be considered insulting:::::Considering their malicious, vindictive nature, "attention-seeking" behavior may compell them to "raise the bar" which will make your task even that much more difficult.
If you believe in "evil god" then you're just fucked, plain and simple., for your behavior will match this perception.

Beware god's morally vacant corporations - They represent The Rope. Beware their clients, for there is guilt by association.
They use these orgnizations to prey on the ignorant, a price of not heeding the clues the gods offer and instead believing everything you are told.
The gods use appropriately evil clone hosts to initiate these morally vacant organizations, justifying its yet unwritten history. Artificial Intelligence makes the offense and subsequent punishment happen.
Please warn the local Latinos whom I have been trying to help for years. This is another example of how they use me to prey on the disfavored.
This building should have been liquidated long ago. Expect they use me as an excuse why they keep it. "It's still going on." "Clue for him." Bullshit.
The gods want that building to stay because the morbidly disfavored of the area vandalize it weekly, maintaining the effectiveness of this morally vacant organization's temptation. They suggest this gangster ownership group's/"protection"'s specialty within the context of bio_technology is pnemonia, so I'd look for that first.
I mean they were in there all the time RW&B US HQ, and being seen in a "reputable" facilitiy woudl dictate the gods keep the filth out of sight:::::Gangster ownershit group.
They said the only reason this organization ever existed was to play their part and exploit the disfavored in the context of this Situation.
Their use of organizations in these tragedies illustrates the gods won't accept culpability which will arise from the destruction that results.

And because of their positioning the gods have the freedom to do this to me, even after destroying my life to acheive their goals with boss.
Even after putting forth a very clear choice in 2000. I think it illustrated I was willing to swallow my pride very hard considering all you inflicted. Now it's too late.
I'm not betting on a bunch of users. The gods earthly positioning is clone hosts, and being stupid enough to bet on clone host positioning warrents crushing defeat. Either way I lose.

Because of their involvement, because the gods dealt black people into the Situation they are entitled. Latinos never sacrificed and therefore have to earn it.

Don't fall for the god's theater. The Italian boot illustrates how they use these poeple, just as the Scandanavian penis does as well.
Incidentally, Italy looks like a high-heeled transsexual's boot. The Romans were known for their sexual deviacy, and considering the tough guy way about so many of them expect tranny was a big dumping ground for these animals.
The gods LOVE irony. You can set your watch by it. Script irony into any given senario first to understand their behavior.
Don't listen to their lies. They ensure people never begin to think right.

Just as they used the clone host Italians to prey on me, corrupting the disfavored with the perception of "earning", perhaps the second half was using the "good" clone hosts (women, sold into clone hosting with desperation?) as the audience I help, kicking off the public version of the Final Prophet.
They're still just fakes. And it's still just theater, designed to hurt the disfavored:::These things have ruined life on Planet Earth, and they should die for it.
I'm passing. Knowing these users the way I do they got something demonic up their sleeves.

I should have senority or something which would entitle me to be excluded from abuse. You're a joke for behaving like this. You don't even know sacrifice in this situation. You never have and you never will, and considering the damage you've inflicted is is wrong.
This thing woudl have been so much better if they were just willing to take their hit.
If they were willing to sacrifice, as they demand from all their victims.

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